Chapter 675: Enemy Soldier Arrives

"Reporting to Deputy Commander Chu, according to the guidance of the spirit plate, there is the aura of that human guy thirty miles ahead." A monster said respectfully. In front of him was a tall and powerful general of the monster.

The Deputy Commander Chu has made great military achievements in the Thunder Demon Department, and his strength is also extremely powerful.According to rumors, he once faced the siege of three powerful Martial Emperors from the human race without losing the slightest disadvantage.

After a few years, the strength of the deputy commander of the monster clan has improved a lot, and he has already reached the astonishing peak of the Nine Star Martial Emperor.

In the entire Thunder Demon Division, the strength is only a little behind that Thunder Demon King. From this person led the monster clan to chase and intercept, it can be seen that the Thunder Demon King is determined to kill Jiang Mo.

"Continue to move forward according to the guidance of the spirit plate, that kid will not run too far. If you dare to act wild in my Thunder Demon Department, even if you want to bring him back and hand him over to Lord Thunder Demon King for interrogation, I will peel him off first. Skin!" The deputy commander of the Thunder Demon Department is notoriously bad-tempered. In the past, many tribes died under the hands of this violent deputy commander.

"Yes, with Vice Commander Chu leading the team, that kid must be hard-pressed to fly." The person who made the report flattered him in a timely manner.

Thousands of riders ran at the pace of shaking the ground, and even the ground began to tremble, the dust was flying, and the momentum was overwhelming!

Outside the secret cave, even though the Xuan Yao King's hearing was not as sensitive as Jiang Mo's, how could he not hear the thunderous sound thirty miles away?
Not to mention the Xuan Yao King, even the daughter Qingqing in his arms, her face turned pale with fright, and she cuddled tightly in her father's arms.

"It's broken now, is it coming here?" The middle-aged Yaozu frowned and stood up slowly.

At this moment, in Jiang Mo's retreat, thumb-sized stones rolled down from the wall, and the temperature in the cave was extremely high, especially within a foot of Jiang Mo's body, it was like a furnace.

"This guy is able to resist. Although the priest's strength has not yet been fully utilized, it has reached the limit that ordinary monks can bear."

The big yellow cat lay lazily on the side, looked at the young man in black who was sitting cross-legged quietly, and let out a light snort.

At this moment, Jiang Mo's dantian contained surging power, just like the rivers, lakes and seas, rushing endlessly.

However, he operated the Dayan Tianji Jue, quickly refined it, and poured all of it into the meridians. With the backing of quasi-heaven-level skills, Jiang Mo could hold on for a while.

The big yellow cat looked at the top of the cave, and seemed to be able to see through the scene thirty miles away. He shook his head and said, "That guy outside alone can't stand it!"

After finishing speaking, a stream of light passed by, and the big yellow cat disappeared outside the cave.

Boom, boom, boom!

Deafening voices continued to come from above, covered by the beast's breath, and the men and horses led by the deputy commander Chu of the Yaozu couldn't find it here for the time being.

And the middle-aged monster clan is also suppressing themselves, and will never be dispatched unless it is absolutely necessary.

Right above the secret cave, the thousands of cavalry led by Deputy Commander Chu have already reached.

"Master Vice Commander, the location shown on the spirit tray is here, but why can't I find it?"

"Hmph, I want to see how long this shrinking turtle can hide!"

When the words fell, he chopped the sole of his foot heavily on the ground, and the invisible energy ripples immediately spread out, and circles of yellow sand sank, and soon there was a huge secret cave depression, which appeared in front of the monsters.

"It turns out that kid is hiding here, but it's really easy for us to find!"

"It's still the deputy commander who has great powers!"

Seeing this scene, all the demon clans were all rejoicing.

"Everyone, what does this mean?"

A middle-aged figure flew out of the secret cave, and this figure was the Xuan Yao King who made a deal with Jiang Mo.

To be on the safe side, Qingqing simply stayed in the cave and did not bring it out.

"Oh? It's actually a monster clan. Although it's not from my Thunder Monster Clan, it's still from the same clan. Let me ask you, have you ever seen a human monk pass by here?"

The deputy commander of the reserve rode out slowly on his mount and asked indifferently.

"I haven't seen it before, please look elsewhere." Xuan Yaowang responded blankly.

"Didn't you see it?" The deputy commander had a playful look on his face, and immediately threw the spear in his hand at the Xuan Yao King, and said viciously: "Then, you will die for me!"

With a terrifying momentum, the spear pierced through the air in an instant, and before it could hit the Xuan Yao King, it pressed a deep hole about half a zhang in radius on the ground.

The power of the Nine Star Martial Emperor's peak level powerhouse is so terrifying!
The Xuan Yao King hastily resisted, only to see his hands drawing circles in the void, a purple shield emerged, the spear hit the purple shield just right, and then, amidst the laughter of the subordinates behind Vice Commander Chu, the purple shield Cracked inch by inch.

The Xuan Yao King, whose strength is far inferior to that of the Deputy Commander Chu, is like a kite with a broken string, flying more than ten meters away in embarrassment.

The advantage of the Xuan Yao Clan lies in the combined attack formation, fighting alone, they are not the opponents of the Thunder Monster Clan!
"The vulnerable guy!" The vice-commander Chu sneered, and said, "As a monster race, he dared to cover up the human race. Today, I, Chu Shan, will clean up the house for the monster race."

His strength reached his level, and he was so close to Jiang Mo, coupled with the fluctuations from Jiang Mo absorbing the power of the sacrifice, he couldn't hide it at all.

After the words fell, the spear flew up again, and after drawing a big circle, it stabbed at the weak Xuan Yao King again.

The latter watched the spear getting closer and closer, but he was unable to dodge it. Even though the deputy commander hadn't used all his strength, but under the lock of the Qi machine, it wasn't the Xuan Yao King who wanted to dodge, so he could dodge it. .

However, the spear failed to pierce the Xuan Yao King's chest smoothly in the end, a big yellow cat came out of nowhere, and immediately carried the Xuan Yao King, teleporting to appear ten meters away.

Using space teleportation, if the distance is more than a hundred miles, it will consume a lot of money for the big yellow cat, but it is not a problem if the distance is more than ten meters.

The reason why it took action to save the Demon King Xuan was because it hoped to delay for a while. As long as Jiang Mo made a breakthrough, the vice-commander of the demon clan would also become its appetizer tonight.

Although the taste of the Yaozu is not very delicious, for the Yaozu who is about to break through to Wuzong, it is a rare and great tonic.

"Hehe, it's you stinky cat again. After the Commander catches you, he will taste the taste of roasted cat meat. It's ridiculous to say that the Commander has tasted countless treasured delicacies over the years. But there is no cat meat. Tried it!"

Deputy Commander Chu Jiejie laughed strangely.

"That depends on whether you have the ability!"

The big yellow cat sneered. There are many people in this world who can eat its meat, but those people are big figures who control the life and death of hundreds of millions of living beings.

As for the deputy leader of the monster clan, he is far behind!
 Tang Tang wishes everyone a happy New Year's Day.

(End of this chapter)

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