Chapter 676 Arc Burst
In the secret cave, where Jiang Mo sat cross-legged, the surrounding air became very hot, and his skin was extremely red as if forged from an iron furnace.

He gritted his teeth tightly, until the energy in his body boiled, and when it reached a certain level, the knots of his hands began to change, and the power flowing in his limbs and bones rushed towards his dantian like a hundred rivers entering the sea.

The sound of fighting outside was deafening, and the energy in Jiang Mo's meridians was also surging endlessly, making a majestic sound of waves hitting the table.

"Give me a breakthrough!"

After a long silence, a low growl, like the roar of a wild beast, came from Jiang Mo's throat.


Outside the secret cave, there were hideous scars on Xuan Yaowang's body. Although the big yellow cat could help him increase his speed, it couldn't avoid all the attacks.

The appearance of the Xuan Yao King was very miserable, but the deputy commander Chu couldn't laugh.

As the majestic deputy commander of the Thunder Monster Department, a powerful monster from the monster clan who is comparable to the peak of the human martial emperor, but was played around by a cat!
More importantly, he felt a majestic aura rising slowly from the northeast direction of the secret cave.

Although, that aura is far less powerful than his own, and probably has never reached the level of the Nine-Star Martial Emperor, but he is cautious by nature, and the experience of escaping from the edge of life and death many times told this deputy commander to be careful when sailing for thousands of years.

"I won't spend it with you jumping clowns!"

With a wave of his hand, Deputy Commander Chu, thousands of armored cavalry from the monster race headed towards where Jiang Mo was.

Xuan Yaowang's face was ugly, and he wanted to stop him.

"You think you can stop them?" the big yellow cat said lightly.

"Otherwise, wouldn't that guy's retreat be interrupted by them?" Xuan Yaowang promised Jiang Mo to protect him, and he would do his best. Besides, his daughter is still in the secret cave!
"Don't worry, that guy won't let your daughter have trouble." The big yellow cat is an old monster with insight into people's hearts. After seeing through the thoughts of the Xuan Yaowang, the latter is even more afraid of the big yellow cat.

Just as the Xuan Yao King was hesitating for a moment, a strong aura suddenly shot up into the sky, even the top of the secret cave was blown away.

That aura is like a giant dragon, high-spirited in the world, it seems that everything in the world is under its overlooking, becoming extremely small.

"Good boy, it really is hiding here!"

Deputy Commander Chu ordered his subordinates to stop advancing, and watched the thin black figure come out of the hole, hovering in the air with incomparable momentum.

At this moment, the wings of Yuanli on Jiang Mo's back spread more than a foot wide, and the brilliance flowed on them, crystal clear, exuding palpitating power fluctuations.

"This kid really has made a breakthrough, and I didn't waste my painstaking efforts!"

The big yellow cat said happily.

In the secret cave, Jiang Mo absorbed the power of the sacrifice, and with [-]% of the power, he broke through to the peak of the Seven-Star Martial Emperor, which was only a thin line away from the Eight-Star Martial Emperor.

When he was a five-star martial emperor, his combat power was enough to defend an eight-star martial emperor. Now that he has reached the peak of a seven-star martial emperor, how terrifying is his current combat power?
This is an unreasonable freak!

"Boy, I have to say that you really surprised this commander. Not only did you dare to take away the power of the priest from the hands of Lord Thunder Demon King and Lord Goddess, but also, in just a few days, your strength reached this level." One realm. However, if you offend the Thunder Demon Division, even if the Martial Ancestor of the human race comes in person, it will be difficult to take you away."

The face of Deputy Commander Chu finally took on a trace of solemnity.

To be able to achieve the position of deputy commander of the monster clan, no matter how arrogant he is, he should know that not everyone will be able to escape smoothly on that day, surrounded by so many powerful people.

The thin young man in black in front of him was able to leave unscathed, there must be some strength in him.

"Whether I can leave, at least I have to try. Also, how can you be so sure that I definitely want to leave?" Jiang Mo smiled lightly while holding the little girl in his arms.

The little girl was very quiet at this time, and it seemed that she was a little safer in Jiang Mo's arms than in his father's arms.

"This commander doesn't like arrogant people the most! Especially people who are more arrogant than this commander!"

After the vice-commander Chu gave a cold snort, the spear flew out again, turned into a flash of lightning, tore through the air, and charged towards Jiang Mo.

However, Jiang Mo stood where he was and didn't move. This scene caught everyone's eyes, making their eyeballs bulge out.

They couldn't help but wondered in their hearts, isn't this kid too crazy?In the face of the all-out blow of Deputy Commander Chu, he was so careless.

Could it be that you can't find death?
The spear pierced through the air in an instant, and came to Jiang Mo in the blink of an eye. Just when thousands of monsters were expecting the spear to nail Jiang Mo to death, a strange scene appeared.

The figures of Jiang Mo and his little daughter disappeared in place like a teleportation. When the monster races reacted, Jiang Mo's figure had already appeared at the Xuan Yao King.

"So fast!"

Deputy Commander Chu exclaimed. He obviously didn't feel the fluctuation of Yuanli just now, but Jiang Mo's figure had been swept away at an incredible speed.

"Take care of the little girl, I can't be too distracted by myself." Jiang Mo handed Qingqing to her father and said with a smile.

After seeing Jiang Mo's speed, Xuan Yaowang became more and more in awe of him.

"Let me have a good fight with you today, and see how much your Nine-Star Martial Emperor weighs." After finishing speaking, the ancient sword of Heavenly Punishment flew out from behind Jiang Mo, and was firmly held by Jiang Mo. hands.

In the next moment, his figure was like lightning, and the wings of Yuanli behind his back trembled, and he rushed out. The air along the way was torn apart, and faint black cracks appeared in the space behind him!

The deputy commander of the Yaozu didn't talk too much nonsense, he raised the spear with his right hand obliquely, and fought directly.

This level of battle, if it is called on the ordinary monster clan, it is no different from death.

Jiang Mo can easily kill a large group of people with one sword!

"Clang, Clang, Clang!"

The two fought like lightning, and then retreated quickly, leaving behind a large amount of brilliant sparks, as well as the roaring sound of metal and iron lingering in the mind for a long time!
"Arc burst!"

Just at the moment when he fought with Jiang Mo, the deputy commander of the monster clan was really aware of the danger.

Jiang Mo's sword is too fast, not only forming an impenetrable wall of sword light around his body, but also that wall of sword light seems to be psychic, as long as you reveal the slightest mistake, you will be swept away by the terrifying sword light. Go in and tear your defenses apart.

Although the fighting time was short, and even those monsters didn't see it very clearly, but the danger in it can only be known by personal experience.

However, the "Arc Burst" that Deputy Commander Chu used next was one of his means of becoming famous. I don't know how many fierce human races died under the Arc Burst!
(End of this chapter)

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