Chapter 1106 There is a murderer behind the scenes (2)

Suwaiwai and Xiaobai sat together and chatted about the past, and suddenly felt that the past was very beautiful.

The two women looked at each other, smiled, and clapped each other's hands, as they reconciled.

After tormenting Su Yunyun for an hour, Liuyue finally gave her the pleasure of defeating her with one palm and avenging her people.

When it was time for dinner, Xiao San swayed back and forth twice in front of Su Wai Wai.

"What are you doing to always be so unwilling to be lonely?!" Su Wai Wai endured for a while, and yelled at Xiao San.

Xiaosan paused, scratched her animal head and said, "Master, I always feel that we missed a very important thing."

Because he couldn't figure it out, he was a little anxious.

"Is there anything important that can be left behind? Little San, are you stuffed?!" Su Wai Wai replied disapprovingly.

Little San is looking for trouble all day long, so what is this kind of person if he is not fed up?
It was Xiaoqing who also interjected: "I also feel that one thing is missing, and I can't remember it for a while."

Su Xiaoer, who was drinking soup, paused, and his face suddenly changed: "Mother, it's not good, we have left Brother Meng behind!"

When Su Xiaoer said this, everyone was dumbfounded.

That's right, the succubus, they actually left the succubus behind? !Su Yunyun is dead, but they haven't found the succubus yet. Does anyone know where the succubus is? !

"Why didn't you say it earlier?!" Su Wai Wai shouted loudly at everyone with a dark face.

Everyone looked disheartened, Xiaoqing defended in a low voice: "Master's mother didn't find out, how can you blame us?"

Su Waiwai wiped her small face for a while, and she also paced back and forth in the same place: "No, we have to find him as soon as possible. If he is locked in a place where no one can see him, he will starve to death."

Upon hearing this, Xiao San hurriedly sat down at the dining table and took a sip of the soup.

Seeing this, Su Waiwai yelled at him: "You can still eat at this time!"

"Only when you're full will you have the strength to find someone. You should look for them first, and I'll look for them after I'm full." Xiaosan replied while drinking soup.

Seeing this, Xiaobai shook his head and sighed: "This family is really wonderful."

Liu Yue originally wanted to say goodbye to everyone during dinner, but when she heard that the succubus hadn't been found, she stopped talking and waited until she found the succubus.

Under the leadership of Xiao San, Su Wai Wai went to the secret room.

They searched all over the inside and outside of the secret room, but there was no sign of the succubus.

"Maybe Su Yunyun saw that the Dream Demon was good-looking, so he sold him to a brothel to pick up customers." Xiaosan said thoughtfully.

As soon as he said this, everyone turned to look at him, as if looking at a monster.

Xiaosan grinned wildly: "Don't believe me, I think Boss Meng is suitable for that kind of thing, and places like brothels are most suitable for Boss Meng."

Su Wai Wai nodded with a sneer: "I have to say that your statement is interesting. If Big Brother Meng was around here, he would definitely come out so angry and kill you!"

If there is no trace of the succubus in the secret room, is it somewhere else in Su Mansion?At the moment, Su Wai Wai dispersed the crowd and told them to look for the succubus elsewhere.This search took another two hours.

Two hours later, everyone gathered together and shook their heads at the same time, expressing that they did not see the succubus.

"It's over, Boss Meng must have been raped by that woman, or has been killed. It would be great if we can find the body." Xiaosan was exhausted, panting, and expressed his opinion.

Su gave him a sideways look: "Look again, don't get discouraged so quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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