Chapter 674 Refining the Power of Sacrifice
Hearing the words of the Nine Army Slaying Dragon Formation, the face of the middle-aged demon clan changed. This combined attack formation is the secret of the Xuan Yao tribe. Where did the young man in front of him know about it?
The middle-aged Yaozu didn't know that Jiang Mo in his previous life was one of the top alchemists on the Tianwu Continent. He was well-read and dabbled in the secrets of various ethnic groups on the mainland.

Naturally, I have heard of the name of the Nine Army Dragon Slaying Formation.

According to legend, in the heyday of the demon clan, there was once a powerful monster from the monster clan who used the Nine Armies Slaying Dragon Formation to compete with the emperor of the demon clan, and its power was extremely terrifying!If it is used to the extreme, the Emperor Wu of the human race may not be able to stop it!

The complexion of the middle-aged Yaozu still fluctuates, so far, he has not been able to see the depth of the young man in front of him.

"Hey, you guy, you didn't know how to seize such a good opportunity, no wonder you were expelled from the tribe at the beginning." The big yellow cat lazily raised its paw and said sarcastically.

Qingqing was startled, and hurriedly hid behind her father. It was the first time she saw a talking cat at such a big age.

After seeing the appearance of the big yellow cat, the middle-aged Yaozu's face was not angry but startled. Although this fat big cat has no energy fluctuations on its body, the faint coercion that exudes , but it made the middle-aged Yaozu feel that it was even more terrifying than the thin young man with black hair and black eyes!
The middle-aged Yaozu gritted his teeth, touched Qingqing's little head, sighed and said: "Forget it, just as you said, if you can really help me regain the position of Xuan Yaowang and kill that hateful guy, even nine It doesn’t matter if the Dragon Slaying Formation is handed over to you.”

The middle-aged Yaozu was too merciful at the beginning, which led to the position of Xuan Yaowang being given away.

Now that they have been reduced to such a field, they can't even protect their precious daughter, which makes the middle-aged Yaozu finally make up their minds.

Hearing this, Jiang Mo quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

After a while, the middle-aged demon clan said again: "However, the Nine Army Dragon Slaying Formation can only give you the rubbing version. As for the original work, even the Xuan Yao King has no right to give it away."

"The rubbings are enough." Jiang Mo nodded with a smile.

"However, how should I trust you?" The middle-aged demon clan glanced at Jiang Mo and the big yellow cat, and then asked aloud.

"Soon, you will see my strength. However, before that, you may need to protect me for a while." Jiang Mo's spiritual power spread hundreds of miles away, and he has already noticed the overwhelming thunder demon tribe , coming here like a tide.

"Just now you saved my daughter and protected the law for you. Although I can't repay your life-saving grace, it's better than doing nothing." The middle-aged Yaozu nodded in agreement.

In his heart, Qingqing's life is more important than anything else, so what's the point of protecting this human youth once?
What's more, I am not the noble Xuan Yao King of the past.

"Thank you."

After clasping his fists together, Jiang Mo went straight to the deeper part of the secret cave, and then knocked down a few boulders to seal the cave entrance.

With the big yellow cat and the middle-aged demon clan here, no one will disturb him for the time being.

After sitting cross-legged, Jiang Mo flipped his palm, and a bronze mirror-like object appeared in his palm.

On the bronze mirror, there are complex and mysterious lines all over it. Among them, the blood-colored brilliance surges, and there are extremely strong power fluctuations, just like water waves, making the entire space slowly turbulent.

This is the sacrificial power collected by the big yellow cat, which is the power of countless human monks!

Jiang Mo's eyes were slightly closed, and strands of pure energy flowed out from his muscles and bones along his meridians, and finally merged into the bronze mirror.

At first, the bronze mirror didn't change in any way, but as more and more energy was poured into it, Jiang Mo was pleasantly surprised to find that the blood-colored brilliance in the bronze mirror began to surge rapidly.

At the same time, a powerful and unparalleled force is slowly rippling out.

"This Yaozu sacrificial ceremony really has some tricks, and it can bring so many forces together." Jiang Mo sighed softly.

"Cut, this is nothing more than heresy."

The big yellow cat came leisurely, and with its supernatural powers, it was really not difficult to come in quietly.

Jiang Mo nodded. Although the Yaozu Sacrifice Ceremony is powerful, this kind of method cannot be carried out in the human race.

This kind of practice that harms the nature and reason is despised by the righteous monks of the human race, and perhaps only the crooked way will act like this.

"However, this is a very rare opportunity to improve. As long as I can break through, it is also possible to kill a few more monster races for the sake of those dead human race compatriots."

Jiang Mo said secretly in his heart.

As soon as he thought of this, he stopped hesitating, and the Devouring Martial Vessel was activated, and a black outline about three feet in radius appeared behind him, that was Jiang Mo's Devouring Martial Vessel.

As his strength became stronger and stronger, the strength of the Swallowing Martial Vein was more and more revealed.

Just hovering there quietly, it released a burst of devouring power, causing the gravel in the cave to tremble and make a rattling sound.

If Jiang Mo wanted to, he could turn this secret cave into ruins in just one breath.


After Jiang Mo took a deep breath, he immediately formed seals with his hands, and the blood-colored brilliance overflowed from the bronze mirror, and quickly swept towards the place where the Swallowing Martial Vein was.

The latter did not reject anyone who came, just like a bottomless ancient well, all the bloody brilliance turned into the purest power and entered Jiang Mo's limbs and bones.

If someone can enter this secret cave, they will see such a scene, a blood-colored beam of light as thick as a baby's arm, one end is connected to a bronze mirror, and the other end is connected to a three-foot-square black hole, which looks extremely mysterious.

Jiang Mo sat there quietly cross-legged, his forehead was covered with sweat. Although he was very calm on the surface, in his dantian, there was already a storm!

That not-so-thick blood-colored beam of light looks ordinary, but the terrifying power contained in it can only be experienced personally.

Even with Jiang Mo's Swallowing Martial Meridian, he couldn't refine all of it.

The bluestone under Jiang Mo's seat had already turned into dust at some point, and the violent power was rushing through its meridians, like a wild horse running wild.

His refining process lasted about three full days before it showed signs of weakening slightly, because the shaking of this secret cave was no longer so severe.

The middle-aged demon clan guarding the law outside the cave has always been terrified, wondering, what is the terrible origin of this young human youth, which can cause such a big commotion!
But there is not much time left for him to wonder, because many monster generals of the Thunder Monster Division are less than [-] miles away from this secret cave!

(End of this chapter)

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