Chapter 647
"Of course, if there is no other way, I won't bring it up." Jiang Mo said with a confident smile.

Hearing this, all the monks around were overjoyed. If Jiang Mo was there, even if this mechanism was made of meteorites from outside the sky, there would be nothing to be afraid of.

"It's still this little brother who has a lot of tricks. If you can pass this level smoothly, we all have to thank you!"

Zhao Hucheng said in fear.

"Thank you little brother, after killing those demon clans. Whoever wants to snatch the treasure that little brother likes will have trouble with me, Huang!"

A big man said in a low voice, and the other monks also laughed and said with a smile, how could it be?
Even if they really had this idea in their hearts, they didn't dare to say it directly. After all, they still have to rely on Jiang Mo to get through this level, right?
Anyone who wants to raise an objection at this time, I'm afraid they will be killed by everyone in an instant, right?
"Then please show your supernatural powers, little brother! Otherwise, when the upper and lower boulders close together, all of us will become meatloaf!"

A faction leader urged.

In the boulder level, the old demon king and the demon generals behind him were extremely nervous.

"Master, do you think that kid can break through this extraterrestrial meteorite barrier?" the old demon king asked cautiously.

"I'm not sure. Since that kid can destroy the very complicated Nine Beast Killing Formation, then this boulder barrier may not be able to stop him!" The red-haired master shook his head and said with some worry.

"Then what should we do? Once we let him break through the boulder barrier, I'm afraid all of us will not end well!"

The old demon king frowned and said worriedly.

"What are you afraid of? From my point of view, since that kid is above the formation technique, he has such profound attainments. Presumably his martial arts cultivation base must not be strong. At that time, you only need to send a demon general with outstanding archery skills to directly Shoot him, and the rest of the human monks are nothing more than chickens and dogs. The old man doesn't pay attention to them at all!" The red-haired master stroked his beard and said proudly.

"Since you say that, does the master still have some hidden means?" The old demon king asked excitedly.

"You don't need to know these, you just need to do as I said. Remind you again, that kid is the most troublesome existence among those human monks. If you don't get rid of him, any means of the old man will be destroyed. Unable to cast!"

The red-haired master said with a serious expression.

"Okay, I will arrange archers now, and get rid of that kid!"

The old demon king nodded heavily and said.

Outside the Jushi checkpoint, under the command of Jiang Mo, the monks whose strength reached five-star Martial Emperors and above all stood in accordance with a very mysterious concern, especially in the most central position, where Zhao Hu and other seven-star Martial Emperors came. The guards, as for those who are weaker, are assigned to marginal positions.

"Just now, everyone heard what I said clearly!" Jiang Mo asked loudly.

"Listen clearly."

Excitement flashed on every monk's face.

Just now, Jiang Mo analyzed the vulnerability of the extraterrestrial meteorite to them. They only need to follow a certain method to blast this extraterrestrial meteorite into pieces.

As time slowly passed, the black boulder also slowly fell down. At a certain moment, Jiang Mo suddenly yelled.


When the words fell, every human cultivator was the greatest force to motivate himself, and no one dared to slack off, after all, this was related to their wealth and life.


The colorful rays of Yuanli bombarded every part of the boulder, and in an instant, faint light patterns appeared on the meteorite.

Under Jiang Mo's command, the strength of the monks was exerted to the extreme. On the meteorite, the light lines flickered on and off, but after a long while, the light dimmed and the lines dissipated.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Mo took a deep breath, and above his fist, the cyan light soared, and the last punch hit the center of the meteorite outside the sky!

A muffled loud bang erupted, and the boulder immediately shattered into pieces, turning into countless rubble, and shot towards the surroundings.

"it is good!"

"Little brother is really powerful, he can even smash this kind of extraterrestrial meteorite!"


"It's our honor to have the little brother accompanying us!"


Voices of praise reached Jiang Mo's ears, and when he responded with a smile, an indescribable sense of danger suddenly enveloped Jiang Mo.

Instinctively, Jiang Mo's body flashed to the left for a distance of three feet, and within less than a breath of his figure, a rainbow light tore through the sky, blasting a piece of the wall behind him. Huge hole.

"so close!"

A burst of cold sweat broke out on Jiang Mo's forehead. When he was wiping the sweat, three more arrows came through the air. He had no choice but to shoot down. He blasted three palms one after another, smashing the three arrows to pieces.

"Little brother, be careful!"

A big man rushed out first and blocked Jiang Mo. No one knows if there will be any checkpoints in the future. If Jiang Mo falls, none of these people will be able to get out alive.

"These monster races are really despicable, they actually shot cold arrows in the dark!"

Zhao Hu also hurried over, and blasted out a series of Yuan Lian, knocking back the monster archer hiding in the dark.

"They actually sent archers of the Martial Emperor rank. It seems that those people from the Yaozu really think highly of me!"

Jiang Mo recalled the fierceness and power of those arrows just now, and he still has lingering fears in his heart.

If he had a poorer intuition for danger, he might have already turned into a cold corpse.

"That kid's reaction ability is so strong, the archers sent by this king are all the top group in my clan!" The old demon king said with emotion.

"Hey... I failed to kill him this time, I'm afraid he will be alert in the future, and it will be even more difficult to get rid of him. Demon king, I'm afraid even this old man can't help you this time!" Red-haired master He shook his head and sighed.

"No way? Even Master, you can't do anything about it?" The old demon king didn't expect the situation to be so serious, and now he hated Jiang Mo so much!

"The old man can only barely protect himself, I guess the other people, the old man can't help!"

When the old demon king and others were sighing, outside the cave, Zhao Hu had already led many monks to attack. Jiang Mo was regarded as a military adviser and was protected in the middle.

Even the guards at the beginning were replaced, and two seven-star martial emperors were directly replaced as his guards. This shows how much the monks attach importance to Jiang Mo.

The fierce battle had just begun, but the curtain had already come to an end. The human monks, who were full of resentment, killed the monsters in less than a quarter of an hour.

As for the old demon king, he also fell with hatred in the fierce battle with Zhao Hu and others!
(End of this chapter)

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