Chapter 688
That earth-shattering roar shocked all parties, and countless people looked sideways. Tuoba Zang jumped out like a fright, leaving a series of black afterimages in the sky.

"Tuoba old man, this commander will fight with you!"

In the city, the leader of the president finally couldn't sit still, he felt the terrible martial aura suddenly bloom like a mountain torrent.

Even Jiang Mo in the city could feel the majesty of that momentum.

"It's about reached the peak of one-star Wuzong, and Tuoba Zang is probably not far behind." Jiang Mo seemed to be talking to himself, commenting on Jiangshan.

In Zhenguiguan, only two or three out of ten elites are left, and they are still hidden.

"I've heard that you Tuoba old man has already practiced the Lion King Kung Fu to the level of perfection, but I don't know if you can stop the Commander's Suppressing Ghost Knife!"

As soon as the words fell, a big knife with a strange shape came through the air, and was firmly held in the hand of the presidential leader.

Tuoba Zang ignored the leader of the Ghost Town's president, and saw that his palms suddenly grew a little bigger, and then he slapped his chest hard several times, his hair turned golden and moved in the wind, just like the thick mane of the lion king !

This is probably the lion king skill mentioned in the president's collar. According to rumors, the monster clan who has practiced the lion king skill is surprisingly powerful enough to move mountains and fill seas.

Moreover, the flesh body is said to be invulnerable, which is extremely terrifying.

Regarding these rumors, Jiang Mo just smiled, no matter how strong his physical strength was, he couldn't resist the awareness of his realm.

To give a simple example, even if a monk at the level of a martial artist has practiced the Lion King Kung Fu to the peak, once he meets a strong Martial Emperor, he will still only be crushed.

However, it seems that Tuoba Zang and the Zhenguiguan President's cultivation level are not much different, which means that there will be a vicious fight between the two, which cannot be resolved in a short period of time.

Sure enough, after the two touched each other, they found that the terrifying aftermath of energy was released, instantly killing hundreds of monster warriors and human monks.

They immediately moved the battlefield to a farther place, so as not to harm Chiyu. In the battles of the Wu Zong class, except for the strong Wu Huang who barely resisted, under this level, it was as fragile as paper, and it would shatter at the touch of a touch.

Even though they were tens of miles away, the aftermath of the confrontation between the two Wu Zong still made the heart tremble here.

However, Jiang Mo's eyes were attracted by a group of black cavalry in the Yaozu camp.

This team of black iron cavalry did not enter the battlefield at all, but bypassed and walked from the side. In the eyes of Jiang Mo, who was already standing on the tower, this was simply an extremely sharp knife, which could easily tear open the city gate Defense, enter the ghost town and kill all directions.

Soon, human monks also noticed this overwhelming black torrent.

Especially the leading one, the red horse with red armor, is particularly eye-catching.

Jiang Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, and the energy emitted by this monster soldier was fluctuating, scattered but not scattered, like a body-protecting qi.

"There are also such masters, really think highly of Zhenguiguan!"

Jiang Mo sighed softly. The red-armored demon clan had a half-step Wuzong cultivation, but on the other hand, it seemed that no one could resist them at Zhenguiguan.

"Shh, shh, shh!"

The elites of the human race were also dispatched at this time, and one after another silhouettes were in the air, and immediately broke out through the wind.

The fluttering gowns showed the demeanor of human monks, but the black torrent led by the red-armored monsters was silent, only the sound of galloping monster iron cavalry under their feet, as long as there were human monks who dared to block their way, all of them would be killed. All crushed into pieces.

This scene made the human monks terrified!

When did such a terrifying opponent appear in the Yaozu camp?

After the leader of Zhenguiguan was pinned down by Na Tuobazang, the human monks had a deputy commander in command, and there was no panic at all.

If someone dies in battle, someone will fill in immediately, without giving the Yaozu any chance.

The cruelty of the battle can be seen!
After about dozens of breaths, the black torrent team finally came to the city, and the guards on the city wall have been replaced by all crossbowmen. These people are all amazing in arm strength, and their arrow skills are very outstanding. .

Seeing such a lineup, the black torrent team still did not stop. Headed by the red-armored demon clan, they climbed to the top with all their breath, jumped, and flew towards the several-meter-high city wall.

At this time, a wave of black arrow rain arrived as promised!

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!"

Under the cover of the dark cloud, the black arrow that tore through the air seemed to be integrated with the sky and the earth. When it burst out, it made a sound that burst the eardrum.

The armored warriors of the monster clan in mid-air tried their best to avoid the black arrows. No matter how powerful these monster clans were, they couldn't resist the wave after wave of arrow rain.

At present, dozens of monster warriors fell from mid-air and landed like locusts. After landing, they were smashed into meat by rolling stones falling from the sky.

The red-armored demon clan didn't even look at the damaged subordinates. When he was in the air, the red protective energy increased a circle again, and the black arrows were within a foot away from his side, as if they were under some kind of invisible resistance. Generally speaking, they fell one after another without harming the red-armored demon clan at all.


This was the first word the red-armored demon clan stepped onto the city wall, and then he opened his arms, like a death scythe that harvested life, and rushed towards the stunned city defenders.

Bang, bang, bang!

Without exception, as long as they are touched by the red-armored monster clan, they will instantly explode into a cloud of blood mist.

After that, the subordinates led by the red-armored demon clan went upstairs one after another, took out the standard weapons of the demon clan, and hacked together with the human monks upstairs.

As a result, blood was continuously sprayed down from the city tower, and corpses fell down one after another. The level of cruelty was not weaker than that outside the city.

At this moment, in Zhengui Pass, none of the human monks escaped from the battle. Two nine-star martial emperors rose into the sky and joined forces to kill the red-armored demon clan.

With lightning speed, the two Yuan Lilians slammed into the red-armored monster clan. Before the attack arrived, two huge potholes had already appeared on the ground.

"Hmph!" This was the second word from the red-armored demon clan.

When the two Yuan Li Pilians smashed out, the red-armored monster clenched their fists and didn't bother to dodge them at all, and then those fists blasted out flatly, defending with the terrifying Yuan Li Pi Lian.

In an instant, the two nine-star Martial Emperors joined forces to attack with all their strength, and they were smashed into pieces in an instant!
The faces of the two human monks were extremely pale, and those who could fight against the two nine-star Martial Emperors by themselves, even if they were not Wuzong powerhouses, were at least half-step Wuzong.

The red-armored demon clan had the tendency to be unreasonable and merciless, he threw out his fists again, and the two nine-star martial emperors vomited blood before retreating!

"Human monks, that's all!" The red-armored monster snorted again.

"I don't think so!"

The skinny young man in black rushed out of the city, his face was flat, and there was no trace of tension.

(End of this chapter)

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