Chapter 1253 The Intense Battle of the Wedding Night (2)

Su Waiwai flew into Bei Yueluo's embrace, and kissed him twice on the face, smiling brightly like a flower.

"I've been waiting for Master for a long time! Master is really, always so slow, even on special days like the wedding night, it is slow to become this virtue. But anyway, I still like Master to be slow." Su Wai Wai said, and kissed Bei Yue Luo's face forcefully.

Bei Yueluo finally pushed Su Waiwai away, he straightened her face and said, "Waiwai, can we sleep in separate rooms tonight?!"

He was afraid that if they slept together, the scene would get out of control.

Now he is no better than before, his self-control is getting worse and worse, and he is prone to accidents.

Su Wai Wai's sparkling beautiful eyes quickly darkened, and she gave Bei Yue Luo a resentful look: "Master can do whatever he likes, at most, I won't bother Master in the future."

She slumped her shoulders and walked towards the new house with heavy steps.

Bei Yueluo achieved his goal, but he couldn't be happy. He didn't like to see Su crookedly disappointed.

He followed Su Waiwai uncontrollably, and walked into the new house...

Xiaosan and Xiaoqing saw clearly from the corner, they looked at each other and sighed at the same time.With Su Waiwai's poor acting skills, only a stupid immortal like Bei Yueluo would be fooled.Unlike them, they knew that Su Wai Wai was acting after only watching for a moment.

"Master is stupid, destined to be eaten to death by mother." Su Xiaoer's voice sounded behind him, Xiaosan and Xiaoqing turned their heads at the same time, staring at Su Xiaoer as if they were looking at a monster.

It seems that Su Xiaoer is serious on the surface, but in fact he still likes to watch the excitement as before.

"I was afraid that there would be a murder in my mother's and my master's bridal chamber, so I came to see it. Go ahead and treat me as nothing." Su Xiaoer leaned against the wall, and opened her lips with a faint smile.

Xiao San and Xiao Qing stared at Su Xiao Er again, and they continued to eavesdrop on the voices in the new house...

New house.

"Master, I prepared our candlelight dinner. This is the steak I specially fried." Seeing that Bei Yueluo was "tricked" into the new house by herself, Su Waiwai immediately changed into a bright smiling face, and pulled Bei Yueluo even more. The moon fell before the candlelight dinner that had already been prepared.

Bei Yueluo looked at the steak on the table. He didn't know what steak was, but judging by its appearance, it was better not to eat it.

Su Waiwai's culinary skills are well known in the world, it must not be eaten, and something will happen if you eat it.

If he still wanted his life, he shouldn't touch that steak.

"I ate it for my husband." Bei Yueluo looked at it for a long time before squeezing out these few words from between his teeth.

He didn't dare to put down his chopsticks at all for that dish, he would definitely die if he ate it.

"What are you talking about? Don't think I don't know. Master's every move is in my hands. I let Xiaosan and Xiaoqing investigate. Master has been busy for a long time, and he has a lot of worries, so he has no intention of using it at all. Meal. It took me a lot of effort to prepare this table of delicacies, and Master has to join in, and I will be very sad." Su Waiwai said, and pulled Bei Yueluo to sit down at the table .

She looked at Bei Yueluo with a smile and said, "Isn't it very romantic?!"

"What is romance?!" Bei Yueluo looked at Su Waiwai in puzzlement, probably knowing that this woman used words from the previous era.

"It means romance." Su Waiwai didn't know how to explain it, but fortunately she vaguely explained it.

She courteously put a piece of beef into Beiyueluo's bowl.

(End of this chapter)

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