Chapter 1173 Baby Su's Father (4)

"Master is fine now. If the memory is restored, Master must be as unpleasant as before!" Su Xiaoer replied with a smile.

Bei Yueluo is more humane now, as an immortal, Bei Yueluo is very cold and proud, but that kind of Beiyueluo is the most charming, his mother will be fascinated by such Beiyueluo again then.

It's better now, at least his mother isn't too obsessed with Bei Yueluo.

"Didn't you like being a teacher before?" Bei Yueluo asked in a low voice, her eyes half-closed, and some fragments seemed to flash before her eyes.

Those messy pieces made him have a splitting headache, until there was a loud "boom" in his head, and Bei Yueluo's body suddenly fell down without warning.

Su Xiaoer hurriedly supported Bei Yueluo, only then was she able to save Bei Yueluo from falling into embarrassment.

The family of Su's family who was busy heard the sound and rushed over, and Su Waiwai also followed Bei Yueluo and asked, "What's going on?!"

Su Xiaoer looked bewildered: "I don't know what's going on, but the master suddenly fell down, it seems to be stimulated by something, it seems to be a headache."

"Could it be that you want to restore your memory?" Su Waiwai was flustered for a while, staring at Bei Yueluo's handsome face in a daze.

If the memory is restored, will Bei Yueluo be as indifferent as before?

For some reason, her heart was in a state of confusion. Looking at Bei Yueluo with her eyes closed tightly, her heart was beating so fast, as if it was about to jump out of her mouth.

Just when Su Waiwai didn't know what to do, a person quietly appeared behind them.

Su Waiwai's cultivation base has been greatly improved, and he can feel any changes.

He looked back quickly and looked behind him, only to see a fairy in white standing quietly behind them, it was Xiao Xiao who had disappeared for many years, that is, the fairy maid who served the immortal.

"It's you?!" Su Waiwai looked at Xiao Xiao, her face became paler and paler.

"Waiwai, don't come here without any problems." Xiaoxiao came to Suwaiwai lightly, looked directly at her little face for a long time before opening her lips: "You are becoming more and more like a peach blossom fairy, and it won't take long for you to know , fate is fate, there is no way to change it.”

Su Wai Wai was slightly startled, but did not answer.

She never believed in fate, but Xiao Xiao must have her own reasons for saying this.

"I'm not a peach blossom fairy. I know, you're talking about the face. Even if my face looks more and more like her, I can't be her." Su Wai Wai smiled slightly.

Her smug smile made Xiao Xiao's eyes pause again.

Seeing this, Xiao Xiao shook her head and sighed: "Some people change their appearance from the heart, but you are just the opposite, changing the heart from the face, but you didn't notice this abnormality yourself. Even if you return to the fairy class, young master, this time, I'm here to take the son away."

As she spoke, she looked at Bei Yueluo who was in a coma, and stretched out her plain hand towards him, and Bei Yueluo's body flew into her hand in an instant.

Su Wai Wai was dumb for a moment, not knowing what to say.

"I know you have a lot of questions to ask. Here, I can try to give you some answers, but some things are secrets and should not be revealed." Xiaoxiao saw that Su Waiwai was hesitating to speak, and opened his lips indifferently.

Su Waiwai looked at Bei Yueluo: "When will I see Master again?"

She had never tried this before, and she began to miss this man before he left.It's a strange feeling, like returning to the palpitations when I first saw Bei Yueluo, and also like the absurd feeling that I suddenly couldn't live without him, a little scary.

(End of this chapter)

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