Chapter 1279 Instant Whiteheads (2)

"Is it because I never talk all night, okay?" Su Xiaoer replied with a suppressed smile.

Because his mother was lethargic, so was he, and he never stayed up all night.

"It seems so." Su Waiwai looked at Su Xiaoer's handsome face, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it: "Su Xiaoer, you really look more and more like your own father, and when you grow up, you will definitely be prettier than Master. .”

Su Xiaoer's nest was on Su Waiwai's chest: "The blue is better than the blue, and it's more normal to look better than the master."

The two mother and son hugged each other quietly, each thinking about their own concerns.

"You said Master knew that I would marry again, would he be sad?" After a long time, Su Waiwai broke the silence and asked.

After serious consideration, she felt that she couldn't just leave with someone else's magic seal, that's what she said.Even if it's to fulfill Baili Liancheng's one wish, she wants to be married to him before leaving.

"Master likes mother so much, he must be sad, right?" Su Xiaoer replied very affirmatively.

"But I did it to save Master." Su Wai Wai muttered.

If so, Bei Yueluo shouldn't hate her, right?

Perhaps Bei Yueluo had seen today's ending earlier, because he had the ability to predict.Maybe Bei Yueluo still knows the final ending between her and him, maybe...

"Mother, don't think about it. Now that you have made up your mind, go to bed early and be a beautiful bride tomorrow." Su Xiaoer replied in a low voice.

None of them were Bei Yueluo, so it was impossible to know Bei Yueluo's mood, and it was useless to guess.

"Well, go to bed early. Su Xiaoer, it seems that our mother and son are not suitable for talking all night." After Su Waiwai finished speaking, he kissed Su Xiaoer's cheek.

She was soon overwhelmed by drowsiness and fell asleep.

Su Xiaoer looked at his mother's sleeping face in a daze.She can still sleep soundly when she has something on her mind, it seems impossible for his mother to live a hard life in this life.

Su Xiaoer hid in Su Waiwai's arms, and soon fell asleep too.

Early the next morning, Su's mother and son were dug up by everyone.The crowd headed by Xinxue and Yiliang dressed Su Wai Wai, and Su Wai Wai was sitting in front of the bronze mirror, watching everyone busy for her, a little absent-minded.

For some reason, when I woke up early in the morning, my eyelids twitched endlessly, as if something big was about to happen.

"Su Xiaoer, I'm so nervous." Su Waiwai grabbed Su Xiaoer's hand forcefully, flustered.

Su Xiaoer looked at his mother's pale face, held her hand and said, "Mother, it's just worship, there's no need to be nervous."

"No, I feel that something bad is about to happen, just to make a fuss." Su Waiwai said, got up quickly, and paced back and forth in the room.

She has long hair and shawls, walking back and forth uneasily, when Xin Xue saw this, she walked up to Su Wai Wai and said, "Wai Wai, what's wrong?"

"I, I..." Su Waiwai looked at Xinxue, and wanted to ask if she could marry her, but when she thought of Baili Liancheng, she couldn't say it.

"It's getting late, and the auspicious time is coming soon, we must hurry up." Xinxue saw the hesitation in Su's crooked eyes, and said in a low voice: "Don't hurt the master's heart, let the master become the laughing stock of everyone, you can Is it?"

Su Waiwai's words came to her lips and she was forcefully forced back, her beautiful eyes dimmed, and she replied in a hoarse voice: "Yes, I can't let Liancheng fail."

As soon as she finished speaking, Xin Xue pushed her to sit down in front of the bronze mirror, and continued to help her dress up.

Su Wai Wai looked at herself in the mirror, she didn't have the joy of a newlywed, but only had a lot of worries.

(End of this chapter)

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