Chapter 621 A Breakthrough in the Training Room

The Dayan Tianji Jue was activated, refining the majestic cultivation that was compressed in the sea of ​​​​qi.

At the beginning, in order not to let this huge and pure power damage Jiang Mo's meridians.

Before Su Lang fell, he compressed his cultivation into a golden energy cluster the size of a baby's fist, and stored it in Jiang Mo's sea of ​​energy.

At this moment, the rumbling operation of Dayan Tianji Jue is trying to discover the power in the golden energy group.

Half an hour later, Jiang Mo's head was covered with sweat. He still underestimated the difficulty of the golden energy ball. After so much effort, the golden energy ball hardly moved at all.

"Hey, the suzerain has left me with a problem!"

Jiang Mo secretly sighed.

For a cultivator, such a huge amount of energy is stored in his body and cannot be refined. The degree of pain is like a lustful and thirsty man who suddenly finds himself unable to lift in the face of a naked and enchanting beauty. just as pathetic.

"One journey of martial arts, don't be impatient. Take your time!"

After comforting himself, Jiang Mo gritted his teeth and began to refine the golden energy group tirelessly.

In the end, Huangtian paid off, and finally a very small trace of golden energy was separated from the energy group and flowed into Jiang Mo's meridians.

Don't look at it's just a tiny trace, it's not even one percent of the golden energy cluster.

But Jiang Mo knows how terrifying it is to have one percent cultivation of a strong Martial Lord!
"Refining for me!"

When the golden energy entered the meridian, Jiang Mo immediately let out a low growl, and at this moment, the Dayan Tianji Art was operating to the extreme.

After a long while, the golden energy turned into a majestic Yuanli, rushing endlessly in Jiang Mo's meridians.

Feeling this magnificent scene, Jiang Mo couldn't help but be overjoyed, it is worthy of the lifetime strength of a strong Martial Lord, it is really extraordinary!
At this point, Jiang Mo's handprints changed, mobilizing that elemental force, and began to attack the barriers in the realm.

The energy in the [-] meridians in the whole body converges towards the main meridian, just like hundreds of rivers entering the sea, the momentum is truly spectacular!

Under the impact of this wild horse-like energy, the gates in Jiang Mo's meridians were opened one after another, and the road was like a broken bamboo!
The process of hitting the realm was extremely painful, but Jiang Mo's excitement completely suppressed the pain. Thinking that he was about to reach the realm of Martial Emperor, Jiang Mo was full of fighting spirit!
About half an hour later, accompanied by a muffled sound, the energy in his body surged away like a flood breaking a bank. At this moment, Jiang Mo only felt a sense of long-lost power filling his whole body. The sound was so loud that it shook the Tianwu Qi Refining Tower even slightly!
"Finally broke through the realm of the Martial Emperor!"

"However, that trace of golden power has not been exhausted at all, and it can still hit the next level!"

After sighing, Jiang Mo calmed down, and Dayan Tianji Jue continued to operate, and a layer of golden light filled his body, which was as dazzling as the scorching sun!
The ferocious and abundant energy rushed freely in the body, washing away all the impurities in the meridians in Jiang Mo's body. After an hour, his skin was already stained with a layer of dirt. It is caused by washing out the mottled impurities in the body.

"One Star Martial Emperor!"

"Two-star Martial Emperor!"

In the end, Jiang Mo's aura stayed in the realm of the two-star Martial Emperor. His body sitting cross-legged suddenly stood up and punched out. The space suddenly vibrated, and the energy exploded. Even the space showed a trace of compression.

"The two-star Martial Emperor, it's a bit unexpected!"

After Jiang Mo let go of his fist, there was a crackling sound all over his body.

Only less than one percent of the power refined from the golden energy group caused Jiang Mo to hit the realm of the two-star Martial Emperor. It can be predicted that if all those energies are refined, he will be in the realm of Wuzong. Down.

"However, the lower you go, the stronger the confinement power of the golden energy group will be. If you don't have enough strength, it may be difficult to refine it for your own use."

Jiang Mo said secretly.

He also knows in his heart that the foundation is also very important in the martial arts journey. If the foundation is too vain if you blindly seek to improve your strength, it will not be a good thing.

After the realm breakthrough, Jiang Mo opened the volume of ground-level swordsmanship, which was left by Su Lang. As a swordsman, his understanding of swordsmanship is far stronger than Jiang Mo.If he can master this scroll of swordsmanship, not to mention catching up with Su Lang, then ordinary swordsmans are definitely no match for Jiang Mo!

It has to be said that although the advanced training room in the Qi Refining Tower is expensive, it also has its reasons.

Not only is the vitality of heaven and earth here a hundred times stronger than that of the outside world, and one day of cultivation inside can almost equal half a year outside, but even the perception of certain rules between heaven and earth is much stronger.

After staying in it for ten days, Jiang Mo has almost mastered [-]% of the scroll of swordsmanship, and when he strikes with a sword, he has the power of landslides and earth shattering.

If this high-level training room was not very strong, it would have been smashed to pieces by Jiang Mo's sword.

If so, the tower guard at the bottom of the Tianwu Qi Refining Tower was also alarmed. Later, he realized that Jiang Mo had no malicious intentions, but the vibration of the Qi Refining Tower caused by pure sword practice, so he didn't show up That's all.

"Sovereign Master, you have figured it out. I have been so anxious these days." As soon as Jiang Mo left the Qi Refining Tower, Wang Wentao came to find him, and poured out his bitterness.

Looking at Wang Wentao's frowning face, Jiang Mo was surprised, but couldn't help feeling a little funny.

"What happened? How did you find this place?" Jiang Mo asked.

"How did I find this place? I'm afraid that almost the entire Dongxuan world knows you are here." Wang Wentao pouted and said, "When you killed the deputy head of the Law Enforcement Hall, there were spies from Tianming Pavilion Followed all the way here."

"It's just that they dare not come in and attack you because of the transcendent existence behind the Qi Refining Tower."

Hearing this, Jiang Mo nodded. He didn't care too much about the people from Tianming Pavilion following him. He also knew the strength of the Qi Refining Tower, so he dared to be so relieved.

"Tell me why you came to see me?" After a while, Jiang Mo changed the subject.

"Lord Suzerain, I searched for all the disciples and elders of the sect that you asked me to find, but in the end I only found a dozen or so." Although Wang Wentao looked regretful, he was still a little proud. In a few days, we can't find so many people.

"Well, not bad." Jiang Mo smiled and patted Wang Wentao's shoulder as a sign of encouragement, and said, "Then where are they now?"

"It's full of people from Tianming Pavilion outside, it's too unsafe. These elder disciples are all arranged here by me."

Wang Wentao patted his chest and said.

(End of this chapter)

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