Chapter 687

When the purple thunder snake shuttled through the clouds, hundreds of riders, led by a young man with black hair and black eyes, slowly drove towards the iron wall of Zhenguiguan.

"Who's coming? Tell me your name!" An angry voice came from the city wall. Jiang Mo looked up and saw hundreds of arrows sticking out from the arrow stacks on the city wall, shining with dark light. .

Those are very rare Primordial Breaking Arrows, each of which is expensive to make, at least equal to the income of ordinary people for a few years.

Jiang Mo waved his hand to stop Wang Wentao and the others behind him, smiled at the leader of the soldiers on the city wall and said, "Sheng Wu Jianzong is here to help guard the ghost pass!"

Wang Wentao, He Yandong and others have already gathered all the scattered disciples of the Holy Martial Sword Sect, and there are nearly [-] horsemen behind them, which is their achievement.

Hearing disdainful voices from inside the city, he snorted coldly: "There is news from the outside world that the Holy Martial Sword Sect has been destroyed. Could it be that they came here to seek refuge?"

Jiang Mo's hearing is so sharp, such sarcastic words naturally fell into his ears, but Jiang Mo just smiled slightly, as if he didn't mind.

Inside the city wall, the guard leader seemed to have taken a fancy to the strength of the more than [-] riders behind Jiang Mo, and immediately ordered the soldiers to lower the suspension bridge, allowing Jiang Mo and others to enter the city.

The tens of thousands of monster warriors who were thirty miles away did not move at all, all waiting for the command of General Tuoba Zang, whose strength had reached the level of Wu Zong.

When Jiang Mo and the others entered the city, they encountered a lot of blank stares.

Although there are all human monks in Zhenguiguan, their purpose of coming here is almost the same, to divide up the considerable amount of cultivation resources in the city after blocking the offensive of the monster clan.

People die for money and birds die for food. At this time, the truth has never changed. If Jiang Mo and others enter the city and guard the Zhengui Pass, then when the cultivation resources are divided up, the rest will naturally get less.

This is why Jiang Mo and others are unpopular.

However, Jiang Mo's new force is the icing on the cake for the president of Zhenguiguan, the more the better.

The power of Jiang Mo's spiritual thoughts spread, and he found that there were as many as twenty monks who had reached the rank of Wuhuang in the city. As for the strong Wuzong, perhaps only the president who suppressed ghosts had such a cultivation level.

When everyone was waiting intently and their nerves were tense, a thunderbolt suddenly sounded in the sky. The thunderbolt was like an angry dragon, connecting the sky and the earth, making the entire dark sky bright as day in an instant!

"Boys of the monster clan, follow this general to make contributions!"

Thirty miles away, Tuoba Zang suddenly stood up, climbing to the top with all his might, only to hear his order, tens of thousands of monster warriors, like an ancient giant beast, rumbled towards Zhenguiguan.

In the city, dozens of Yuanli wings shot out, the body was in the air, and the real weapons in the hands flashed one after another, and the majestic Yuanli fluctuated, and the terrifying momentum was not inferior to the tens of thousands of elite armor of the opponent's monster race. scholar.

"My lord, what should we do?" He Yandong and Wang Wentao asked at the same time.

"The elite troops dispatched by Yan Dong must charge forward. This is a training opportunity! As for Wen Tao, your scouts only need to catch and kill the lone monster warriors, instead of fighting to the death. There will be plenty of opportunities in the future I need you to go through life and death!" Jiang Mo said calmly.

Seeing Jiang Mo's calm expression, everyone's confidence was lifted.


After receiving Jiang Mo's reply, a force led by He Yandong was the first to rush out and climbed up the tower.

This scene fell into the eyes of the leader of Zhenguiguan who was overlooking from the tall building. He looked at Jiang Mo with a slightly surprised look, and nodded secretly, as if he had borrowed the thin black-clothed youth.

Many human monks were laughing secretly, did that kid really lead his confidants to die?No one knows the cruelty and horror of the Yaozu soldiers, but they are so stupid to let their subordinates rush to the front!

Jiang Mo naturally didn't know what other people thought of him in their hearts, and with his character, even if he knew, he probably wouldn't bother.

In this battle, many disciples of the Holy Martial Sword Sect may die, and those who may survive will surely become the mainstay of the Holy Martial Sword Sect in the future.

This was the purpose of Jiang Mo coming here. If it wasn't for tempering these tiger and wolf masters, Jiang Mo wouldn't pay attention to a small battle.

The second and third armored squads were dispatched one after another without exception. Every time a squad was dispatched, Jiang Mo would ask if he had mastered the Nine Army Dragon Slaying Formation.

In the rear, as calm as Jiang Mo, there are many people watching the battle in the distance, but most of them want to avoid and not fight. It is best to participate in the division after guarding the ghost pass, that is the best But that's all.

On the tall building, the leader of the town's president stared coldly at the scene in the city, and then turned his gaze back. His real enemy is Tuoba Zang, who is known as the 'Military God' among the monster clan!
Both of them are genuine Martial Ancestors. In addition, there seems to be a half-step Martial Ancestor hidden in the camps of all parties, most likely for the sake of winning by surprise, so neither of these two half-step Martial Ancestors was put on the table come up.

However, perhaps this time the Yaozu will be disappointed, because in Zhengui Pass, in addition to Wang Wentao and others who won the Nine Army Dragon Slaying Formation, there is also Jiang Mo, a great Bodhisattva whose strength is comparable to half-step Wuzong!
The muffled thunder rolled, accompanied by the shouts of killing from the two clans' hand-to-hand combat, for a while, this place seemed to have become a hell on earth!

Corpses continued to fall, broken arms and stumps were everywhere. In just one stick of incense, the blood under their feet had already soaked their ankles. Both sides stepped on their companions' corpses and stepped forward, in order to win an inch of land. , at the risk of his own life.

The team led by He Yandong rushed to the front. He was covered in bright armor. Even in a battle of tens of thousands of people, He Yandong's body skills were still very flexible, and no monster warrior could hurt him at all.

Under He Yandong's command, this team was like a steel knife, piercing straight into the heart of the monster warrior.

However, He Yandong knew that he couldn't be too eye-catching. He knew that Jiang Mo was trying to exercise the team's life-and-death fighting ability, not rushing forward desperately to gain military merit.

If once the real powerhouses in the Yaozu noticed this team, I am afraid they would be wiped out in an instant.

Therefore, He Yandong hit the hardest bones, not the most important part of the monster warriors.

In the distance, Jiang Mo nodded secretly. He Yandong is worthy of being the core disciple trained by the Holy Martial Sword Sect. Whether it is martial arts cultivation or marching and fighting, he has not weak talent.

Just as the two sides were fighting and gradually entering a white-hot state, a roar, like a roar of a lion king, came from the army of monster clan soldiers, and Tuoba Zang was finally ready to attack!

(End of this chapter)

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