Chapter 1141 Small Eight Transformation Figure (3)

Su Wai Wai shook her head and sighed while listening, "What an ugly song."

Xiao Qing gave Su Wai Wai a hard look, then continued humming.

"Are you tone deaf, right? I'm afraid that Xiao Ba will not be able to change his shape if he hears it, and will keep getting stuck." Su Wai Wai said again at this time.

Xiaoqing listened, and this time she turned to face Xiao Bachang.

Xiao Ba seemed to be stimulated by him, his face distorted even more.

Seeing it in his eyes, Su Waiwai rushed behind Xiaoqing and said: "Xiaoqing, stop quickly, Xiaobajing, you really can't change your shape after you do this. You can see how miserable he is now by looking at his painful appearance. Just let him go!"

Xiaoqing sneered in her heart when she heard the sound, and interjected a sentence in the middle of humming: "I'm sorry, I can't stop!"

Does he sing so badly?Su Wai Wai, do you want to hit him like this?
This woman had never said a nice word to him, and now he sang it with great difficulty, and deliberately said that he sang badly.He feels that his voice is very special, his voice is hoarse and sexy, and he is very suitable as a singer!
"If you can't stop, you have to stop!" Su Waiwai was horrified to find that Xiao Ba's face was turning purple, and hurriedly pushed Xiao Qing away from Xiao Ba.

With this push, Xiao Ba's complexion seemed much better.

Su Waiwai was even more sure that Xiao Ba couldn't stand Xiao Qing's stimulation, she threatened Xiao Qing: "Xiao Qing, please, stop singing, I've never seen someone sing so badly, no matter how bad it is Is your broken male voice better than yours?"

"I'm sorry, I think I can sing very well." Xiao Qing cast a disdainful glance at Su Wai Wai, planning to finish singing the whole song no matter what.

Su Wai Wai stared at Xiao Qing for a while, then gritted his teeth and said, "Xiao Qing, don't force me!"

But Xiaoqing didn't hear it, Su Waiwai showed the guy directly, the peach blossom sword and the kitchen knife dangled in front of Xiaoqing's neck at the same time.

Xiaoqing's terrifying singing stopped abruptly, and she stared at the two magic weapons in front of her with wide eyes, not even daring to move.

Their blades and swords were close to his neck, and if they were any closer, they could wipe his neck.

Su Waiwai uses the same trick every time, and it works every time, because she knows that he cherishes her own life.

"Master, get these two dead things out of the way!" Xiaoqing said loudly.

Su Waiwai asked worriedly: "Are you still singing?"

"Master begged me to sing, but I didn't!" Xiao Qing hurriedly replied.

"Huahua, baby, come back." Su Waiwai shouted towards her two magic weapons.

It's a pity that the two magic weapons didn't move, and they were still resting on Xiaoqing's neck, but there was a tendency to get closer.

Xiaoqing's heart skipped a beat in fright: "Master, what's going on, why didn't they obey?!"

"Obviously, they feel that you don't respect them, and now they want to give you a good meal." Su Waiwai forced a smile.

"How can I disrespect them?!" Xiaoqing took a step back indiscriminately, but the two magic weapons followed at the same time, and the blade of the Peach Blossom Sword even touched his skin.

"Recall what you said." Seeing that there was nothing wrong with him, Su Waiwai simply ran to Xiao Ba and said, "Xiao Ba, hurry up, okay? You'll have to spend a day and a night before agreeing to it." Transformation? Actually, if you look ugly in human form, forget it, I think your animal form is pretty good."

(End of this chapter)

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