Chapter 1157 Getting married......

With a plan in mind, Bei Yueluo made arrangements at Xiuxian Gate.

As soon as Xianzun opened his mouth, everyone was happy to help.Especially Xuansu and Xuanwu, they simply regard this big event as their own happy event, and they are happier than their own marriage.

Everyone in the Xiuxian Sect was busy with Bei Yueluo and Su Waiwai's marriage, but Su Waiwai was the only one who didn't know that he was kept in the dark, and didn't know that there was such a thing at all.

three days later.

Su Wai Wai looked around her small courtyard suspiciously, but there was no one in sight, except for Xiao Ba who was chatting with her, there was not even half a living person to be found.

"Xiao Ba, where are the living people from Xiuxianmen? It's been three days, why no one came to see the excitement?" Su Waiwai asked Xiao Ba who was helping her shoulders and backs, not knowing what went wrong.

While busy, Xiao Ba replied: "Will they all be taken away again?"

Hearing the words, Su Waiwai looked back at Xiao Ba, Xiao Ba's movements stopped, and the two masters and servants looked at each other, suddenly felt that this possibility was impossible.

You must know that there are gossips up and down in Xiuxianmen, and they will go wherever there is excitement.Maybe it's the style of the family?Of course, this is not the unhealthy tendencies brought out by her.

"Xiaoqing is nowhere to be seen, so could it be that Xiaoqing was also taken away!?" Su Waiwai was no longer in the mood to bask in the sun.

"I saw Xiaoqing this morning, master, don't worry, Xiaoqing is a dragon beast, ordinary people can't take it away!" Xiaoba hurriedly comforted.

Su Waiwai sneered at the sound, shook his head and replied: "You don't know about that. Even the Azure Dragon Divine Beast is useless, after all, a stupid thing like Xiaoqing is useless by any beast..."

As if responding to her words, Xiaoqing's ghostly cry suddenly sounded: "Master, mother, it's not good, something serious happened..."

Su Waiwai and Xiao Ba looked back at the source of the voice at the same time, only to see Xiao Qing flying towards her, not at all like a green dragon, but like a funny frog.

"What's the matter? Speak slowly, don't worry!" Su Waiwai stepped forward to catch Xiaoqing who almost fell to the ground.

"Bye, worship..." Xiaoqing was so excited that she managed to squeeze out these few words.

"Who wants to visit the hall? This is a strange thing, no wonder you are excited. No one in our Xiuxian Sect has visited the hall for more than 100 years!" Su replied with a smile.

No wonder Xiaoqing was so excited, she also felt very happy.

"No, no, it's the master's mother's visit..." Xiaoqing was so anxious that she didn't know what to do, and finally expressed the complete meaning.

Su Wai Wai pointed at her own nose, Xiao Ba also looked at Su Wai Wai, both master and servant didn't understand what was going on.

Xiaoqing took a deep breath, organized her speech, and then said: "I feel a little quiet these few days, so I went out to inquire about the news and found that everyone was busy with the same thing. After I inquired, I found out that it was Boss Bei The master and his mother are going to worship and get married, and they are all busy with this great event. I can't understand Xiaoqing, why don't I know about this?"

That's why he was so frightened that he came back immediately and asked Su Wai Wai what happened.

"Don't say you don't know, and I don't know that I'm going to be married, what's going on? Why do I want to get married, I don't know?!" Su Waiwai couldn't help laughing.

How can someone want to get married, but the parties don't know the truth?Is this too childish?

"Perhaps Boss Bei is eager to marry the master and go home, so he secretly prepared this matter?" Xiao Ba expressed his opinion on the side.

(End of this chapter)

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