Chapter 1278 Such an ending: Momentary whiteheads (1)

"Yes, I want to take it and run away now." Su Waiwai closed the brocade box and replied with a half-smile.

"Silly girl." Baili Liancheng hugged Su crookedly into his arms, and said softly, "The happiest thing in my life is meeting you. I am very happy to see you standing in front of me in your new wedding dress." .”

"You should know that I will leave one day." Su Wai Wai opened her lips softly.

She believed that Baili Liancheng understood what she meant.

She came to Baili City purely for the magic seal.

Baili Liancheng was stunned for a moment, he pulled Suwaiwai to sit down on the edge of the couch, took the magic seal, and opened his lips with a faint smile: "Do you know the legend about the magic seal?"

"I don't know." Su Wai Wai shook her head truthfully.

She hadn't told Baili Liancheng that she came here through time and space. She only knew that she came here to prevent Beiyue from falling into the devil, but she didn't know how to stop Beiyue from falling into the devil.

"It is said that before the golden-faced beast appeared in the world, there was no magic realm. The magic realm is the place where the golden-faced beast once stayed. He lived here for a while. In the end, in order to revenge those who betrayed him, he sacrificed A little bit of conscience is sealed in the magic seal. This is why the magic seal can prevent Beiyue from falling into the magic seal." Baili Liancheng opened his lips with a faint smile, and opened the brocade box, revealing the magic seal glowing purple inside.

"So that's how it is. I saw the magic seal just now, and I'm still wondering why it is purple, a color that represents nobility. Speaking of which, the golden-faced beast was once a unique beast in the world." Su Waiwai took the magic seal , the magic seal jumped in her hand once, as if she recognized her.

"I'm here, first, to deliver it to you, second, to tell you that the magic seal is not an evil thing, and third, to say that you can come and go as you please, and I won't blame you." Baili Liancheng patted Su Waiwai shoulders, and opened his lips softly.

Su Waiwai didn't dare to look at Baili Liancheng's gentle eyes, and said in a hoarse voice: "You idiot, why do you like a heartless woman like me?"

Why should you be so nice to her?Hand over the most important thing in Demon Realm to her.If there is no magic seal, will the magic realm be in chaos?
She only thought about Beiyueluo, but never thought about the impact it would have on Baili Liancheng.

"Because you are worth it." Baili Liancheng got up, walked to the door, and paused slightly: "Waiwai, I said that the happiest thing in my life is meeting you. This is never true."

Su Wai Wai watched Bai Li Lian Cheng go far away, and sat on the couch in a daze, unable to recover for a long time.

After a while, she managed to pull herself together, folded her clothes and fell down.

"Mother, sleep for a while. When it's dawn, I'll call you mother." Su Xiaoer knew that Su Waiwai was in a bad mood, so she sat in front of the couch and said to Su Waiwai with her beautiful eyes wide open.

Su turned her eyes to look at Su Xiaoer, and opened her lips after a long time: "Su Xiaoer, did I come here by mistake?"

"Mother is not wrong. The person Mother likes is Master, this is an unchangeable fact. If Master is not saved, all living beings in the six realms will suffer. In front of righteousness, little love is not worth mentioning." Su Xiao Er replied one word at a time.

Su Waiwai laughed when she heard the words, moved out of her seat and said: "Little Er, come here and sleep with your mother. Our mother hasn't talked all night for a long time."

It is a good thing that her son has grown up and is becoming more and more sensible, but she is a little bit disappointed, and she misses the cute little baby who talked when she was born.

(End of this chapter)

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