Chapter 1136 Playing Missing and Playing Addiction
"Xin'er, how long will we be in retreat this time, shouldn't it be another 100 years in a flash?!" Su Wai Wai asked curiously.

Afterwards, every time they leave customs, it will take more than ten or twenty years in a flash. I don't know if they took such a long time this time.

"Wrong! You have only retreated for one month, and I have never seen a monk who can conceive a baby within one month and successfully conceive a baby at one time. You are No.1. Wai Wai, you are amazing!" Mu Xin'er Chao Su Wai Wai Thumbs up, sincere praise.

Su Waiwai lifted her lips and smiled embarrassedly: "I also didn't expect that I would conceive so quickly, so I don't know how long it will take Su Xiaoer and the others."

She turned around and looked back at Su's small courtyard.

She only needs one month, Su Xiaoer is more capable than her, so she should be faster than her, why did she run ahead of Su Xiaoer this time? !

Time passed while waiting anxiously, Su pacing back and forth, looking in the direction of the small courtyard of Su's house from time to time, only to see a bunch of strong aura condensed on the roof of Su's house.

Not only because Su Xiaoer is conceiving a baby, but also because Xiaosan and Xiaoqing are also breaking through.

As long as they are safe and sound, even if they fail, it is not a big problem.

After that, Su Waiwai waited outside Su's small courtyard every day, just waiting for Su Xiaoer and the others to come out with their baby.

However, the aura and sky light on the roof became more and more intense, and there was still no sign of Su Xiaoer coming out.

A month later, Su Waiwai waited anxiously, and asked Mo Xin'er beside him, "Xin'er, you are an expert in this field, and Su Xiaoer hasn't come out for so long, is it because of obstacles?! He Will it be dangerous? If there is danger, can I go in and save him?!"

Su Waiwai asked a series of questions, and Mo Xin'er laughed and shook her head: "Don't worry, Xiao Er will be fine. The long period of conceiving a baby does not mean that there is danger, it depends on the individual's physique. Xiao Er is usually so capable. How can it be difficult for him? You can tell from the aura you have gathered that he is about to break through, so be safe and don't get bored!"

Su Waiwai couldn't sit still, she was still pacing back and forth in front of the door, at the end she paused, looked back at Mo Xin'er and asked, "Then can I go in and see him, and cheer him up?"

"Absolutely not! If you break in while the baby is being conceived, you may disrupt his steps. Besides, you can't break into his enchantment. Now there is a spiritual energy around him protecting his body, no one can enter Beside him. Wai Wai, sit down for me, don't shake anymore, I am dizzy because of your shaking." Mu Xiner shouted at Su Wai Wai angrily.

"I can't sit still. Forget it, I'll walk aside." Su Waiwai said as she walked away, intending to look for Bei Yueluo.

Ever since she left the customs, she hadn't seen Bei Yueluo. Where did that person go?

She succeeded in conceiving a baby, Bei Yueluo should be the first to congratulate her, but she hasn't been seen yet.

Su Waiwai ran into the small courtyard where Bei Yueluo lived, and rushed into the room to see, but there was no sign of anyone. Of course, it was impossible for Bei Yueluo to be there.

"What's the matter? You're not here at the critical moment. Master, master, why do you always like to play missing?" Su Waiwai sighed for a while, turned around and saw a woman standing behind her, it was Lin Wan'er.

"Master Uncle went out on business, he told me that if you come to him, don't worry about him, he will come back in a few days." Lin Wan'er walked up to Su Wai Wai, and opened her lips with a faint smile.

(End of this chapter)

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