Chapter 681
"Hmph, take it down!" At this moment, the Xuan Yao King stood up, and the majesty of the past reappeared in his expression, only to see that he did not even look at the general of the Xuan Yao clan holding the iron halberd, and said, "Tuo Li, if this If the king remembers correctly, you were promoted to the position of captain of the Imperial Guard 30 years ago, right?"

Hearing these words, Tuo Li, the imposing captain of the imperial guards, visibly shook his body, and his face was full of disbelief.

He stared at Xuan Yao King closely, and after a long while, he cried out in pain, "Master Demon King, it's you, it's really you!"

"I didn't expect that this king has been expelled for so many years, and there are still people who remember it. It's rare, rare!" Xuan Yaowang laughed and lost his majesty.

"Tuo Li was pulled out by you personally, Mr. Demon King. If it wasn't for you, Tuo Li would have been driven to extinction by other monster clans. Tuo Li will never forget the great kindness that Mr. Demon King has shown to Tuo Li!"

The captain of the imperial guard put away his iron halberd, and all the elite monsters under him also put away their halberds and stood up without saying a word.

"Tell me how the Xuan Yao Department is doing recently." The Xuan Yao King patted Tuo Li on the shoulder and asked.

Jiang Mo couldn't help but look at Xuan Yao King with admiration when he saw that the Xuan Yao King had easily dealt with thousands of soldiers from the Xuan Yao Department just by relying on his past incense.

However, just as Natuo Li was about to report the situation to Xuan Yao King, a cold snort full of air suddenly sounded from mid-air.

"Tuo Li, you are a foodie, this king treats you well, I didn't expect that you, a bastard, betrayed this king at the last moment!"

A burly middle-aged man wearing a golden robe slowly descended from midair. Obviously, this person was the one who expelled the Xuan Yao King from the group.

Jiang Mo rubbed his hands, not planning to intervene for the time being. After all, this is the family affairs of the Xuan Yao Department. If the Xuan Yao King needs Jiang Mo to take action to suppress those evil-minded people, then Jiang Mo will naturally not hesitate in the slightest.

"Hehe, eating inside and out? In my life, Tuo Li, I have only one master in my eyes, and that is Lord Demon King. If it wasn't for him, I, Tuo Li, would have died in the battlefield of Shura long ago." Tuo Li said with a sneer.

Jiang Mo was a little surprised, obviously he didn't expect that there would be such a person who valued love and righteousness among the monster clan.

"Hahahaha, there is only one master in my eyes. This time, I will ask you masters and servants to go to the underworld to have a good reunion!" The burly middle-aged man in a golden robe looked extremely stern. The young monster warrior turned his spearhead and pointed directly at Tuo Li.

However, there are also many monster warriors who are on Tuo Li's side.

The war is imminent and inevitable.

If a group wants to prosper, it must have a strong leader. The battle between the old and the new demon kings is an inevitable battle.

In the past, if the Xuan Yao King wanted to regain the position of the leader of the tribe, the chances of winning were not great, but with Jiang Mo in charge, the battle situation would be reversed dramatically.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

The sound of shouting and killing came out, and when more black-clothed soldiers poured out from the base camp, many soldiers still turned to the former old demon king.

The burly middle-aged man in a golden robe had a very gloomy face. He did not expect that this battle would have such a big impact.

However, when he thought of what the Thunder Demon King had promised, as long as he took down the skinny young man in black next to him, he would be able to gain thousands of miles of demon clan territory, the burly middle-aged man felt that all the sacrifices were worth it.

The melee in the arena has already begun, and the two parties have tried their best to put the other party to death. Suddenly, swords, lights and swords filled the entire territory of the Xuan Yao Clan.

Terrible fluctuations of Yuan Force raged, tearing the ground below into deep gullies one after another.

The burly middle-aged man in a golden robe had a sneer on his face. Someone restrained the Xuan Yao King, so he had a chance to attack the young man in black.

Seeing this scene, the big yellow cat couldn't help showing a sneer. It patted Jiang Mo with its cat paw and said, "That guy is here."

"A mere guy who is going to die, why bother too much." Jiang Mo folded his arms around his chest, as if he didn't notice the burly middle-aged man who sneaked in quietly.

"Boy, take my life for this king!"

As soon as the words fell, a blood-colored giant ax came through the air, and the speed was so fast that there was a piercing sound of piercing wind in the air.

At the edge of the axe, there was a huge blood-colored arc that slashed straight to the top of Jiang Mo's head.

"Tips for carving insects!"

Before Jiang Motou could return, the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword flew out from behind, and collided with the bloody giant axe with a clang.

In an instant, a large number of sparks flew out, and the charged blow of the burly middle-aged man did not have half the effect.

"I said, if you are given a chance to sneak attack, you can't grasp it well. With this ability, what kind of mysterious demon king is you? Let Natuo Li be the one!" Jiang Mo turned around and said with a sneer.

If Qingqing's father is the Old Xuan Yao King, then the burly middle-aged man in golden robes in front of him is the Xin Xuan Yao King.

"Good boy, you have good strength, no wonder you dare to provoke the Thunder Demon Department!"

Inspired by Jiang Mo's words, the burly middle-aged man's face turned green and pale, and he firmly held the bloody giant axe, suppressing the churning blood in his chest.

Just now, even though he received Jiang Mo's random blow in front of him, he was really injured. After all, the Xuanyao tribe are all famous for their combined attack formation, and fighting alone is not their strong point.

"I know what you want to do." Jiang Mo smiled and said, "If you want to use the joint attack formation, I will not stop you. I just want to see if the joint attack formation of your Xuan Yao Department is really there. It is so powerful in the rumors!"

"You can use it boldly with confidence. It's best to try out the Nine Army Dragon Slaying Formation."

Jiang Mo intentionally angered the Xinxuan Demon King with his words. With Jiang Mo's photographic memory, as long as the Xinxuan Demon King had the courage to use the Nine Armies and Dragon Slaying Formation, Jiang Mo would be able to remember the core of his performance accurately. !

"What a big boy, today the king will let you know what it means, there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky!"

The burly middle-aged man's eyes were gloomy, and he immediately clenched the bloody battle ax in his hand, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, join me and kill this human monk, and then tear this guy who should have been sent to hell to pieces!"

When the voice fell, there were dozens of voices breaking the wind again. These monster warriors were all full of energy, covered in armor, and gleaming with cold light. At first glance, they were the elite of the elite!
"Keep the Nine Armies Slaying Dragon Formation!"

As Jiang Mo said, the Xinxuan Demon King used the strongest killing move as soon as he came up, and it seemed that he wanted to keep Jiang Mo here completely.

Jiang Mo smiled playfully, if the Nine Army Dragon Slaying Formation is really as powerful as rumored, even if he suffers some losses, he must get it!

(End of this chapter)

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