Chapter 646 Flaws!

Almost all the monks in the formation looked hopefully at Jiang Mo, hoping that Jiang Mo would stand on this side.

As for Jiang Mo, he glanced at the young girl lightly, and didn't say much, after all, the enmity between the two of them didn't reach the point of endless death.

"There is a saying that is good, if you are not of my race, your heart must be different. Since I am a human race, it is naturally impossible to join forces with the monster race!"

"No matter when, I am on the side of the human race!"

Jiang Mo's Langlang's voice spread throughout the formation space, making those monks extremely excited.

Looking at Jiang Mo's eyes, he couldn't help but have a look of reverence.

"Brother, you can rest assured. As long as you can break this formation, I can guarantee that I will help you win a treasure!"

A six-star Martial Emperor said solemnly.

"Hehe, if that's the case, then thank you in advance." Jiang Mo nodded at the man and said with a smile.

As for the red-haired master, his face was livid. The irony of what Jiang Mo said just now is very strong. If he is not of my race, his heart must be different. Shame on everyone!
"Today, it seems that your Excellency is going to fight the old man to the end. Then we will use our own abilities to see if you can completely break through the old man's Nine Beasts Slaying Formation!" The red-haired master gritted his teeth and said fiercely .

"Little brother, it's all up to you!"

"If I can get out of trouble this time, I, Shi Shengfeng, owe my brother my life!"

Hearing hopeful voices behind him, Jiang Mo nodded slightly and said, "Don't worry!"

The red-haired master snorted coldly. He took out nine jade bottles from the storage ring, and then shot each of them into the air. The green and red liquids shot out from inside, and directly merged into the formation. middle.

Accompanied by the incorporation of this liquid, the formation with broken nodes began to fuse rapidly at this moment, and there was a faint roar of wild beasts coming from it.

The monks in the formation were all pale, and it seemed that the Nine Beast Killing Formation was stronger than before.

"These nine bottles of blood were bought from the auction house at a high price by the old man, and they are the blood of real medieval beasts. Now, it is your honor to die under the big formation of the old man!"

The red-haired master seemed very distressed, the nine bottles of blood were for him to save his life, and now he was squandering them, of course he was a bit reluctant.

"Really? Maybe your so-called formation is not as tyrannical as you imagined!" Jiang Mo sneered, and when the words fell, his whole body erupted with a shocking blue brilliance.

The last two formation nodes were directly crushed by it, and in an instant, the light of the large formation shrouded in the sky suddenly dimmed.

"How is it possible? Those two formation nodes are the most complicated two in the entire formation, and almost no one can find them. How can this kid do it?"

The nodes of the last two formations were broken, and the red-haired master spit out a mouthful of blood, and said in disbelief.

Immediately afterwards, the formation covering the sky shattered rumblingly, like thunder from nine heavens, and with a final bang, all the confinement disappeared.

"Great! Finally broke this damn formation!"

Nearly a hundred human monks let out roars of excitement. The red-haired master knew that the matter was a foregone conclusion, and the formation that had been constructed with great painstaking efforts was broken by someone in this way. He trembled with anger and pointed at Jiang Mo. , Said: "The old man will definitely make you regret it!"

After finishing speaking, the red-haired master was helped back to the cave by two strong monsters.

The old demon king sighed heavily, and led his men to meet the angry human monks!

Zhao Hu and the others had been suppressed in the Nine Beast Slaying Formation before, and now they can see the light of day again. Of course, they must do everything possible to take down the old demon king.

Boom, boom, boom!

Zhao Hu and several leaders of the forces rushed to the old demon king first, only to see that the old demon king's body had grown a little more, and his whole body was as hard as a rock, indestructible.

However, he didn't last long, and the human monk caught the loophole in his defense and stood at the gate of his life with a sword.


The old demon king spat out a mouthful of purple blood, and his aura was incomparably chaotic. Taking this opportunity, several monks whose strength had reached the Seven Star Martial Emperor refused to let go of the opportunity at all, attacking one after another until the old demon king was cornered. On a dead end!

In the end, the old demon king even used some kind of demon clan's secret technique, and slapped it on his chest, surrounded by purple blood all over the sky, forming terrifying runes all over his body.

But still not the opponent of the human monk who went crazy and wanted to seize the treasure.

The Chilian Snake drilled out from the space of Zichen, its huge mouth opened, releasing a powerful force of devouring, the purple blood that the old demon king slapped was swallowed by the Chilian Snake in its mouth.

Accompanied by such a process, the aura of Chi Lian Snake rose again and again, and finally reached the peak state of the sixth rank and first rank!
The old demon king and his right-hand men knew that they were at the end of their ropes, and they couldn't stand up to these fierce human monks, so they had to retreat back to the cave in embarrassment.

The human monks took advantage of the momentum to go in, in case there was a formation in the cave, Zhao Hu specially sent two six-star Martial Emperors to protect Jiang Mo.

Jiang Mo had no choice but to smile wryly. If everyone knew his true strength, their jaws would drop in shock.

After breaking into the cave, they found that the cave is extremely shady, which is also in line with the survival nature of the monster race. They are naturally shade-loving, and even the layout of the cave is made of softer moonstones instead of collecting sunlight.

"Be careful. This cave is not simple, there should be organs!"

Zhao Hu ordered everyone to say, as for Jiang Mo, he was still in the crowd and had no chance to make a move!
At this time, there was a loud roar from the top of the cave, and the ground under their feet began to tremble. Everyone looked up and found that there was a huge stone slowly descending from the top of the cave, and the stone under their feet rose up, these human monks were about to be squeezed Into meatloaf!

"Hmph, how can you stop me from waiting with such a mentally handicapped method?"

Zhao Hu snorted coldly, and threw the hammer, making a shrill sound of breaking wind, and finally smashed hard on the boulder.

However, the malicious hammer that could destroy the mountain only made the boulder make a loud noise, without even breaking a single crack.

"Leader Zhao, if my prediction is correct, this mechanism should be made of meteorites from outside the sky. Ordinary methods are of no use to it!" At this time, Jiang Mo's voice came from behind.

Now everyone's reverence for Jiang Mo is almost unbelievable. No one doubts what he said.

"Little brother, dare I ask if you have a way?"

Zhao Hu asked cautiously.

(End of this chapter)

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