Chapter 1252 The Intense Battle of the Wedding Night (1)

Su Wai Wai stared dumbfounded at the serious and handsome man in front of him, and murmured: "So you guys are so evil sometimes."

She didn't even think about poisoning the tea, after all, it was her own husband, so it would be bad to do so.

"Master has actually wanted to do this for a long time." Xiao Ba looked at Su Wai Wai pointingly, seeing her beautiful eyes like fire, staring at the medicine bag like a wolf, obviously very tempted.

"Master always said that the time has not come yet. I'm afraid that prescribing medicine to him will hurt his body. Let's not use this kind of invisible method." Su Waiwai struggled with his thoughts and decided to be a good citizen.

Xiao Ba laughed when he heard the words, and pretended to take the medicine bag: "Since the master said so, then well, I will take this thing back."

Su Waiwai struggled hard again. After hesitating, she hid the medicine bag and replied with a smile: "It's okay, I will keep this thing with me first, and it will be safer for me to keep it. Qing and Xiaosan took it away unintentionally, and they were so brutal that they murdered other women, so am I not guilty of a serious crime?"

A little smile flashed in Xiaoba's eyes: "What the master said is that he hopes that the master can get the body of Boss Bei as soon as possible."

After he finished speaking, he held back his smile and walked away from Su Wai Wai's sight.

Su Xiaoer watched Xiao Ba go farther and farther, and opened his lips with a half-smile: "I can't see that Xiao Ba is usually the most docile, so he is so evil, thanks to him coming up with such an idea."

"Xiao Ba has always been well-behaved, he must have been led by those two guys, Xiao San and Xiao Qing." Su Wai Wai said, looking at the medicine bag in her hand, her beautiful eyes half-closed dangerously: "If Master is disobedient this time, He is dead!!"

Su Xiaoer secretly sympathized with Bei Yueluo once, and nodded with a smile: "That's right, Master is dead this time!"

If Bei Yueluo fell into his mother's hands, there would definitely be no bones or scum left!

Bei Yueluo was busy entertaining guests in that room, hoping that he would show up later, he was most afraid that Su Waiwai would use a beauty trick on him, he seemed to have self-control, but in fact, when facing Su Waiwai, his self-control was very generally……

Just as Bei Yueluo was in a daze, Xiaosan and Xiaoqing appeared in front of him at the same time, and Xiaosan smiled and opened her lips: "Boss Bei, we can take care of it if we are here. Today is the wedding night of Boss Bei and his master. The master is alone in the empty boudoir. Boss Bei should know that the master always saves face, and if people know that the groom hasn't returned to the new house all night, the master must be mad."

Bei Yueluo was stunned for a while, looked up at the bright moon in the sky, and opened her lips calmly: "It's true, a horizontal knife is also a vertical knife, early death is worse than early death."

Xiaosan and Xiaoqing laughed muffled upon hearing this.It seems that it's not that the two of them are timid, even Master Xianzun is afraid of Su Wai Wai, the tigress. This proves that Su Wai Wai is invincible in the world, and no one is her opponent.

They gloated and watched Bei Yueluo go away, the two thought about it, and decided to observe the fighting situation at the wedding night.

I saw that Beiyue was still wandering outside the new house, as if he was struggling whether to enter the new house.

Of course, even if he didn't want to enter, someone would not spare him in the end.

Soon Su Wai Wai left the new house, saw Bei Yue Luo standing in front of the new house, and flew towards him, his enthusiasm was overwhelming.

Xiaosan and Xiaoqing were speechless. They had never seen a woman who was more daring than Su Waiwai, so it was no wonder that Bei Yueluo was afraid.

(End of this chapter)

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