Chapter 1140 Small Eight Transformation Figure (2)

"What, shape change?!" Su Waiwai exclaimed loudly, terrified.

How can it be?Xiao Ba's cultivation has always been inferior to Xiao Qing and Xiao San's. How could this guy suddenly become powerful and transform in front of Xiao Qing and Xiao San?
Xuanwu and Xuansu arrived in time, saw Xiaoba who was pulling, and exclaimed at the same time: "Transformation?!"

Isn't it, it's transformed so quickly? !

"A spirit beast that can transform in such a short period of time must be a divine beast!" Xuanwu said with even more certainty.

Xuansu nodded in agreement when he heard the words: "Xiaoba is a wood-type spirit beast, what type of beast should it be?"

After Xuansu finished asking, Xuansu and Xuanwu looked at Suwaiwai at the same time.

Su Waiwai's scalp was numb from the sight of the two ugly old men, she shook her head hastily: "I only know that Xiaoba is Shenmu. As for what kind of thing he is, it has to be asked by himself, it has nothing to do with me."

"Master, I know!!" Xiaoqing's voice suddenly sounded behind everyone.

Everyone turned their heads to look at Xiaoqing, and asked in unison: "What is Xiaoba?"

"If there is no accident, Xiaoba is the golden wood beast among the wood spirit beasts!" Xiaoqing said loudly.

"Golden Wood Divine Beast?" Everyone babbled, thinking about this possibility.

As for what Xiaoba is, you will know after you ask him after Xiaoba transforms into Gestalt.

But everyone never thought that Xiao Ba's transformation has not been completed from day to night.

"Is it not enough? If so, why does Xiaoba force himself? I am very tired!" Su Waiwai looked at Xiaoba who was struggling and sighed.

"That's right, Xiao Ba slapped his face swollen to pretend to be a fat man. He has no ability and wants to transform before me and Xiao San. It's all right now, I can't transform, and if I get stuck halfway, I will become such a monster in the future, master **** It must be disgusting." Xiaoqing said happily from the side.

Xiao Ba, who has always been favored, is also disgusted by Su Wai Wai, she deserves it.

"Will you die if you don't say a word? Wait a little longer. It's hard to see Xiaoba's appearance. Xiaoqing, go and sing him a little song to make him relax. Don't worry, take your time. No, we will come back to transform after we close the door next time." Su Wai Wai looked at Xiao Ba distressedly.

Such a good-looking Xiao Ba from her family is now distorted into such a virtue, so pitiful.

"Why me? The master thinks Xiao Ba is pitiful, so she can sing a little song by herself." Xiao Qing replied disdainfully.

I knew it was too inhuman to instruct him to do coolies.

"Because I have a male duck voice, and I can't sing very well. Go ahead and sing, Xiao Ba will definitely like it." Su Wai Wai said, her face sank, and she put on the airs of her master: "You know, this is an order, take your turn." You can't say no!"

"What if you say 'no'?" Xiaoqing was still struggling.

"Then get out of Su's house!!" Su Waiwai opened his lips coldly and shouted mercilessly.

Xiaoqing slumped down on her beast shoulders: "I am a divine beast, a divine beast, a blue dragon divine beast, how many cultivators want such a treasure? How could the master treat me like this?!"

He wanted to die already, why did he want to be reduced to Su's house and suffer such inhuman treatment?

"What's so great about divine beasts? My Su family doesn't lack anything, and the most important thing is treasure!" Su Waiwai raised her eyebrows lightly, smiling so hard that she couldn't see her teeth.

She is very proud to be able to put Xiaoqing under her feet.

"Master, you're so ruthless!!" Xiao Qing accepted her fate, went to Xiao Ba, and started humming an out-of-tune song...

(End of this chapter)

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