Chapter 1288 Su’s Imperial Palace Tour (1)

"Your child is nothing like when you were a child." Su Wai Wai patted the top of Su Xiaoer's head.

When I was a child, Su Xiaoer liked to be jealous, but now Su Xiaoer is too caring, so caring that it makes people feel distressed.

"Mother is getting old, and she always likes to think about the past. Let's look back and imagine the bright future that we may have when we become immortals and enter the immortal and god realms." Su Xiaoer replied with a smile.

Hearing this, Su Waiwai put down her face and said, "Just because you want to go to God Realm, I can only go to Immortal Realm, so I don't dare to think." The utensils that need to be prepared, Su Xiaoer, sleep when you are tired, don’t toss with me, you understand?”

Su Xiaoer answered yes again and again, but at the end of the night, both mother and son didn't sleep much, and they were both thinking about a difficult problem.

Refining Liuzhuan Dan not only needs some equipment, but also needs the blood of today's emperor.

The person they could think of was, of course, Xia Hou.

But the problem is, they haven't had much contact with Xia Hou recently. If this happens, will Xia Hou deliberately make things difficult for them?

"Su Xiaoer, what should we do? Let's go looking for it like this, will the dead monkey honestly hand over his blood?" Su Waiwai looked at Su Xiaoer and asked.

Su Xiaoer shook his head, and suddenly laughed: "Brother Xia must take this opportunity to keep Mother in the palace, and then kidnap Mother by the way, and become Brother Xia's queen."

Su Wai Wai nodded thoughtfully: "That makes sense, that person must have such a plan."

The two mother and son talked and laughed for a long time before falling asleep in the early hours of the morning.

Xiaosan and Xiaoqing got up early in the morning and saw that the mother and son were still sleeping. They couldn't wait to pull up the sleeping mother and son.

"Pig, the two mothers and sons have the same virtue, they can sleep so well, I can't stand them!"

Su Xiaoer heard the sound and opened his eyes, then glanced at Xiaosan, who immediately shut up, remembering that he wanted to treat Su Waiwai better.

Because Su Wawai is a woman who has been emotionally hurt, and now she needs the comfort of their family members.

At the moment, Xiaosan is ready to wash up. After serving the hostess of Su's family to wash up, she will help her put on her coat. After that, she will bring her to his back and plan to set off.

"Little master, where are we going?" Xiaosan asked Su Xiaoer who was flying on Xiaoqing's back.

"The capital, the imperial palace!" Su Xiaoer opened his lips indifferently.

"What are we going to the capital for? It's not like the boss will leave, and the master can't wait to get out of the wall, right?!" Xiaosan muttered.

"If you want to go to the capital, you can just go there, so much nonsense. Let's set off and try to enter the capital as soon as possible." Su Xiaoer gave the order, and Xiaoqing flew into the direction of the capital.

Xiaosan glanced at Su Waiwai who was lying on top of her sleeping unconsciously, shook her head and sighed: "Sure enough, it's a pig reincarnated, so it can sleep like this."

As soon as he finished speaking, he also rushed forward quickly.

Although his body is round and looks clumsy, he is definitely fast enough.

It didn't take long for Xiaosan to catch up with Xiaoqing. One was in the sky and the other was underground, and they drove side by side to the capital.

The speed of the two spirit beasts was very fast, and they arrived in the capital in a short time.

The capital, the imperial palace.

Xia Hou was lying on the imperial concubine couch boredly, admiring the dancer's singing and dancing. The beauties were winking at him, but he couldn't arouse the slightest interest.I'm afraid that's all he can do in his life, right?Maybe she won't be able to be happy in the future, it's all because of that woman Su Wai Wai.

(End of this chapter)

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