Chapter 1171 Baby Su's Father (2)

"Xiaoer, you've grown up." Bei Yueluo looked Su Xiaoer up and down, always felt that the little guy had grown up and seemed familiar, as if he had seen this child somewhere.

Su Xiaoer avoided Bei Yueluo's probing eyes, and hid directly behind Su Waiwai.

He didn't like the way Bei Yueluo looked at him. It didn't matter whose child he was, the important thing was that he didn't want to change the status quo, he just wanted to live with his mother for the rest of his life.

Su Waiwai didn't understand Su Xiaoer's complicated mood, she pushed Su Xiaoer in front of Bei Yueluo, comparing big and small handsome men together, it felt like looking in a mirror.

It's just that there is one big and one small outside the mirror, and Su Xiaoer is a few sizes smaller than Beiyue Luo.

"Like, it's very similar!!" Who knows who made an exclamation first, awakening everyone's thoughts.

So there were different opinions, all saying that Su Xiaoer's biological father was Bei Yueluo.

Bei Yueluo was confused at the beginning, but after hearing the truth, she pulled Su Xiaoer over and looked at it carefully, only to realize that the reason Su Xiaoer looked familiar was because the little guy looked like him.

"Xiaoer is my child?!" Bei Yueluo murmured in bewilderment, unable to figure out what was going on.

"It's just that they look alike. People have similarities and similarities. You also know that Su Xiaoer grew up suddenly. His body may grow independently, so he found a handsome man like Master and wanted to become Master, so You just grow up to be like a master!" Su Waiwai said and pulled Su Xiaoer back to her side, and suddenly felt that it would be better not to know who Su Xiaoer's real father was, so that no one would miss her son.

Su Xiaoer is so capable, so smart and so filial, she is her own child.

"Does that make sense?" An'an interjected, feeling that it was weird no matter what happened.

"Of course it makes sense!" Su Wai Wai smiled lightly and opened his lips: "That's the thing, everyone should leave, my house has no roof now, we all have to help, I don't have time to greet everyone."

The others looked at each other in blank dismay, and saw that Su was chasing people away, it was inconvenient to stay any longer, so they dispersed one after another.

In the end, only a few friends who had the closest relationship with Su Wai Wai remained.

Bei Yueluo went directly behind Su Waiwai, pinched Su Xiaoer in his palm and asked, "Is Xiaoer my child?!"

"I said it has nothing to do with Master. Master should not put gold on his face. Besides, I met Master in Hongbi, and I have never met him before. How could that person be Master?" Su Waiwai replied disdainfully. , wanting to snatch Su Xiaoer.

Unexpectedly, Bei Yueluo hugged Su Xiaoer tightly, and just escaped her snatch.

"Master, what did you do to steal my Su Xiaoer? Come back!" Su Waiwai was furious, and asked Bei Yueluo loudly.

Bei Yueluo looked at Su Xiaoer's face alone: ​​"Master Wei suddenly felt that Xiaoer is indeed Master's child."

If not, why does this child look so much like me? !

"I said it has nothing to do with Master. If you don't believe me, ask Su Xiaoer, the first time we met was in Hongbi, and Su Xiaoer was already two years old at that time." Going forward, he snatched Su Xiaoer from Bei Yueluo's hand, and put the little guy by his side, so he was relieved.

"Master, I clearly remember that you raped a man in a dream, and that's how you got Su Xiaoer. You said it yourself. If so, that man might not be a teacher, right?" Bei Yueluo He said again in a self-contained manner.

(End of this chapter)

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