Chapter 633

Jiang Mo and Ahu sat there, eating quietly. Ahu was obviously very hungry and didn't care about her ladylike image. She ate more than half of a basket of buns.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Mo just smiled, and Ah Hu also knew that this big brother was very gentle and didn't seem to lose his temper.

After sitting like this for an hour, the wooden door of the Wuji Temple opposite was opened.

Jiang Mo took the little girl's hand and walked slowly towards the Wuji Temple.

"Hey, what are you doing, boy? At this time, the adults in charge of awakening the martial arteries in the temple have not yet woken up, so get out of here quickly!" It is an extremely honorable thing to be a servant.

The little girl pulled Jiang Mo's sleeve timidly, and said softly: "Big brother, why don't we go."

The young man's fierce appearance may have frightened Ah Hu, and even Ah Bo, who set up a stall to buy breakfast, persuaded him, "Young man, just wait."

This time, Jiang Mo didn't look back, and said to the boy, "I didn't come to awaken the Wumai."

"Then what are you here for? It's early in the morning, full of food? Hurry up, don't hinder Grandpa's good mood." After speaking, the boy began to push Jiang Mo and Ahu.

After staying in the Martial Arts Temple for a long time, these people have developed a kind of arrogance in their hearts, thinking that ordinary people have to bow down to them.

Jiang Mo turned a blind eye to the boy's pushing and shoving. There seemed to be an invisible mask of Yuanli around him, covering the little girl and himself.

The moment Jiang Mo passed by, the boy's figure flew tens of meters away as if hit by a huge force, and then his internal organs mixed with blood spurted out.

The old man who sold the steamed buns couldn't be more horrified.

"Boy, dare to trespass into my Wuji Temple, I'm tired of living!"

When Jiang Mo entered, dozens of monks surrounded him, all of them with extremely hideous expressions.

"Ahu, are you scared?" Jiang Mo bent down and asked softly.

"Don't be afraid, with big brother here, Ah Hu won't be afraid!" The little girl's clear eyes blinked slightly.

"Just don't be afraid."

Jiang Mo smiled, and then chopped the sole of his foot slightly on the ground, and invisible ripples spread out in an instant. The dozen or so monks who surrounded him couldn't get close to Jiang Mo at all, and turned into dozens of blood mist.

Seeing this scene, the monks from the Wuji Temple who had just been kicked out immediately retreated one by one in embarrassment as if they had seen a ghost.

To be able to shock and kill dozens of Martial Lords with one move, this person's strength is at least at the Martial King level.

However, they still underestimated Jiang Mo's strength.

Because, when the three martial king monks rushed out of the Wuji Temple, they were still shocked and killed by Jiang Mo in this way.

It wasn't until this moment that they realized just how terrifying the strength of this young man who was leading a little girl was!

Perhaps only the Hall Master can deter this guy?
"Who is your Excellency? It seems that my Wuji Temple has never had any enmity with you, has it?"

A high-status monk stood up, holding a silver spear, with awe-inspiring aura, already the cultivation level of an eight-star martial king!
"Someone has to clean up the dirty things behind the Wuji Temple. Apart from these, you have caused my father's dantian to be destroyed, and he has suffered for so many years. Today is also the time to put an end to it!"

Jiang Mo's expression gradually became indifferent.

Without waiting for the man to speak, Jiang Mo waved his sleeve robe, and a beam of Yuan Li burst out, blasting the air directly, and hitting the man with the gun hard.


The man with the gun shook his arm, and the spear turned into a silver arc in front of him, but it didn't play any defensive role at all.

Yuan Lipilian pierced through that silver arc in an instant and imprinted hard on his chest.

The latter's figure was like a broken sandbag, and he flew upside down in an instant, hitting the wall behind him, causing the entire Wuji Temple to tremble.

Surrounded by horror, even the deputy hall master is not a general of that person, how strong is this person?

This question passed through everyone's mind.

"Tell your hall masters to get out, otherwise, this Wuji Temple will be gone!" Jiang Mo said coldly.

"What a big tone, today I want to see, how did you make my Wuji Temple disappear!"

After the voice fell, an old man in a golden robe flew out from the interior of the Wuji Temple.

"It's the Lord Hall Master, the Lord Hall Master has actually left the customs!"

"Today, the master of the palace is leaving the customs, that kid will definitely die on the spot, and he will definitely not be able to get out of the Wuji Temple!"

"Hmph, this person has killed so many brothers in my Wuji Temple, he must be skinned and cramped, so that the hatred in my heart can be relieved!"

While all the monks in the Wuji Temple were discussing, many casual cultivators from Tianshield City also came to join in the fun.

Since the establishment of this branch of the Wuji Temple, no one has dared to break ground on Taisui.

Even members of the royal family dare not come here to act wildly, but Jiang Mo is different. He is not afraid of the even bigger branch hall in Cangmingyu, so how could he put this small branch hall in the in the eyes?
"Boy, are you going to kill yourself, or after the old man captures you, will you be skinned and cramped?" The palace master's robe was automatic, flapping, very mighty!
Jiang Mo pointed at the golden-robed old man, and said flatly, "I'll defeat you with one move!"

Hearing this, not to mention the old man in the golden robe, even the monks around were all amazed.

He actually dared to say one move to defeat the palace master who is a four-star Martial Emperor, this kid is really crazy enough!

This thought flashed through everyone's mind!
"Very good! The old man wants to learn how you defeated the old man with one move!"

The old man in the golden robe suddenly burst out laughing.

In addition to those casual cultivators, even the commanders of the imperial guards in the imperial city came, and some of the royal family's offerings were alarmed, and they came to watch this rare battle in the world!

"Commander Yang, in your opinion, who will win out of these two?" An old priest of the royal family with white beard and hair asked.

"It's hard to say. The Lord of the Wuji Temple has the strength of a four-star Martial Emperor on the surface, but he should have a lot of cards. As for the young man, I seem to have seen him somewhere. And his aura is restrained, so I can't perceive it. Concrete strength!"

"En. This is wonderful. The Wuji Temple has always been eyeing the royal family, and now it is a good thing for someone to take care of it." The old priest stroked his beard and said.

Jiang Mo summoned the Chilian Snake, and said to Ah Hu, "You go up and stay for a while, and I will take you away after I settle the matter in front of me."

"Okay." Ahu nodded obediently.

After putting Ahu on Chi Lian Snake's back, Chi Lian Snake spread its wings and flew past. Everyone around saw this scene and was surprised again.

"That desolate beast is about to break through to the sixth level!"

When the Chi Lian Snake flew away, the old priest of the royal family said such a sentence, and then his eyes became hot.

If he can subdue the desolate beast that is about to break through the sixth level as a battle pet, then this young man is definitely not weak!

(End of this chapter)

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