Chapter 1280 Instant Whiteheads (3)

Two quarters of an hour later, Su Waiwai, who was wearing a hipa, was surrounded by people and headed towards the Xitang.

Cheers continued on both sides of the aisle, and the red carpet stretched all the way to the wedding hall.Her cold little hand was held in the warm palm of a man, and she subconsciously looked at the other's long legs, knowing that she was Baili Liancheng, the man she was going to marry today.

"Waiwai, thank you for not abandoning me today." Baili Liancheng whispered to her.

Su Wai Wai's tense mood eased somewhat.As long as Baili Liancheng is fine, she worshiped him because she didn't want to see his heartbroken for her.

Surrounded by everyone, Suwaiwai and Baili Liancheng knelt together.

During the worship process, she was a little dazed, not knowing what she was doing, until a strong feeling came from behind her, she stopped kowtowing, and stood up abruptly...

"Waiwai, what's wrong?" Baili Liancheng didn't know why, so he turned his eyes to Su Waiwai who lost his composure.

Su Waiwai quickly lifted her handkerchief, pushed away the crowd surrounding her, and managed to get out of the wedding hall.

Beyond the crowds, a man in red clothes flying in the air, his bright red robe fluttering in the strong wind, the moment he saw Su Waiwai in his new wedding dress, a bloodthirsty frenzy flashed in his eyes , the ink hair is even more like an inch of snow, which complements his red robe and dances wildly...

"Master..." Su Waiwai choked up, staring blankly at Bei Yueluo, tears streaming down like rain...

She thought that as Su Xiaoer said, the white-headed ones would be hundreds of miles away. She thought that the mysterious space that came more than 100 years ago was the current space. She also thought that the plots would repeat and overlap again.

Unexpectedly, what happened in that mysterious space back then, in the end, under her deliberate change, the male protagonist finally changed, but in the end she broke Bei Yueluo's heart.

"Mother, Magic Seal, Master is about to be possessed by a demon!!" Su Xiaoer's terrified roar woke up Su Wai Wai's thoughts.

She looked at her palm, only to find the magic seal in her hand.

"Master, wait, I have something to say!!" Su Waiwai said while running towards Bei Yue Luo, the magic seal in her hand consciously flew out of her palm and flew towards Bei Yue Luo.

Before the magic seal reached Bei Yueluo's face, it stopped and stopped moving forward.

The magic energy in Bei Yueluo's eyes and the purple energy emitted by the magic seal are entangled with each other. The purple energy in the magic seal wants to rush into Bei Yueluo's eyes, but Bei Yueluo doesn't want to let the purple energy enter his eyes. The two formed resistance and did not give in to each other.

"Master, I will always be your wife alone. In this life, if we have a next life, we will still be husband and wife in the next life. If there is another life, we will still be husband and wife, and our lives will never change." Su Waiwai ran to Beiyueluo Standing in front of him, he firmly grasped his icy big palm, and said in a choked voice, "Master, I love you!"

The devilish energy in Bei Yueluo's eyes gradually dissipated, and at that moment, the purple light in the magic seal broke through the seal and rushed into Bei Yueluo's eyes in an instant.

After the purple light entered Bei Yue Luo's eyes, it became brilliant and dazzling, and the peaceful and warm purple air surrounded his body, atomizing Bei Yue Luo's figure.

It's just that his white hair is still eye-catching, hurting his crooked eyes.

Bei Yueluo came to Su Wai Wai, wiped away the tears on her cheeks, and said softly: "This is the calamity I must go through, Wai Wai, you don't have to blame yourself, I will send you back now."

As soon as he finished speaking, he dragged the stunned Su family into the purple circle of light...

(End of this chapter)

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