Chapter 1172 Baby Su's Father (3)

Su Wai Wai cursed in a low voice, pretending that she didn't hear anything.She took Su Xiaoer's little hand and ran towards her house, Bei Yueluo followed behind Su Waiwai unhurriedly.

"Waiwai, are you guilty?" Bei Yueluo's voice sounded behind Su Waiwai.

Su Wai Wai Wai Wai paused, Fang looked back and smirked: "It's only a guilty conscience, I'm sure the man who was strong back then was not Master!"

I don't have much memory of that night, probably because she snoozes and rapes him accidentally.What's more, it was in a dream at the time, whether she raped him or he raped her, there is no research on this matter.

Anyway, it's a bad debt, it doesn't matter who is right.

"Even if I'm Xiaoer's master, it doesn't matter, I won't rob you of the child. I said, I will wait until the day you are willing to marry me. Wai Wai, you don't need to guard against me, I know yours Worries." Bei Yueluo's tender voice sounded behind Su Wai Wai.

This woman's thoughts are all written on her face, she is just afraid that someone will rob her of her mistress.

Su Wai Wai paused, looked back at Bei Yue Luo and said, "You said this. From now on, Su Xiaoer has nothing to do with you, he is my child, Su Xiaoer just looks like you by coincidence That's all, well, the problem is solved, from now on we have nothing to do with Master!"

As soon as Su Wai Wai said this, Bei Yue smiled and opened her eyes.

Su Wai Wai looked at Bei Yue Luo coldly, not understanding why this man was smiling so happily.

Could it be that this guy has been waiting for this sentence for a long time?

Bei Yueluo went to Suwaiwai, and said softly, "Don't worry, you and I can't be okay, our relationship is very deep."

After saying that, he walked gracefully into the small courtyard of Su's house without a roof, as if it was his home.

Su Waiwai looked at Bei Yueluo's back for a while, and whispered: "It seems like this is his home, I'm so annoying, Su Xiaoer, go and drive away Master!"

"Why am I going?" Su Xiaoer asked puzzled.

Su Waiwai coldly glanced at the little man beside him: "Could it be that your mother and I have to do such a trivial matter?! You know, just now I helped you drive away a possible big bad wolf father! Do you want to contribute to this family?"

Su Xiaoer was so ashamed by Su Waiwai's choking, she said with a helpless smile, "Okay, I'll try."

Saying that, Su Xiaoer jogged back home, looked at the tall man in the room and said, "Master, let's go. My mother is not in a good mood now. Seeing Master will make her mood even worse."

"Don't go. Xin'er told me that in the future, I will appear in front of Wai Wai more often to enhance my sense of existence, so that Wai Wai can see my existence. Xiao Er, I believe that when you grow up, you will become more like a teacher !" Bei Yueluo patted the little guy's face lightly before he was about to hug him, but Su Xiaoer suddenly backed away and looked at him warily.

Su Xiaoer's reaction made Bei Yue smile: "Blood melts in water, I don't think this thing will change, I feel very kind when I see you, you should be my child..."

"Just dream! I can't be your child, because my father is a golden-faced beast and has nothing to do with Master!" Su Xiaoer retorted in a low voice.

After Bei Yueluo heard the words "golden-faced beast", her expression froze, her eyes stared straight ahead, as if she was thinking about something.

After a long time, he opened his thin lips lightly: "It sounds familiar, but I just can't remember it for a while. Maybe I can get all my memories back and I will know what's going on."

(End of this chapter)

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