Chapter 1293 Dragon Blood, Dragon Blood
The Su family laughed out of breath.Xiaosan's trick is tried a hundred times.As long as Xiaosan speaks out, all men who like Su Wai Wai will go out of their own accord.

After driving away Xia Hou, the problem came again.

Su Waiwai rolled over on the dragon couch twice, and asked with a sad face: "Xiahou is not here, how can we get his dragon blood? Without blood guide, how can we refine the Six-Turn Pill?!"

Driving away Xiahou like this is not a long-term solution.Only by getting close to Xiahou can he get his blood, which is the root of the problem.

"Then what should we do?" the four members of the Su family asked in unison.

"Cold salad. Sleep on the dragon bed for one night first, and think of a way tomorrow." Su replied with a smile.If it doesn't work, she sneaks into Xia Hou's dream and takes his dragon blood.

Soon after, Su Wai Wai fell into a demon and found the Dream God.

Mengshen saw that Su Wai Wai hadn't come to talk to him for a long time, and was feeling bored and flustered. When she saw her coming, she was so enthusiastic.

"Master, I have something to do, you should just tell me the answer, I will chat with you next time to relieve boredom." Su Waiwai couldn't stand the enthusiastic Oneiroi, and just wanted her master to tell her the answer quickly.

Dream God's old face darkened when he heard the words: "Next time, when is the next time? Is there such a disobedient apprentice like you in the world?!"

"Soon, Master will tell me if this method is feasible." Su Wai Wai asked anxiously.

"No." The Oneiroi was very straightforward this time.

This time Chang Su Wai Wai was unhappy, "Why?!"

"It's very simple, because the dragon's blood needs to be in a very peaceful situation to have the most aura. If you use the dream technique, the Xiahou in the dream will not be willing to let you take the dragon's blood. If you are in a frightened situation, It's even more impossible to be the best dragon's blood. Do you girl think that the six-turn pill can be made casually? This is also a catastrophe, and you can understand the truth of it, get out!!" With a crooked leg, he kicked her out of the dream.

Su Waiwai came down from the dragon couch, and paced back and forth in the room, thinking she had to find a way to get the best of both worlds.

Why don't you cheat Xia Hou's blood first, as long as he is willing to hand over his dragon blood, and she will regret it later, maybe this method is feasible?

"Mother, stop shaking, I'm dizzy." Seeing that Su Waiwai didn't stop, Su Xiaoer couldn't help but said.

Su glared at the little guy, picked him up on his lap, and then expressed his thoughts: "Xiaoer Su, what do you think of this method?"

"No problem. Mother should be open and honest. Procrastination is not an option. Brother Xia is a good person, he must not be willing to make things difficult for mother, believe me." Su Xiaoer replied calmly.

"It's easy to say. If Xiahou is so easy to pass, I don't have to worry about it. Well, I will try it anyway." Su Waiwai said and left the bedroom to talk to Xiahou about his concerns.

Not long after, she found the man who was reviewing the memorial.

The man was very handsome, with picturesque features, and he was not as careless as he was when he was talking to her. Xia Hou, who was reviewing the memorial, had a more dignified aura, which made people unable to take their eyes off.

"Did you finally find out that I'm a very good man and want to be my queen?" Xia Hou raised his eyes and smiled at Su Waiwai who was standing at the door.

Su Waiwaimei looked around the study for a while, and suddenly rushed to Xiahou, looking at his handsome face with a big smile.

Xia Hou was taken aback by the woman's activity, he murmured: "If you have anything to say, just say it."

(End of this chapter)

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