Chapter 490 Let him go (fourth more)
"What is that? Jiang Mo's golden body of King Wu?"

"It looks so strong, especially the two cyan flames on the top of the golden body, which give me a feeling of palpitation!"

"This golden body of the Martial King seems to have some kind of magical power, even my eyes are attracted to it!"

The four-foot-sized golden body of King Wu quietly floated behind Jiang Mo, with black silk threads drawn up and down the golden body, and the Bahuang Fentianyan occasionally jumped, releasing an astonishing temperature.

All situations are silently showing two words: powerful!

In contrast, the fist that lifted the sky behind Lei Hao looked a bit ordinary.

Above the towering pavilion, the two deputy palace masters couldn't help but glance at each other when they looked at the golden body of King Wu with a deep and gloomy light behind Jiang Mo.

Especially the black silk thread and the two cyan flame-like pupils made it impossible for the two of them to see through.

The Eight Desolation Burning Flame and the Devouring Martial Vessel are both powerful, mysterious and rare, let alone the two of them, even if the Lord of the Cangming Palace came in person, they might not be able to recognize them at a glance.

"Boy, fancy things are useless on the battlefield, and things that can kill people are the best!" Lei Hao chuckled.

Hearing this, Jiang Mo refused to budge, and said with a faint smile: "Fancy things may not be useless, maybe the speed at which they kill people will surprise you!"

The two said something to Maimang, and the short-term peace was broken by Lei Hao.

His right fist was raised high, and at the same time, the five-foot-high fist that lifted the sky behind him also shot up into the sky, as if it wanted to break through the sky and tear the sky apart!
At this moment, thunder was rolling, and dark clouds gathered, full of momentum.

Roads of purple lightning, like thunder snakes, shuttled back and forth among the dark clouds, against which Lei Hao was extremely ferocious and terrifying.

At a certain moment, Lei Hao's momentum suddenly reached its peak, he shouted violently, and the fist that lifted the sky slammed down behind him.

"Wrath of the Thunder King!"

The shout fell, and the fist of Qingtian carried this overbearing power and blasted the air, as if even half of the sky collapsed away, rumbling!
Facing this powerful blow, Jiang Mo's dark eyes suddenly lifted up, and as his handprints changed, the black golden body of the Martial King rose up behind him, meeting the falling down. The fist of the sky.

This big guy, who Jiang Mo called "the golden body of flames", slowly raised his arms, and a terrifying suction like a black hole suddenly exploded, like a vortex, directly facing the fist that held the sky .

The black vortex spun away, and with this movement, fine cracks appeared in the surrounding space, as if the space could not bear the powerful devouring force and collapsed inch by inch.

In a flash of that black vortex, it appeared on the fist that lifted the sky. The two attacks that were originally disproportionate broke out with diametrically opposite power at this moment.

There were waves of scalp-numbing sounds, and Lei Hao's fist that gathered all of Lei Hao's strength began to shatter under the tearing of this force!
At this scene, everyone's eyes were fixed!
Lei Hao was also terrified, he bit the tip of his tongue suddenly, spewed out a mouthful of blood, and with the power of blood essence pouring into it, the fist that started to shatter was quietly healed back.

There are streaks of blood entwined on it, and amidst the shining scarlet light, an invisible evil spirit permeates out.

Seeing this, Jiang Mo's mouth twitched, and the palms of the 'Flame Devouring Golden Body' moved slightly, and the force of devouring the vortex surged again, and frantically tore at the fist that held the sky.

When the forces of the two sides were at each other's throats, two blue brilliance like sharp arrows burst out from the pupils of the 'flaming golden body', and in a flash, they appeared on the fist that held the sky.

With a bang, the monstrous flames suddenly swept away, and the terrifying high temperature wrapped the fist that lifted the sky, and it began to calcine crazily, making a hissing sound.

This scene made Lei Hao's gaze dull. He stared blankly at his golden body of the Martial King. Under the calcination of the blue flame, bursts of mist began to emerge, which seemed to have a tendency to be melted.

"This guy actually wants to destroy my golden body of the Martial King!" Seeing the madness in Jiang Mo's eyes, even Lei Hao, who has always been known for being fierce and crazy, couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

If King Wu's golden body is destroyed, then his strength will fall to a very low level, maybe he will directly return to the level of Lord Wu. When he thought of this, Lei Hao actually cried out in misery.

"No, this guy must not be allowed to succeed!" Lei Hao roared, with a rare expression of shock on his face.

After his roar fell, he clenched his fists and planned to withdraw the fist that lifted the sky, not daring to continue fighting with Jiang Mo any longer. It is an unimaginably terrible thing!
The fist that lifted the sky began to vibrate violently. While twisting and turning, he wanted to withdraw, but was entangled tightly by the black vortex, unable to withdraw.

While the cyan flames were raging, Lei Hao's golden body of the Martial King was even more foggy, gradually becoming illusory.

At this moment, Lei Hao finally realized the horror of Jiang Mo, he put you in a dilemma, even if you want to evacuate, you can't do it.

"If this continues, my King Wu's golden body will be destroyed!" Scary thoughts kept flashing through Lei Hao's mind. If the King Wu's golden body was destroyed, it would be more terrifying than being thrown into the Nether Battlefield by a blood man.

In the end, Lei Hao directly begged Jiang Mo for mercy: "I won't fight with you anymore, please show your respect and let Lei go sometime!"

As soon as Lei Hao's words came out, there was an uproar immediately, and the surrounding onlookers were all shocked.

Lei Hao, who had always been ruthless and domineering, unexpectedly had a day when he begged for mercy, and even when he had played all his cards, he was beaten so badly that he lost his temper.

"Vice Palace Mistress Blood, it seems that this member of yours is no match for that little fellow Jiang Mo!" Bai Sha chuckled lightly.

Hearing this, Xue Rentu's face was also very embarrassed, he shook his eyebrows and said: "In the next month, I will throw that boy Lei Hao into the Nether Battlefield, so that he can hone his life!"

"Hehe, Vice Palace Master Blood is quite ruthless. Once you enter a place like Nether Battlefield, you will die!" Bai Sha said lightly.

While the two were discussing, Jiang Mo had already weakened the strength of the black vortex.

There is no life-and-death enmity between him and Lei Hao, it's just an ordinary exchange of ideas, there is no need to fight to the point of endless death.

Jiang Mo knew very well that even if he had the upper hand now, if he pushed Lei Hao into a desperate situation, the latter's counterattack would not be easy to bear.

It's better to be a favor and let him go.

(End of this chapter)

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