Chapter 634 Domineering
At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on that place. The old man in the golden robe burst out with bright light. He spread his hands, and all the energy between the heavens and the earth gathered towards him.

"Since you said that you want to defeat the old man with one move, then the old man will strike first. After defeating you with one move, let's see what face you have!"

The old man in the golden robe gave a cold shout, and immediately slapped it with his big hand, and the rumbling sound resounded like thunder.

"Star picker!"

The moment the old man in the golden robe slammed that palm, the face of the old priest of the royal family changed, and he exchanged a glance with the commander of the Imperial Guard.

"This guy actually even used the earth-level martial skill Star Picker. He didn't want to defeat that young man at all, but wanted to kill him directly!"

"Just wait and see! We don't want to intervene!"

The commander of the Imperial Guard shook his head, his eyes solemn.

That piece of sky seemed to have collapsed. Even if the people around didn't know the origin of the golden-robed old man's move, they could tell from the power that it was terrifying.

Jiang Mo's face was dull, the old man in golden robe was only a four-star Martial Emperor, even if he used earth-level martial arts, he could not threaten Jiang Mo.

The ancient sword of Heavenly Punishment flew into Jiang Mo's hands. At this moment, Jiang Mo's whole body seemed to be integrated with the sword. The shocking aura burst out, tearing half of the sky apart.

Endless sword intent was restrained into his body, Jiang Mo swung his sword out, and at that moment, the domineering sword power overwhelmed the power of the star picker, turned into a rainbow of sword energy, and slashed down.

"One Sword Immortal kneels!"

When Jiang Mo yelled out, the sword Qi Hongmang had already collided with the big hand of the star.

What appeared in the eyes of everyone was a scene of destruction, the star picker couldn't block the sword qi rainbow at all, and was torn apart in an instant, chopped to pieces!

"too strong!"

"That sword seems to be able to kill even the soul of a person!"

"I didn't expect that the master of the golden robe didn't even block a move!"

While everyone was horrified and discussing, the rainbow light of sword qi slashed out like a broken bamboo. The complexion of the master of the golden robe changed drastically at this moment. He formed seals with both hands and condensed a defensive armor in front of him, but it was still shattered in an instant.


His body was blown away like a sandbag, and the sword energy was raging, leaving hundreds of sword marks on his body, dripping with blood, as miserable as it could be.

"I said, if you defeat you with one move, you won't use the second move!"

Jiang Mo's voice was not loud, but it was clearly heard by everyone present. This is the real domineering ah!If one move defeats you, you will never use the second move!
Looking at the entire Yunchui Empire, I am afraid there is no one with such momentum!
"I'm going to investigate this person's origin. With his strength, he is enough to threaten the safety of the royal family!" The commander of the imperial guards turned very ugly, even the master of the Wuji Temple was not his general. No wonder the commander was very nervous.

"Wait... This person's cultivation has reached at least a six-star Martial Emperor. If he randomly provokes a strong man who is at least a six-star Martial Emperor, it will definitely do more good than harm for the royal family!" The old priest stopped the ban Commander of the Guards.

"But in the Yunchui Empire, I have never heard of such a person. If he plots something wrong..." The commander of the Imperial Guard frowned and clenched his fists.

"If it's really a conspiracy against the royal family, it won't be killed in the Wuji Temple. Let's wait and see what happens!" The old priest was obviously more experienced than the commander of the imperial guards, and said lightly.

"I have to admit that your Excellency has such strength at a young age, and your talent is really rare. However, the size of my Wuji Temple is beyond your imagination. If you dare to destroy the Wuji Temple today, I dare Guaranteed, your Excellency will be hunted to the ends of the earth in the future!" Even though he was defeated, the golden robed old man still had the same aura and said very proudly.

"I'm afraid you don't know that I'm not even afraid of the Wuji Temple in the Cangming Territory, how could I be afraid of you?" After speaking, Jiang Mo's sword flashed, and he chopped off the head of the golden robed old man.

The moment the golden robed old man's head rolled down, there was silence all around, and even a needle could be heard clearly.


I don't know who made the sound of swallowing saliva quietly, and then, there were bursts of gasps in the audience.

Then an exclamation sounded.

"The Hall Master of the Wuji Temple was actually beheaded!"

"I can't believe it!"

"And it's still one move, and he was defeated by that person with one move! It's really terrible!"

"When did our Yunchui Empire give birth to such a ruthless man?"


There were bursts of discussions, and the monks in the Wuji Temple suddenly dispersed, and the hall masters were all beheaded. They are still here, aren't they courting death?

The old priest of the royal family and the commander of the imperial guards looked at each other, and then the old priest clasped his fists and said, "Your Excellency stretches out your hand very well, I wonder if you could please tell me a little bit?"

"No time."

Jiang Mo waved his hand, directly rejecting the old priest from the royal family.

Immediately, the voice Lang Lang said: "It has nothing to do with others, immediately retreat ten feet away, if you accidentally hurt, you will be responsible for the consequences!"

Hearing this murderous shout, the casual cultivators immediately backed away, worried that they would be drawn into this vortex.

The monks in the Wuji Temple also wanted to escape, but Jiang Mo smiled coldly. He didn't have to be soft on these people who helped the evil.

"Aurora is like electricity!"

After a cold shout, Jiang Mo slashed out with a sword, and the bright sword light swept all the monks in the Wuji Temple.

Shua, Shua, Shua!

After the sword light passed, one monk after another fell to the ground one after another.

Everyone looked at Jiang Mo in horror, this method was too cruel!

"Little Chi." Jiang Mo made a move, and the Chilian Snake flew down immediately. Jiang Mo jumped up and left on the Chilian Snake.

"That's a fairy!"

In front of the bun shop opposite the Wuji Temple, the old bun seller murmured.

Almost all the monks present were in an indescribable shock.

In the Yunchui Empire, the Wuji Temple, which was almost a giant, was destroyed in this way by a young man in his 20s.

Even the Hall Master of the Wuji Temple was beheaded with a single sword. If this news got out, the entire Yunchui Empire might be thrown into a commotion.

"Big brother, you are so powerful! There are so many people, none of them are your opponents!"

A large and a small figure sat on the back of Chi Lian Snake, and the little girl Ahu's big clear eyes stared at Jiang Mo in a daze, full of admiration.

"Ahu, don't you think I'm a ruthless villain after killing so many people?" Jiang Mo patted the little girl's head.

"The people that big brother killed are the bad guys. Ah Hu doesn't believe that big brother is a bad guy!" The little girl pursed her lips and said firmly.

Jiang Mo couldn't help but laugh, and the direction of Chilian Snake's flying was exactly where Yunchui Martial Arts Academy was located.

(End of this chapter)

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