Chapter 690
On the battlefield of fierce fighting, there is a big yellow cat strolling in the courtyard, as if entering the land of no one.

On such a large battlefield, no one seemed to notice the existence of this big yellow cat.

"No matter how small a mosquito is, it's still meat. I've spent endless years in the fairy king's tomb, and the consumption is really too much. Let's use these small miscellaneous fish to replenish your body!" As a yellow streamer, it travels across the entire battlefield.

Thus, after a stick of incense, the bloody aura of the entire battlefield was rapidly diminishing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The bloody air was swallowed by the big yellow cat and turned into its power.

With the cultivation experience of the big yellow cat, the mere tens of thousands of bloody aura will not affect it at all.

There are rumors that if a monk ingests too much bloody air, he will go mad, which is almost negligible for the big yellow cat.

If someone looked down from the sky, they would find that the piles of corpses had turned into mummies. This scene couldn't help but make people feel extremely weird!

After doing all this, the big yellow cat leisurely returned to the city wall, staring indifferently at the outside of Zhengui Pass, still fighting fiercely.

It is like a god overlooking hundreds of millions of living beings, aloof and indifferent.

After a while, the big yellow cat looked hundreds of miles away.

There, Jiang Mo was fighting fiercely with the red-armored monster clan, and the precious red armor worn by that monster clan was already shattered.

Compared to the embarrassment of the red-armored demon clan, although Jiang Mo's breathing was a bit difficult, it was much better.

Every time the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword slashes, it will cause a howling wind between the heaven and the earth, and the momentum is extremely huge.

"You are the first real opponent I have encountered. If I can't kill you today, my martial arts cultivation will stop here!"

"So, it's your misfortune to meet me!"

The red-armored demon clan said solemnly, after he said those words, he suddenly folded his hands together, and a terrifying fluctuation of Yuan power centered on him, suddenly swept away in all directions!

"A high-level half-step Wuzong!"

Jiang Mo muttered to himself, and after a while, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "So what, even if you have a secret method, you are not my opponent!"

At this moment, Jiang Mo was full of arrogance, and he directly activated the secret technique of moving mountains to the third floor, bursting out nine times the brute force of the physical body in an instant!

His originally thin body became very strong at this time, his muscles bulged, and the veins on his arms throbbed like earthworms.


Taking a deep breath, the cyan sea of ​​flames reappeared behind him, and the terrifying high temperature swept across the sky. Under the background of the cyan flames, Jiang Mo looked like a god of fire, holding the ancient sword of heavenly punishment, and slashed at the red-armored monster from a distance. family.


The world shook violently, and immediately, I saw the cyan sword light slashing towards the red-armored demon clan with the momentum of thunder. The latter was gathering momentum at this time, and Jiang Mo wanted to interrupt his momentum.


The red-armored monster dodged in embarrassment, but was still chopped on the shoulder by the blue sword light. There was no other reason, but because the speed of the sword light was too fast, and it was inevitable.

"The earth pulsates!"

After being slashed by Jiang Mo, the red-armored monster no longer ran away. He stood firmly on the spot and yelled in a low voice.

Then, he slapped his arms downwards heavily, and immediately, countless thick stone pillars emerged from the ground, like earth dragons, trying to destroy Jiang Mo!
Jiang Mo didn't even look at it, he slashed down one after another with the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword, and a round of sword light about a thousand feet in size, bright as day, came through the air, and slammed hard on the thick stone pillars below.

The earth dragon-like stone pillars exploded in an instant. Although many of them blocked Jiang Mo's powerful blow, they were already at the end of their strength.

After casting such a huge spell, the red-armored monster staggered, almost unable to stand still.

He didn't expect that after using the monster clan's secret technique, he was still no match for the human monk in front of him.

Although Jiang Mo also consumes a lot of energy, but with such a heaven-defying technique as the Dayan Tianji Jue, he doesn't have to worry about the exhaustion of his energy at all.

Slightly lowering his eyes, Jiang Mo shook his body and rushed towards the red-armored monster. He is not a soft-hearted person. The red-armored monster is not weak. If he is asked to recover, Jiang Mo will , is not a small trouble.

Cutting weeds requires eradicating the roots. Jiang Mo knows this truth better than anyone else.

"You want to kill me?" The red-armored monster sneered, even though he knew that Jiang Mo was stronger than him, he didn't show the slightest timidity.

"You guessed it right, unfortunately, there is no reward." Jiang Mo smiled gently, but under the gentle smile, there was a cold murderous intent hidden.

"Do you know who I am?" Seeing the cyan brilliance flowing on Jiang Mo's Tianxing ancient sword, the red-armored demon clan was finally a little uneasy.

"Oh? Tell me!" Jiang Mo still smiled, but his aura was getting more and more terrifying.

"I am..."

However, before the red-armored monster could finish speaking, Jiang Mo cut it off with a sword.

The red-armored monster clan with exhausted vitality was cut off by Jiang Mo's sword.

"I never ask his name when I kill someone!"

After Jiang Mo left such a sentence, he drifted away.

However, after Jiang Mo left, a blood-colored bead rose from the body of the red-armored monster, as if Jiang Mo's back was reflected in the bead, and then dissipated between heaven and earth.

After the death of the red-armored demon clan, the big yellow cat came leisurely, opening its mouth, and this purer blood became its great tonic.

After swallowing the blood energy of the red-armored monster clan, the fur of the big yellow cat seemed to become more shiny.

When Jiang Mo returned to the city, the human monks cheered deafeningly.

Almost none of the elite demon clan brought by the red-armored demon clan could escape, and all of them became dead souls under the sword.

At this moment, the vice-commander who sits in the town of Guiguan let out a sigh of relief. Now, he finally sees hope.

He purposely took one more look at the thin young man in black, and immediately ordered his subordinates to activate the attack formation of the ghost pass.

Naturally, this formation was not aimed at attacking Jiang Mo, but intended to echo with the president and leader, and completely keep that Tuoba Zang outside the Ghost Town.


Accompanied by a loud buzzing sound, the Ghost Town Pass below seemed to be shrouded in a thin layer of mist, and the brilliance flowed in it, which seemed extraordinarily mysterious.

This buzzing was the signal, and the leader of Zhenguiguan had a smile on his face. As long as the attack formation was activated, it meant that the defense in the city was completely successful.

Now, let's see if Tuoba Zang, the army god of the demon clan, can leave the town of ghosts smoothly!

"Om, hum, hum!"

The attack formation started to operate, and countless Yuanli spars were thrown into the formation. In the next instant, a thick beam of energy burst out from the formation, directly attacking Tuoba Zang!

(End of this chapter)

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