Chapter 620 Refinement Tower

To be able to become the deputy head of the law enforcement hall, no matter how strong the backing behind Cao Xiongjing is, he still has some strength.

After being blown away by Jiang Mo's punch, he put his hands on the ground like lightning, and the aura of the four-star Martial Emperor suddenly exploded.

"Boy, I seem to have underestimated you!" After wiping off the blood from the corner of his mouth, Cao Xiongjing took out a knife-shaped real weapon from the storage ring, poured Yuanli into it, and fought hard with Jiang Mo.

The two real weapons collided, blasting out a large swath of dazzling sparks, and Jiang Mo completely crushed Cao Xiongjing in terms of strength and speed.

After only ten breaths of fighting, Cao Xiongjing had a defensive loophole. After being caught by Jiang Mo, he slashed on his lower abdomen with a sword, and immediately blood shot out. The whole scene was extremely bloody.

Until this time, Cao Xiongjing finally showed a touch of fear in his eyes.

"Monster! You're lucky today, my hall master doesn't care about you any more, get out!" There were many people watching, Cao Xiongjing found a high-sounding excuse even if he was timid in his heart.

But the unstoppable blood in his lower abdomen told everyone how much he had suffered in Jiang Mo's hands.

"Get out?" After hearing this word, a look of astonishment flashed across Jiang Mo's face. There must be something wrong with Cao Xiongjing's mind, right?

The next moment, Jiang Mo's mouth curled into a half-smile, and he said indifferently, "It's fine to get lost, but before that, I have to borrow something from you?"

"What?" Cao Xiongjing asked subconsciously.

"Your head."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Mo's figure flew out like lightning, and a series of afterimages appeared behind him, the speed was extremely fast.

"how is this possible!"

Before Cao Xiongjing could make a sound of fear, Jiang Mo grabbed his throat.

"Tell me the overall strength of Tianming Pavilion, and I will consider giving you a treat." Jiang Mo's dark eyes flashed coldly.

"I... I'm the deputy head of the Law Enforcement Hall, let me go quickly, or you won't be able to bear the anger of Tianming Pavilion..." After being held by Jiang Mo's throat, Cao Xiongjing's face turned red, and he almost hesitated to say I can't speak.

"It is precisely because you are the deputy head of the law enforcement hall that you can live until now. However, when my patience is almost exhausted, if you haven't said it, the identity of the deputy head will not be able to keep you..." Jiang Mo curled his lips, this scene fell into Cao Xiongjing's eyes, making him despair.

"I was born as a member of Tianming Pavilion, and died as a ghost of Tianming Pavilion. How could I be afraid of your coercion and temptation..."

Cao Xiongjing finally got angry, but before he finished speaking, Jiang Mo crushed his throat without hesitation.

"Since you are so loyal, then you should be a ghost!"

Jiang Mo took off Cao Xiongjing's storage ring, and then Cao Xiongjing's body collapsed like a puddle of mud.

The spectators outside the restaurant were shocked. Tianming Pavilion is now in full swing, and there are still people who dare to kill the deputy head of the Law Enforcement Hall in the street. It is really unbelievable.

After killing Cao Xiongjing, Jiang Mo didn't stay any longer, because he knew that the next person who would come forward must be the top of Tianming Pavilion.

The people who are coming will not be weaker than Cao Xiongjing, even if the strong Wuzong will not be dispatched, it is still possible for the seven-star martial emperor or even the eight-star martial emperor.

"Go to the Tianwu Qi Refining Tower to avoid the limelight."

After finding the right direction, Jiang Mo walked forward quickly.

The Tianwu Qi Refining Pagoda is controlled by the Tianwu Bank, and there are many strong people at the level of Wu Zong in it. Even the Tianming Pavilion dare not find fault with it.

After all, the Tianwu Bank behind the Qi Refining Tower is a well-known force in the entire continent, comparable to the Wuji Temple.

"Hi sir, may I help you?"

After arriving at the Qi Refining Tower, a very handsome maid greeted her and bowed down and said respectfully.

"Help me open a qi refining room, I may need to stay for about ten days." After a little thought, Jiang Mo responded.

"Okay, sir. Our qi refining room is divided into primary, intermediate, and advanced. The primary qi refining room is [-] gold coins a day, the intermediate qi refining room is [-] gold coins a day, and the advanced qi refining room is [-] million gold coins a day. I don't know what level you need, sir?" the pretty maid asked very politely.

Hearing this, Jiang Mo pondered for a while, and immediately opened the storage ring he had just obtained from Cao Xiongjing.

After a brief inspection, Jiang Mo was surprised to find that the deputy hall master of Tianming Pavilion actually had such a rich net worth. There were hundreds of millions of gold coins in it, and there were no pills, exercises, etc. its number.

"Fortunately, that guy was robbed, otherwise, today would be a bit embarrassing." Jiang Mo murmured, then turned his head, and said to the charming maid, "Open a high-level qi refining room for me for ten days."

Seeing that Jiang Mo was so arrogant, the pretty maid was obviously taken aback, her rosy lips parted into the shape of an oh.

"Okay, sir, I'll do it for you."

Along the way, the maid Fang's heart was beating non-stop. Even in Dongxuan Realm, there are very few monks who have the capital to use high-level qi refining rooms. What's more, the young man in front of him has an extraordinary handsome face. Genius disciple.

Jiang Mo didn't know what the maid was thinking. After finishing the process, under her leadership, he came to a giant tower that reached the sky.

"Sir, paste that card, and a formation will automatically teleport you to the corresponding qi refining room." When the maid respectfully reminded her, she couldn't help but sneak a few glances at Jiang Mo, and then her pretty face turned red. .

Such a handsome young monk with a lot of money is fatally attractive to these maids!
According to what the maid said, after Jiang Mo entered the Tianwu Qi Refining Pagoda, he immediately felt a fluctuation of the formation.

After a short period of dizziness, the high-level qi refining room appeared in front of Jiang Mo. These days, he can completely relax and practice. Tianming Pavilion will never dare to come to the qi refining tower to play wild.

Opening the door, Jiang Mo was enveloped in a gust of Yuanli coming from the door like a thick fog.

The strength of the heaven and earth vitality here is even several times stronger than that of the Shengwu Mountain Range. It is said that this Qi Refining Pagoda is a powerful person from the Tianwu Bank. The vitality was introduced into the Qi Refining Tower.

This makes the vitality of heaven and earth in the Qi Refining Pagoda prosper forever.

Jiang Mo sat down cross-legged and began to operate the Dayan Tianji Jue. When Su Lang transferred all his cultivation into Jiang Mo's body, Jiang Mo knew in his heart that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him.

If he can grasp it well, let alone the Martial Emperor, even the Martial Ancestor Realm, he can easily break through in a very short time.

After all, the lifetime cultivation base of a strong martial artist is no joke!
(End of this chapter)

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