Chapter 1158 Find a few more men to take charge
"That can't be the case, can't it?" Su Wai Wai was quite dissatisfied.

Beiyue Luofa also called her out, so it's okay to cut it first and then play it?What's more, she never thought about getting married.

At least, I didn't think about it.

"Master Bei is very kind. You should marry your master when his wife is still young and someone wants you. Don't waste any more time. Thanks to Mr. Bei who has silently stood by his mother's side for so many years. Only Boss Bei has such patience..."

Xiaoqing babbled on and on, and found that when she finished talking and looked again, there was no sign of the woman Suwaiwai in front of her eyes.

This woman is really rude. He ran away without finishing his sentence. How could this be the case?
"This is the master's own business, and he will figure it out. If the master still doesn't want to marry, he must not be ready. Boss Bei made a wrong calculation this time, and I'm afraid that Boss Bei himself doesn't know what it means to the master. "Xiao Ba said with a long sigh.

With Su Wai Wai's temperament, it is a miracle to be able to marry smoothly.

As for the chance of Su Wai Wai getting married this time, he thought it was very slim.

"That's right, Boss Bei is so simple. Three days ago, he probably didn't know why people want to get married, and why he has to be responsible after seeing his mother's body. Poor Boss Bei, when he meets a woman like his mother, it's a shame." He suffers." Xiaoqing said to Xiaoba: "You continue to guard here, if there is any movement, please come and let us know, I will go and see what is going on with the master's mother."

Without waiting for Xiao Ba to reply, Xiao Qing quickly ran away.

There is a hostess like Su Waiwai, which really makes people uneasy.

Xiaoqing sighed, and soon ran away without a trace.

As soon as that side Su Wai Wai appeared, everyone looked at her with strange eyes, as if she was some kind of monster.

"Waiwai, you, the bride, finally showed up. I thought you were so calm." Mo Xin'er moved closer to Su Waiwai, winking at her ambiguously.

Su Waiwai wasn't in the mood for joking, looked around and saw that Bei Yueluo was nowhere to be seen, so she asked, "Where is Master, I'm looking for him!"

"Uncle Shi is busy arranging the wedding hall. Master knows that Uncle Shi and you are going to get married, so he deliberately set aside the most spacious and best garden." Mo Xin'er pointed out the direction for Su Waiwai.

As soon as she finished speaking, Su Wai Wai quickly ran away, and soon disappeared.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Su Waiwai found Bei Yueluo who was setting up the wedding hall in the other garden.

Bei Yueluo was pasting the big red "Happy" character with her own hands, and Su Waiwai rushed forward, about to explode, when she saw Bei Yueluo's serious expression, she didn't know how to speak for a while.

Seeing Su Waiwai approaching, Bei Yueluo lifted her thin lips slightly: "Waiwai, is the happy word posted crookedly?"

"Go a little to the left." Wai Wai regretted it after finishing her reply.

She's here to find trouble, so she shouldn't have a good attitude.

"Do you have something to do?" Bei Yueluo asked Su Wai Wai, taking the time to look at him.

"Why is Master suddenly preparing for a marriage?" Su asked with a frown.

"I took off your clothes for the teacher, and I have to be responsible to you. If you become a relative, you will be responsible." Bei Yueluo replied with a faint smile.

Su Wai Wai Wai Wai cursed in a low voice, and people around her were laughing, thinking they had heard Bei Yue Luo's answer.

"I don't need Master to be responsible. If whoever takes off my clothes will be responsible for me, then I'll find a few more men to take off my clothes." Su Wai Wai replied coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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