Chapter 682 Summoning?

"Human boy, if you regret it now, it's too late!"

Xinxuan Demon King said with a smirk, he saw nine elite divisions lined up like a long snake behind him, the formation was indeed a bit frightening.

With spears like forests and armored armor, plus the Seven Star Martial Emperor Xinxuan Demon King presiding over the Nine Army Dragon Slaying Formation, if an ordinary monk faced such a battle, he might have to throw away his helmet and armor on the spot.

Jiang Mo stared at the Xinxuan Demon King's formation with great interest, and had no intention of interrupting it.

With thousands of elite iron cavalry operating in an extremely mysterious order, the originally sunny mid-air seemed to start to become cloudy, and there was the faint sound of thunder.

In the distance, the old Xuan Yao King's face was a little pale. He knew better than anyone else how terrifying the Nine Army Dragon Slaying Formation was, but he didn't know if that emaciated human monk could hold it down.

"All right?"

Jiang Mo squinted at the Xinxuan Demon King whose aura had reached its peak, and asked indifferently.

"It's enough to kill you!" The demon king Xinxuan chopped the sole of his foot heavily on the ground. In an instant, a thick crack opened on the ground, and the yellow sand swept through it, turning into an earth dragon and roaring towards Jiang Mo.

Seeing this, Jiang Mo twitched the corners of his mouth, and immediately slashed out with the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword. A dazzling sword light flashed, cutting the earth dragon into two pieces.

"It took so much effort to only have this little attack power? That really disappoints me!"

Jiang Mo shook his head and teased.

The Xinxuan Demon King let out a cold snort, and the aura of his whole body climbed up again. Behind him, more than a thousand elite masters who were operating in a very mysterious law suddenly burst into golden light all over their bodies.

"Half-step Wuzong? Hehe, this is a bit interesting!" Jiang Mo frowned slightly when he felt the aura emanating from the Xinxuan Demon King.

The Dragon Slaying Formation of the Nine Armies is known as the treasure of the Xuan Yao Division, and it really has its extraordinary features. Even, the new Xuan Yao King has not yet fully utilized the potential of this mysterious large formation.

While Jiang Mo was thinking, the soaring Xinxuan Demon King couldn't bear his temper, and charged towards Jiang Mo with the bloody battle ax in his hand.

"Good job! It just happens to be my trial stone!" Jiang Mo was not surprised but delighted. He shook the ancient sword of punishment in his hand, leaving afterimages behind him, and his figure also rushed out.

"Aurora is like electricity!"

Jiang Mo let out a low growl, and the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword swung brilliant sword flowers one after another, and suddenly bombarded with the bloody ax shadow.

For a moment, the ear-piercing metal roar, centered on the place where the two fought, spread out to the surroundings, and those monster soldiers who were a little closer were immediately affected, their eardrums were bleeding, their figures staggered, and they retreated go out.

After a hard blow, both of them retreated tens of feet back. Jiang Mo shook his numb arms, his face showed a fighting spirit, and said, "Come again!"

This time it was the turn of Xinxuan Yaowang to be surprised. He knew very well that although the potential of the Ninth Army Dragon Slaying Formation was great and could even help him reach the level of a two-star Wuzong, he did not have the ability to defeat the Ninth Army. The potential of the Dragon Slaying Formation was fully realized.

But this human cultivator in front of him looks like he is only in his twenties, how can he compare with himself who has advanced to the half-step Wuzong realm?

Surprised, Xinxuan Demon King had no choice but to fight again, because Jiang Mo, who had already been aroused to fight, charged again with an unrivaled momentum.

"Changhong pierces the sun!"

Another move of Devil May Cry Sword Art was performed, and a white sword energy pierced through thousands of miles and came through the air.

A whimper sounded, and behind the white sword energy, a vacuum was forcibly torn apart.

Xinxuan Yaowang's complexion changed slightly, and the bloody giant ax in his hand was split into two, and he quickly slashed down with both axes, like chopping melons and vegetables, which made people dazzled.

But it was this kind of haphazard chopping that chopped the white sword into pieces.

Jiang Mo was not annoyed by this, as this was not his strongest ultimate move, not to mention that the strength of the new Xuan Yao King had risen to a new level.

Outside the circle of battle between the two, the Old Xuan Demon King led his loyal subordinates to fight fiercely with the Xinxuan Demon King's confidants.

Although it was not as fierce as the battle between Jiang Mo and Jiang Mo, blood was sprayed from time to time, broken arms and stumps piled up, and corpses piled up in the base camp of the Xuan Yao Department like hills.

From the beginning to the end, the scout from the Thunder Demon Department watched with cold eyes, never intending to make a move.

All he needs to do is to quietly wait for the Thunder Demon King to arrive.

At that time, the human monk in black would not be able to escape even with wings.

"Damn it, this kid's strength is too unfathomable!"

The more the battle went to the end, the more uncertain the Xinxuan Demon King was. He had almost used all the means of suppressing the bottom of the box, but he still did not gain the upper hand.

However, to Xinxuan Yaowang's relief, that human monk seemed to be at the end of his rope.

"Boy, this king accepts it. Your martial arts cultivation is very strong. This king can't defeat you, but you can't defeat this king either. Why don't you and I stop here, how about we sit down and have a good talk?" Xinxuan Demon King Putting away the double axes, he looked at Jiang Mo with a smile, as if he wanted to ask for peace.

The corner of Jiang Mo's mouth twitched into a sneer. Jiang Mo had already noticed the scout from the Thunder Demon Department who was hiding in the dark.

No matter whether the Xinxuan Demon King really wanted to seek peace, or he was waiting for the Thunder Demon King to come and kill him, Jiang Mo would not give him this chance.

"Peace talks? Hehe, how can you be sure that I will not be able to defeat you?" Jiang Mo took a deep breath, and the cyan flame behind his back rose against the wind, and the terrifying high temperature suddenly swept away, making some monster soldiers become barbecues.

"Hmph, it's really shameless. Since you think you can definitely eat this king, you might as well give it a try."

Realizing that Jiang Mo had no intention of peace talks, the Demon King Xinxuan could only resist to the end.

"Wind, fire!"

Jiang Mo's eyes drooped slightly, his chest heaved slightly, and after a few strange syllables spewed out from his mouth, suddenly, a strong wind blew up in the world, and the strong wind wrapped around the raging fire, turning into a huge fire tornado, rushing towards the Xinxuan Demon King .

Seeing this scene, except for the big yellow cat, the expressions of almost all the members of the Monster Race changed drastically.

Even the big yellow cat muttered to himself, "Could it be that this kid really has a chance that he has even learned the power of speech from the Dragon Clan?"

The movement of the fire tornado was astonishing, it only took one breath before it suddenly arrived in front of the Xinxuan Demon King.

Fierce waves of fire swept away, and the blazing high temperature even burned the air.

The dragon language spirit, coupled with Jiang Mo's Eight Desolation Burning Tianyan, not everyone can resist this power.

When the fire tornado swept out, there was a terrifying sword intent slowly brewing...

(End of this chapter)

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