Chapter 635 Shura Battlefield
When the huge body of Chi Lian Snake turned into a cloud of shadows above Yunchui Martial Arts Academy, almost all the disciples of the Martial Arts Academy gathered together, looking nervously at the huge desolate beast in the sky.


Jiang Mo didn't stop, the Chilian Snake roared down, and finally landed on the square of Yunchui Martial Arts Academy.

At the beginning, many new disciples were wary of Jiang Mo, and even raised their swords to face Jiang Mo and the little girl Ahu.

Until an old disciple recognized Jiang Mo and shouted excitedly: "It's Senior Brother Jiang Mo, Senior Brother Jiang Mo is back!"

This old disciple entered Yunchui Martial Arts Institute relatively early, and was fortunate to have seen Jiang Mo's demeanor in the Martial Arts Academy. As for the new disciples, they were all shocked.

In the past few years, Jiang Mo's story has been spread throughout the Yunchui Martial Arts Academy. Almost every new student admitted to the academy will treat Jiang Mo as an idol.

In the past, I only heard about this thunderous name, but now I saw it with my own eyes, and I was even more shocked, which was hard to calm down.

As for some female disciples, their pretty faces flushed slightly, and they cast admiring glances at Jiang Mo.

It cannot be said that these female disciples are not reserved enough, it is really because Jiang Mo's name is too famous.

"Many people still remember me." Looking at the boiling scene, Jiang Mo chuckled.

This sensational sound naturally attracted the attention of many people, and more and more disciples gathered around here.

"Jiang Mo, why are you here?"

Not long after, a beautiful figure with a pair of slender and attractive long legs appeared in front of her eyes, and it was Zhao Qingyi.

"I met this little guy on the road, so I brought her here." Jiang Mo touched Ahu's little head.

"What a cute little girl." Zhao Qingyi obviously liked Ahu very much, and said with a smile.

"It's okay if I leave her here with you?" Jiang Mo said.

"Of course, this little girl will practice legwork with me in the future." When Zhao Qingyi held Ahu back, the latter hesitated and looked at Jiang Mo.

"Go, this aunt is very kind, it's safe for you to stay here." Jiang Mo comforted gently.

"Who do you think is her aunt? It's my sister, okay?" Zhao Qingyi stared at Jiang Mo when she heard that, and Jiang Mo had to beg for mercy: "My sister is my sister."

"Big brother, will you come back to see Ahu?" The little girl shook Jiang Mo's arm.

"Yes. Come back to see Ahu whenever you have a chance. Be good here and listen to what my aunt... my sister says."

Seeing Zhao Qingyi's cannibalistic eyes, Jiang Mo hastily changed his words.

"Aren't you going to stay here a little longer?"

Sensing that Jiang Mo was about to leave, Zhao Qingyi said with a little resentment.

"Anyway, I've already met you, so I won't stay any longer." Jiang Mo shook his head.

Then with a leap, he stepped on the back of Chi Lian Snake, with the sound of the wind, one person and one beast turned into a stream of light and left Yunchui Martial Arts Academy.

"Senior Sister Zhao, it seems that you have a very good relationship with Senior Brother Jiang Mo, can you tell us about him."

After Jiang Mo left, many disciples asked curiously.

"Don't you all know about him?" Zhao Qingyi took Ahu's little hand and glanced at everyone.

"It's... your story with Senior Sister Zhao!"

"The story with me? It seems that there is nothing to say..." Zhao Qingyi was in a daze, and shook her head regretfully.


Jiang Mo sat on the back of Chi Lian Snake, let the wind howl, his eyes closed tightly, Dayan Tianji Jue was running in his body, the golden energy group that Su Lang transferred to his body at the beginning, under such refinement, transformed As a trace of pure energy, flowing in the limbs and bones.

"What the suzerain left me is simply a batch of precious wealth."

Feeling the turbulent Yuanli tide in his body, the corners of Jiang Mo's mouth twitched, very satisfied.

When he reached the entrance of Cangming Realm, the aura in his body was already on the verge of consummation of the two-star Martial Emperor.

As long as the timing is right, you will soon be able to break through to the Three Star Martial Emperor.

After taking out the summoning talisman, Jiang Mo directly crushed it, and saw a rainbow light shooting up into the sky, connecting to a certain place in the Eastern Xuan Realm.

After a while, the entrance was opened, and Jiang Mo flew towards the Eastern Profound Realm with a vertical leap.

"Be back so soon."

The one who greeted Jiang Mo was naturally the tower guard. His breath was restrained, and he was more than one level stronger than before.

"You broke through!"

Jiang Mo said in surprise, he had made the Yin Zun Pill himself, but he never expected that the Tower Keeper would enter the realm of Wu Zun so quickly.

"It's also thanks to you for giving me the medicine pill!" The tower guard said with a smile, "This old man owes you a favor. In the future, as long as you have any needs, you can come to the Qi Refining Tower to find the old man."

Jiang Mo wasn't hypocritical either. Blocking the Underworld Pavilion for himself back then was nothing compared to the Tower Keeper's breakthrough to the Martial Venerable Realm.

"it is good."

"What do you plan to do next?" the tower keeper asked.

"Let's go to the Asura Battlefield to practice first. Since I promised Sect Master Su Lang to revive the Holy Martial Sword Sect, I can't live up to his expectations!" Jiang Mo glanced at the direction of the Holy Martial Sword Sect, and said slowly.

"Well, if there is a need at that time, you can call the old man. Back then, the old man had a good relationship with Su Lang."

"Thank you very much then."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Mo didn't hesitate anymore, and after bidding farewell to the tower guards, he rushed to the Shura battlefield.

The Shura battlefield is very vast, but the border guarded by Dongxuan Realm only stretches for less than a hundred miles.

Around the battlefield, there is a sense of murderousness. There are no human beings living here. Even if the monsters cannot break through the defensive boundary, the tyrannical atmosphere alone will cause ordinary people to get into trouble.

In the Shura battlefield, the enemies may not all be monsters, they may be from the same kind.

In order to obtain cultivation resources, it is very likely that human monks will stab you in the back. Some of them even form groups, like bandits, to rob human monks openly.

This is not uncommon in the Shura battlefield. There are so many human monks entering the battlefield that those monster races are intercepted outside the defensive lines.

Whether it's human monks defending their homeland, or those robbers who rely on robbing houses for a living, there is only one result when encountering monsters, and that is to fight to the death.

Jiang Mo entered the Shura battlefield for about three days, and encountered only one monster. As for the robbers who robbed houses, they encountered three waves.

After beheading all those people, this time, Jiang Mo finally met a group of slightly stronger guys.

"Hey, that kid, it's your good fortune to meet our Fire Wave Demon Hunting Squad. Hurry up and take out your valuables, I can consider saving your life."

A big shirtless man carrying a saber said viciously.

"Brother, I think that kid has thin skin and tender flesh, just like a woman, or..."

A very wretched-looking fellow with a sinister smile...

(End of this chapter)

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