Chapter 1137

Su Wai Wai responded, turned and walked out of the room.

Walking into the sunlight, she turned her head to look in Lin Wan'er's direction, only to see that she was still in a daze, as if looking for the shadow left by Bei Yueluo.

She shook her head and sighed, feeling that some women are so stupid, knowing that the person they like won't like her, they jump down like a moth to a flame without hesitation.

Just as Su Waiwai was sighing, Lin Wan'er suddenly rushed to her and said, "Junior Sister, don't patronize your own cultivation. If you can, take care of Shishu more, he also needs people's attention. I always feel that Shishu has been a little bit lately. inappropriate."

"What's wrong?" Su Wai Wai asked softly.

You can't blame her for not caring about Bei Yueluo.She is too busy with her own affairs, how can she have extra time to care about Bei Yueluo?

The most important thing is that Bei Yueluo has always been very powerful, and Nai Xianzun lord, she thinks that Bei Yueluo should take care of her more and let her cultivate into a positive result as soon as possible.

"I can't tell, but the look in the eyes is not quite right, it looks a bit wrong, it's just my personal feeling. You are the person my uncle cares about most, if you can care more about my uncle, my uncle will be very happy." Lin Wan'er said After that, he walked away without looking back.

Su Waiwai did not expect Lin Wan'er to say such words suddenly.She thought that Lin Wan'er had been unable to let go of Bei Yueluo, but now it seemed that she was thinking too much. Lin Wan'er had already let go of Bei Yueluo, but she was still concerned about Bei Yueluo.

Su Waiwai turned her head to look at the small courtyard where Bei Yueluo lived, then returned to the small courtyard of Su's house, and continued to wait for Su Xiaoer to leave the customs.

After guarding for about half a month, the impatient Su Wai Wai almost rushed in to pull Su Xiaoer out of the barrier.

"Ah, I can't wait any longer. If Su Xiaoer doesn't come out again, I'll go find him!" Su Wai Wai roared.

Mo Xin'er and An'an held her at the same time and said, "Wait slowly, don't worry, how many people need ten years to conceive a baby, and it may not be done at one time. It's only a long time, but it's only two and a half months !"

"If I had known I would not have come out so soon, Su Xiaoer is not here, I am so lonely." Su Wai Wai said with a long sigh.

Xu Shi knew her anxiety, and finally there was a little movement in the enchantment.

There was a loud noise coming from inside, Su Wai Wai took a closer look, and saw a green dragon flying out of it, knocking off the roof of her house.

"No way, what is that? Why did this kind of thing come out of my house? Could it be that Su Xiaoer has become like this?!" Su Wai Wai repeatedly exclaimed, looking up at the green dragon flying in the sky.

Qinglong seemed to feel her gaze, and suddenly swooped down from the sky, and soon arrived in front of her, throwing her to the ground.

"Master, mother, I miss you so much!" Qinglong kissed her hard on the face, hugged her and acted like a baby.

Su Wai Wai was dumbfounded, pushed away the giant dragon lying on his body, and muttered: "Damn thing, you are Xiao Qing?!"

How did this guy look like this?Isn't it a caterpillar? !

"Of course I'm Xiaoqing. If not, I'll cut off my head and let the master kick it like a fucking ball." Xiaoqing replied with a smile, rubbing fiercely in Suwaiwai's arms.

Su Wai Wai wiped off his sweat, and nodded with a dry smile: "Now I'm sure it's you."

Besides Xiaoqing and Xiaosan in this world, who would be so cheeky to rub her body like this, thinking that he was still a child, and hugging her to act like a spoiled child? She still wants to find someone to act like a spoiled child.

(End of this chapter)

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