Chapter 689
When the red-armored demon clan came straight to the Ghost Town Pass with such momentum, and no one could stop it, everyone was ashamed, waiting for the Town Ghost Pass to be broken.

However, fortunately, someone in the city made a noise, even if it was just a little-known monk, it was better than no one stopped him and let the red-armored monster clan drive straight in.

The thin young man in black was none other than Jiang Mo, with a pair of Yuanli wings protruding from his back, and he floated into the air amidst the vibrations.

Jiang Mo looked at the imposing red-armored monster clan, and there was no fear in his eyes, but most of them were fighting, eager to try.

"Here comes another guy who is going to die!" Some of the human monks inevitably whispered, not optimistic about Jiang Mo.

More people held their hopes, hoping that the not-so-strong young man could resist for a while.

The two Nine Star Martial Emperors who had been blasted to vomit blood before had an ugly look on their faces. No matter what they said, they could be regarded as well-known monks in Zhenguiguan. Unexpectedly, they didn't even take a single move from the red-armored demon clan.

At this time, all eyes on the city wall and in the city were focused on Jiang Mo and the red-armored demon clan.

"Are you courting death?" This was the fourth sentence of the red-armored monster clan.

After finishing speaking, he didn't give Jiang Mo time to answer, so he raised a pair of iron fists and slammed at Jiang Mo's head angrily.

When everyone thought they were going to see a scene of blood splattering, the situation was not as everyone expected.


A sound of energy explosion came out, centering on the place where Jiang Mo and the red-armored monster were standing, circles of energy ripples spread to the surroundings, but Jiang Mo's figure did not move at all.

"What's going on? That guy actually withstood the blow from the Yaozu!"

At this time, countless horrified voices, one after another, resounded from the city.

"I'm not mistaken, am I? This guy who entered the Ghost Town last, is actually so tough!"

"The red-armored demon clan doesn't even pay attention to the joint efforts of two nine-star martial emperors!"

"It seems that this time the Ghost Town Pass is expected to be defended!"

"It's too early to draw conclusions."

Jiang Mo's performance raised a glimmer of hope in everyone's hearts. At this time, no one thought that he was the guy who was going to die.

"You are very good." The red-armored demon clan seemed to cherish words like gold. After the pair punched each other, they knew that the thin black-clothed youth in front of him was not a showman.

This time, Jiang Mo had a chance to speak, but he didn't speak any more. In a blink of an eye, he was like a ghost, bluffing forward, his fists raining down like raindrops.

Facing the red-armored demon clan, Jiang Mo chooses to take the initiative to attack!

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The sound of continuous energy explosions, like bass drumsticks, hit everyone's hearts.

The two fought like lightning, and in just a few tens of breaths, they had already fought hundreds of times, and their figures jumped from the city wall into the air.

With the eyesight of these masters in Zhenguiguan, they can only barely capture their movement trajectories. If you want to see the moves and routines from their fights, it is impossible.


After half a stick of incense, there was only a dull and loud noise, like rolling thunder, swaying down from mid-air.

Soon, everyone saw that the red-armored monster fell straight down from mid-air, and the hundreds of elite monsters led by him stared wide-eyed.

On the side of the human monks, they gasped in unison. That thin young man in black was so terrifying!
Those monks who had despised Jiang Mo before were all thankful in their hearts at this moment that they did not turn against him, otherwise, it would be too late to regret.

"It's really heartwarming!"

"From this point of view, we can not only guard the Ghost Town Pass, but also hope to keep these monster races here completely."

"Anyway, Ghost Town has no shortage of places to bury people."

Whispering voices came out, the team of black torrents did not let the monks relax for too long, when the red-armored monsters and Jiang Mo were fighting fiercely, this team of black torrents jumped down from the city wall , the momentum is still like a rainbow, obviously this is a battle-tested elite force!

Without the threat of the red-armored monsters, it is obviously much easier for the human monks to deal with the black torrent.

This is all thanks to the desperate fight of the thin black-clothed youth in mid-air!
"I'm afraid Zhenguiguan will have to change its name and surname from today!"

Thousands of miles above the sky, Tuoba Zang laughed heartily.

"Hehe, old man Tuoba, you are too confident. Don't you think that my ghost pass is a paper?" The commander of the ghost pass slapped down, causing the surrounding world to boil.

After Tuoba Zang received the palm, he retreated a hundred feet, and continued to smile: "In the past, this general couldn't take down your ghost pass, but what if you add a half-step Wu Zong? You still have a chance of winning the ghost pass ?”

Hearing this, the originally majestic Zhenguiguan President's face immediately turned cold, and he couldn't help but look down.

If it is true what old man Tuoba said, there is still a half-step Wuzong hidden in the monster camp, then the outcome will be unpredictable!
Scanning below for a moment, the leader of Zhenguiguan didn't seem to find anything unusual, because the fierce battle was still going on, and it was hard to see any advantage on the Yaozu side.

But soon, he noticed that there was an extremely fierce battle a hundred miles away.

It was a fight between a red armor and a thin black-clothed young man. Judging from the scene, both of them should have reached the half-step Wuzong realm.

"Could it be that a strong person came to help me suppress ghosts?" The leader wondered in his heart, otherwise, based on his memory, he would never have remembered that there was a half-step Wuzong in Zhenguiguan.

"Anyway, this is a good thing for my Ghost Town. As long as this old man Tuoba is dealt with quickly, the Ghost Town will be safe and sound!"

The president's face returned to normal again, which surprised Tuoba Zang. When he looked at the aura of the red-armored monsters, he really found that the red-armored monsters who spent a lot of resources to cultivate are being killed by a group of people at this moment. Celebrity monks entangled.

"Damn it! The intelligence clearly stated that there is only one Wu Zong in Zhengui Pass. Where did this guy come from?" Tuoba Zang was naturally annoyed by Jiang Mo. It's in the bag.

Without waiting for Tuoba Zang to think more, the big palm of Yuanli mixed with the vast aura was already slapped in the air, causing the air within a thousand feet to explode in an instant.


Tuoba Zang had to hastily respond to the enemy.

At that time, the fierce battle between Jiang Mo and the red-armored demon clan was even more fierce than before. Although the blade of the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword was broad and thick, it did not affect its sharpness.

Jiang Mo's agility, combined with his superb swordsmanship, caused the red-armored monster to suffer a lot.

Not only was his red armor chopped into pieces, but his aura also became disordered.

There are also high-level and low-level half-step Wuzong, and Jiang Mo happened to have climbed to the high-level half-step Wuzong a few days ago.

(End of this chapter)

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