Chapter 1105 There is a murderer behind the scenes (1)

"Su Wai Wai, you are really ruthless! Although I don't know what you guys are talking about, but don't worry, even if I do a ghost, I won't let you go!!" Su Jiaojiao said in a stern tone when she heard Su Wai Wai's words shouted at her.

"Unfortunately, the King of Ghosts is my friend. If you accidentally become a ghost, I will let him torture you!" Su Wai Wai smiled slightly, not listening to Su Jiao Jiao's threat at all.

There are her friends everywhere in the Six Realms, she is very popular, and these people can't be jealous.

In that room, Liu Yue tortured Su Yunyun so much that he was dying, and he never forgot to torture him to ask who the instigator behind the scenes was.

At the beginning, Su Yunyun insisted that Su Yunyun instructed her, and she just acted according to the instructions, but she couldn't stand it anymore, and finally told the truth.She was indeed responsible for this matter, Su Jiaojiao didn't know about it.

"Eldest sister, give me a good time, I can't take it anymore..." Su Yunyun said loudly towards Su Jiaojiao, with blood streaming down her face.

Seeing that Su Yunyun was pitiful, Su Jiaojiao suddenly rushed forward and quickly slapped Su Yunyun.

Liu Yue wanted to stop it, but Su Jiaojiao's attack on Su Yunyun was fake, so she suddenly swung a hidden weapon and hit Su Yunyun's face.

It's a pity that although Liu Yue failed to see through her intention, Su Waiwai took action in time to prevent Su Jiaojiao from poisoning Su Yunyun.

"Liu Yue suffers from great hatred, it's not your turn to take action in this matter. Even if you want to take Su Yunyun's life, it's not now, only when Liu Yue says it's okay, then Su Yunyun can be free." Su Wai Wai finished speaking , then walked out of the bloody room.

From her point of view, Liu Yue hasn't vented enough, and when she finishes venting, she will naturally give Su Yunyun a good time.

Xiaobai hastily followed behind Suwaiwai, looking back at the source of the screams, and sighed: "It's so scary! Liu Yue's strikes are quite ruthless, so anyone can offend anyone, but women can't be offended. !"

Su Wai Wai laughed when he heard the words: "It's been a few years since I've seen you, but you've grown up!"

"Isn't it? Hey, to be honest, have you missed me all these years?" Xiaobai looked naive, and followed Suwaiwai carefully to look at her little face.

She looks good, has aura, and has an outstanding temperament, but this woman's temper has remained the same for many years.

"What do you want to do?!" Su Wai Wai angrily pushed Xiao Bai away who was standing in front of her.

"But I often miss you and Baby Su." Hearing this, Xiaobai looked sad.

Fortunately, she often thinks of Suwaiwai's mother and son. It turns out that people don't miss her, so is she just pretending to be affectionate? !
"Come on, you must only think about us when you're bored." Su Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai replied with a non-smiling smile.

This time, she drew Xiaobai's slap: "Conscientious woman. Although I haven't seen you all these years, I know that you are very beautiful, because you can hear news about you wherever you go, and it's hard to know. At that time, I was thinking, what's so great, isn't it just luck that you are a woman? I didn't expect to meet you on the street one day!"

I was shocked when I saw it.The master is Su's crooked eyes, even if she is killed, she can't forget it.At that time, her first reaction was to run, and she didn't know why she ran, after all, it wasn't her fault.

Maybe she's dissatisfied with how well she's messing around, and feels ashamed of herself?

"I didn't expect that, as soon as I saw you running, I chased after you. Your rabbit runs quite fast." Su Wai Wai replied with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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