Chapter 1107 There is a murderer behind the scenes (3)

"I have no idea at all, how do I find this? Master, why not ask Su Jiaojiao, maybe that woman knows where Boss Meng is hiding." Xiao San paced back and forth, putting on airs, then looked at Su Wai Wai.

"This is the only way now, you go find her!" Su Wai Wai looked at Xiao San coldly.

Xiaosan took the order and went to look for Su Jiaojiao.

Not long after, Xiaosan turned back alone, but no one saw Su Jiaojiao.

"Where's the person?!" Su Wai Wai looked around, and found that Xiao San was nowhere to be seen.

"It's a step too late, everyone has disappeared, they must have been scared away by the master." Xiaosan shrugged helplessly.

Su Wai Wai was stunned for a while, and found that he had walked into a dead end.Originally thought that the extermination of the Heiling clan had finally come to an end, but now it seems that they were too happy.

If the succubus is not found for a day, the matter will never end.

How could they have fallen for the culprit of the dream demon in the first place? !
"Waiwai, I'll leave it to you to find the succubus, I want to go back." Liu Yue was silent for a long time, then suddenly opened her lips.

"Don't you like him? Why don't you find him and go back?!" Su looked at Liu Yue in puzzlement.She thought that Liu Yue should be more anxious than her.

"That was in the past, it's all in the past. Not to mention that the succubus has no feelings for me, even if he likes me now, it's impossible for me to have the opportunity to be with him." Liu Yue replied calmly.

Su Wai Wai was silent, understanding Liu Yue's thoughts.

Because of the appearance of the succubus, the Black Ling tribe is facing the crisis of genocide, and only a few people are left in the whole tribe.And Liu Yue used to be so fanatical about the succubus, but it doesn't matter how much she likes it. In the end, it was because of the succubus that the Black Ling clan ended up like this.

"Hey, who is that bastard succubus? Why do you both have such expressions when you mention him? Waiwai, could it be that you also like succubus and are robbing men with others?" Xiaobai listened to the side. Wushui couldn't help asking.

If not, why do the two women have such strange expressions?
"I'll tell you about this later." Su Waiwai rolled her eyes at Xiaobai, this woman doesn't open or lift any pot, she doesn't know how to read people's eyes at all, did you see any difference in Liu Yue's expression?
"But I want to know now." Xiao Bai said again.

Xiaosan and Xiaoqing kicked Xiaobai at the same time this time, Xiaobai turned to look angrily at the two spirit beasts: "You don't know how to be polite, how dare you kick your sister?!"

Xiaosan and Xiaoqing felt like vomiting at the same time, and Xiaobai couldn't stand it.

Dare to call herself sister in front of them, this woman's face is too thick.

"Aren't I your sister? What kind of eyes do you two have?!" Xiaobai rushed to Xiaoqing and Xiaobai, and kicked them dozens of times.

Su Waiwai and Liu Yue were stunned by her rough appearance, and the weird atmosphere disappeared without a trace.

Su Waiwai pulled Liu Yue aside and said, "If you stay for a few more days, I think there may be some problems with this matter. Regardless of whether or not the succubus can be found, I will let it go, just two days, how about it?"

She was just afraid that there would be a murderer behind the scenes.Su Yunyun suddenly disappeared without a trace, and the Dream Demon has not been seen so far. Is there any connection between the two of them?
To be honest, she always felt that the Dream Demon was not like the kind of man with no abilities. It was understandable that she was caught by the Black Ling Clan for the first time, but she always felt a little weird when she was caught for the second time. Something is wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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