Chapter 1108 There is a murderer behind the scenes (4)

Liu Yue hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded: "Okay, I'll stay for another two days."

She was also afraid that she might have missed some murderer. As for the succubus, she really didn't want to see her again, as seeing her would only add to her sadness.

Only then did Su Wawai feel relieved, let everyone go to sleep, and leave the house tomorrow to look for the Dream Demon and Su Yunyun.

Early the next morning, everyone got up and went separately to the capital to inquire about Su Yunyun's news.

Su Waiwai was also inquiring seriously, until someone quietly came behind her, she turned her head hastily, and was a little surprised when she saw the person coming.

"Xiahou, why is it you?!" Su Waiwai looked at the man squarely, looking at him in disbelief.

"I'm the emperor after all, and I've been paying attention to the movements of the Su manor. They say that corpses appear one after another in the Su manor. I don't think it's hard to know." Xia Hou replied calmly.

It was rare for this woman to come to the capital on her own initiative. For the first time in so many years, she didn't come to see him when she came, which made him unhappy.

"I'm working on business, I don't have time to greet you, you emperor should go back." Su Waiwai said, then turned around and took out the picture to let the shopkeeper recognize Su Yunyun's face.

At this moment, Xia Hou grabbed the portrait in her hand and said, "I know where she is, follow me!"

"Are you sure?!" Su Waiwai looked at Xia Hou, not quite trusting the man in front of him.

"What kind of eyes do you have?! Believe me, you are right, let's go, I will take you there." Xia Hou pulled Su's crooked arms and headed towards the suburbs.

After arriving in the suburbs, Xia Hou flew with Suwaiwai Yujian. He looked at the woman beside him, and a smile appeared on his lips.I didn't expect to see her so soon, and to be so close to her, which is great.

"Put away your nasty smile." Su saw Xia Hou's smile sharply, and hurriedly withdrew her jade hand.

Unexpectedly, Xia Hou frivolously touched the back of her hand suddenly, his ruffian appearance made Su Wai Wai startled.

"If you dare to touch me again, I'll kick you down!" Su Waiwai corrected her expression and told Xia Hou that she was not joking.

Xia Hou didn't dare to make any more changes at the moment, he slapped Suwaiwai on the top of his head and said: "A dead woman who doesn't know how to be grateful. I came here to help you, so can't you treat me better?!"

"Are you sure that Su Jiaojiao hid in the mountains?" Su Waiwai looked at such a dense forest, and suddenly frowned.

Why is Su Jiaojiao hiding in such a ghostly place? !
"Actually, I have been paying attention to the movement of Su's family these years, mainly because of you. I want to have a thought. But I didn't know that I noticed a lot of strange things. This matter has something to do with Su Jiaojiao. She has a villa in this old forest, but Su Yunyun doesn't know about it. I also found that Su Jiaojiao's cultivation base has improved by leaps and bounds over the years, but she didn't show it to the outside world. Most people only think that she is an idiot. About I've also heard about the extermination of the Heiling clan, at first I didn't connect this matter with Su Jiaojiao, until I knew you appeared in the capital, I thought it might have something to do with Su Jiaojiao." Xiahou Talking about the movement under his feet, he looked towards a villa hidden in the deep mountains: "That's right there."

"What a heavy yin energy!" Su Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai, just approaching the villa, felt very inappropriate.

"Of course, there are hundreds of ghost beasts here!" Xia Hou smiled and looked at Su Wai Wai.

"She is the real master of the ghost beast?!" Su Waiwai was dumbfounded for a moment, never expecting Xia Hou to reveal such a terrible fact.

(End of this chapter)

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