Chapter 1142 Small Eight Transformation Figure (4)

"Master, Master..." Xiao Ba opened his lips with difficulty, unable to move.

He hoped that Su Waiwai would let Xiaoqing stop irritating him, he had already worked hard enough when he transformed into a form.Furthermore, it's not up to him to talk about whether to change form or not. After all, this is his body. At a certain stage, he can't control the automatic form, right?

"Is it hard work?" Su Waiwai lightly wiped Xiao Ba's sweaty forehead: "Poor child, with me here, you will be fine, take your time, I still believe that my Xiao Ba will not be like Xiao Ba. Qing and Xiaosan are two ugly monsters. Work harder, just do what you want, don't force yourself too much."

Su Wai Wai's melodious and song-like voice sounded like the sound of nature to Xiao Ba, he gritted his teeth and nodded, trying to relax himself.

Coupled with the strong aura on Su Waiwai's body, it made him very comfortable in body and mind.

His tightly knit brows gradually loosened, the bruises on his face gradually faded, and the pain in his body that wanted to tear apart also gradually subsided. His whole body had reached an ethereal state, and he would no longer be disturbed by the outside world.

Su Waiwai saw it clearly, and found that Xiao Ba's face was no longer ferocious, so she took a few steps back in peace.

"Xiao Ba is not only good-looking, but also has a high level of comprehension. You can understand it with just a few words. Xiao Qing, learn more from Xiao Ba!" Su said without turning his head.

After she finished speaking, she found that there was no movement behind her.

She frowned slightly, and looked back at Xiaoqing, only to see that he didn't dare to move, and was firmly held in place by the peach blossom sword and the kitchen knife.

Su rolled her eyes contemptuously, she turned back to Xiaoqing, and opened her lips with a half-smile: "Xiaoqing, you are the most stupid and useless beast I have ever seen!"

Xiaoqing became angry, and retorted loudly: "Because the only beast my mother has ever seen is me! Let these two dead things go away—"

Before he finished speaking, he found that the two artifacts were getting closer to his neck.

Su Waiwai and Xiaoqing both figured out a reason at the moment, the reason why these two artifacts kept approaching him was because he shouldn't call them "dead things".

"Huahua and Baobao are rare magic weapons in the world. If you dare to disrespect them, you are asking for trouble. Xiaoqing, you know what Baobao is capable of, right? He is good at chopping vegetables. If you ask him to chop your meat piece by piece I believe it is not a big problem, do you want to give it a try?!" Su Waiwai stood aside and said sarcastic remarks, happy to see Xiaoqing suffer.

She doesn't know how to live or die, she always thinks that some kind of divine beast is great, is she bullied by her two divine weapons so that she has no room to fight back? !
Xiaoqing's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he said to Taohua and Caidao in a friendly voice, "Two dear instruments, can you hold your hands high and let me go this time?"

The peach blossom sword and the kitchen knife were really good, and as soon as he finished speaking, they moved a little further away from his neck.

Seeing this, Su Waiwai fanned the flames: "Xiaoqing, you are too immoral. This is like Huahua and Baobao surrendering. If you are so immodest when meeting enemies, we will suffer as well—"

Su Waiwai's words stopped abruptly because of Xiaoqing's eyes full of hatred.

Forget it, Xiaoqing is so petty, so she won't say anything.But she really wanted to know how much Xiaoqing had, after all, she knew very little about divine beasts.

Thinking of this, Su Waiwai added fuel to the fire: "Did I hit your sore spot? I knew, Xiaoqing, you are the most shameless dead thing in the world..."

(End of this chapter)

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