Chapter 1289 The Emperor's Old Friend

At the moment when Xia Hou was slandering Su Wai Wai, a guard hurried into the hall with a panicked expression: "Your Majesty, it's too bad, a woman broke into the palace and said she wanted to see the Emperor, and she said her name was Su Wai Wai. , is the emperor's old friend."

When the guard said this, his voice was deliberately lowered, for fear of being scolded by Xia Hou.

Who doesn't know that Xia Hou is not close to women, if so, how can he be such a good old friend?
I thought Xiahou would be angry when he heard this, but he sighed and replied: "I do have an old friend, her name is Suwaiwai, but it is impossible for her to come to me. She is an emperor's wife and she rushes to her door. Why? As the emperor, I don't even have a woman?"

The guards looked at each other after hearing this, and their eyes were fixed on all the beauties in the hall.How many beauties want to wait for the opportunity to pounce on Xia Hou, but Xia Hou doesn't appreciate it.

There is no way, Xiahou's vision is higher than that of Ding, and ordinary women don't like it at all, so that all female compatriots in the harem have become bitter wives.

"Your Majesty, what should we do now? That woman broke in." The guard asked cautiously, bringing the topic back on track.

Xia Hou sneered and opened his lips: "Just put that crazy woman to death right there!!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!!" The guard took the order and left.

Xia Hou continued to eat dim sum, shaking his head and sighing while eating: "It's all vulgar and vulgar, not half as cute as mine..."

Maybe it was lovesickness, and at this moment, a familiar female voice sounded outside: "Dead monkey, where are you, the palace is too big, it's so hard to find!!"

Xia Hou stood up "crazy", ran out of the palace, and looked at the source of the voice.

I saw a woman riding a chubby spirit beast running wildly on the palace road, shouting to kill the monkey, isn't it Su Wai Wai?
"Waiwai?" Xia Hou was surprised and delighted, and shouted in the direction of Suwaiwai.

Su Wai Wai heard the sound and looked at Xia Hou, Xiaosan rushed to Xia Hou in an instant.

Su Wai Wai slapped Xia Hou's chest with his palm, looked up and down the man in the bright yellow dragon robe and said: "The emperor is the emperor, wearing a dragon robe, even a toad will become a handsome man."

Xia Hou was very happy when he heard the first half of the sentence, but he was very sad when he got to the second half of the sentence. His eyes darkened and he replied, "Are you praising me or belittling me?!"

"Of course I compliment you, I think you are so handsome when you are wearing a dragon robe, you are the most handsome man I have ever seen!!" Su Waiwai replied with a smile.

Even if Xia Hou is ugly now, it is impossible for her to tell the truth.

What's more, this man is really handsome at this time, and people can't take their eyes off him.

"That's more or less the same. That's right, why did you, a woman, suddenly come to Beijing to look for me?" Xia Hou asked puzzled.

You must know that this woman never paid attention to him, and he always chased her. This woman came to him suddenly, unless the sun came out from the west.

"I'm wandering around now, and when I enter the capital, of course I have to stop by to see you, and I haven't seen the imperial palace for a long time, and I want to see the grandeur of the imperial palace, by the way, I'll get your dragon breath by the way. "Su Wai Wai lied without blinking an eye, then rushed into the hall, looked left and right, then yelled, praising being an emperor is fun.

Xia Hou followed behind her, deliberating whether her words were true or not.

He felt that this woman's sudden entry into the palace must have some bad purpose, and he would not be easily deceived by this woman.

(End of this chapter)

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