Chapter 683
The movement of the fire tornado was astonishing, the ground was scorched and cracked, and behind the Xinxuan Demon King, the Nine Army Dragon Slaying Formation, lined up, immediately erupted with bright light, trying to resist the terrifying heat of the fire tornado .

The Xinxuan Demon King's complexion was extremely ugly, his arm suddenly thickened a bit, and the bloody battle ax once again merged into one, with brilliance lingering on it, and a low whimpering sound.

The Dragon Slaying Formation of the Nine Armies rotated rapidly, sending wave after wave of terrifying power into the body of the Xinxuan Demon King, and then he let out a violent shout, and the bloody battle ax suddenly struck down.

"Slay the Yellow Dragon!"

When the ax was struck, the air was instantly torn apart, and even the stable space showed signs of collapsing.

A blood-colored ax light about a hundred feet in size fell far from the sky, and directly clashed with the fire tornado.

Boom, boom, boom!

In an instant, there was an endless sound of terrible explosions. After this collision, the Xinxuan Demon King and the Nine Army Dragon Slaying Formation behind him retreated thousands of feet.

And the terrifying fire tornado was also shattered because of this, but when the Xinxuan Demon King retreated violently, his face changed drastically again.

Because, from the shattered fire tornado, he felt an extremely terrifying sword intent.

That kind of sword intent, no one in the monster clan can display it, only the strong sword sect of the human race can release it.

"This kid is actually a master of swordsmanship! I really underestimated him!"

The Xinxuan Demon King was full of regrets. If he had known this, he would not have agreed to the Thunder Demon King to stop this terrifying human monk for him.

However, there is no medicine for regret in the world. Now that you have embarked on this path, you can only bite the bullet and carry it on.

"The Ninth Army will help me!"

The demon king Xinxuan let out a low shout, and the warriors of the demon clan who had retreated thousands of feet stopped suddenly, but at the cost of each spouting a mouthful of blood.

In the distance, the Old Xuan Yao King led his old army, and had already gained the upper hand. His strength was already good, and he also had an advantage in the morale of the army. It was not surprising that he won.

After stabilizing the situation, he had time to see the terrifying battle between the Xinxuan Demon King and Jiang Mo.

The aftermath of that kind of battle razed all the surrounding buildings to the ground, and huge deep pits appeared one after another on the ground.

Moreover, the terrifying confrontation is still going on.

"Where is the upper limit of this guy's combat?" The shock in the old Xuan Yao King's heart was like the rolling waves, and it was difficult to calm down for a long time.

He is very clear that if anyone provokes such a terrifying monster, it will definitely be a nightmare!
The big yellow cat was pacing leisurely outside the battle circle. If there was any blind-eyed monster soldier who dared to offend, the big yellow cat would directly smash his head into pieces with one paw, without holding back any hands.

Jiang Mo's performance was naturally noticed by the big yellow cat. It said to itself: "Although the martial arts cultivation base is a little lower, the fierceness and fierceness in the battle are rare, and the consciousness of life and death is equal." Not bad. Do you want to teach this kid something?"

While the big yellow cat was hesitating, the battle between Jiang Mo and the Demon King Xinxuan had completely heated up.

The strength of both parties has reached the half-step Wu Zong realm, and they are evenly matched. Therefore, if you want to completely kill the other party, it is impossible without showing some real trump cards!

Thinking of this, Jiang Mo took a deep breath, and turned his gaze to the thousands of elite monster masters.

"If these guys can be killed quietly, then it will be much easier to deal with that nonsense Xuan Yaowang." Thinking of this, Jiang Mo couldn't help smiling.

"Thousands of Miles Yujian!" After a low shout, the Xinggu sword flew back that day, hovering three feet behind Jiang Mo, and the bitter cold air burst out, making the air a bit frozen.

This time, Jiang Mo used the dragon language spirit---Han!
"Boy, how are you? Do you think this king's Nine Armies Dragon Slaying Formation is too powerful, you are not an opponent, and you want to admit defeat?" After seeing Jiang Mo retracting his sword, the Xinxuan Demon King also breathed a sigh of relief. If the fight continues, even if he can win, his vitality will be severely damaged.

"Admit defeat? Hehe, you really think too highly of yourself."

Jiang Mo snorted coldly, clenched his fists, and his bones cracked and cracked.

Immediately, his figure swept out like lightning, and the pair of Yuanli wings spread out suddenly, his speed instantly increased to the extreme, and the surrounding monsters were dazzled, only a series of afterimages like ghosts could be seen.

"Little bastard, you really look down on me. How dare you fight me without using a weapon. I will let you know very soon what the price is for you."


Jiang Mo snorted coldly, and his iron-like fists crazily fell towards the Xinxuan Demon King like raindrops.

"Clang, clang, clang!"

A series of roaring sounds of gold and iron, like setting off firecrackers, resounded one after another.

Originally, the Xinxuan Demon King was not too vigilant, but when the fist like a cannonball hit him, he really felt what a storm is called!
The power carried by Jiang Mo's fists is really terrifying. Not only is it very dense, but the position of the strike is also very tricky. Every time, it can just take off the force of the bloody battle axe. In front of him, there was still a heavy aura like a mountain.

It made his running power very sluggish, not as flexible as before.

However, Jiang Mo, who did not have the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword as his amulet, did not seem to be much better.

The sharp edge of the blood-colored giant ax also aroused fear, at least it left a lot of scars on Jiang Mo's body. However, these defensive loopholes were deliberately left by Jiang Mo for the Xinxuan Demon King to reduce his defense. There is really no way to escape.

Then only Jiang Mo himself would know.

"Blood Ape Xiaotian!"

After another hard bang, the battle ax of the Xinxuan Demon King flew straight out, turning into a blood-colored giant ape about a hundred feet in size.

The blood-colored giant ape is very majestic in size, like a hill, looking from a distance, it makes people feel awe.

"Competing for physical strength? I'm not afraid!"

When the blood-colored giant ape approached, a thought flashed in Jiang Mo's mind, and his physical strength soared instantly, reaching a terrifying brute force of tens of thousands of catties!
Boom, boom, boom!

He and the blood-colored giant ape kept fighting, but every time Jiang Mo was retreating, while the blood-colored giant ape was as imposing as a rainbow.

"What should I do?" Seeing this scene, the Demon King Jiuxuan anxiously circled back and forth.

The big yellow cat looked calm.

"Boy, I see why you are going to compete with this king this time." The smile on Xinxuan Demon King's face became more and more intense.

"Hehe, is that right? Take a look at your Dragon Slaying Formation of the Nine Armies, does it still exist?"

Jiang Mo stopped his retreating figure and said with a sneer.

 In the past few days, because I am going to Wuhan, there may be two updates every day.
(End of this chapter)

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