Chapter 1294 Su crooked kiss
"Xia Hou, are we good friends?" Su asked with a smile, showing cute and neat white teeth, and his smile was as bright as the morning sun.

Xia Hou waved away an unruly little hand on his shoulder, and replied coldly: "I don't know when I became good friends with you."

In the past, this woman avoided him like a snake and scorpion, but now she wants to be good friends with him, but there is no way.

"Look, Comrade Xia Hou, your attitude is wrong." Su Wai Wai gave Xia Hou a contemptuous look.

She treats him so well, he should reciprocate, so that there will be no so much resentment in the world.

"Let's get to the point." Xia Hou looked at Su Waiwai coldly, wondering what other tricks this woman could play.

"It's like this. I want you to give me a little bit of your blood. It doesn't need much, just a bowl will do." Su Wai Wai magnified her smile, trying to let Xia Hou see her friendliness clearly.

Xia Hou sneered three times when he heard this: "You want my blood, and you want a big bowl, and you said that a bowl of blood is not too much? Damn woman, you really know how to plan!"

This woman thought his dragon blood was so easy to get?No wonder she suddenly came to the capital to see her and even showed her kindness to him. It turned out that she wanted something from him.

"You are the emperor, and your mind should be wider than the sky and boundless than the sea. How can you have such a small tool? Come on, give me some blood, and do it yourself." Su Waiwai said, pulling out the magic weapon like a magic trick. A dagger was handed to Xia Hou.

Xia Hou looked at the bright smile in front of him.To be honest, after meeting this woman, he didn't get any advantage from her, which made him unhappy.

Now that this woman is delivered to his door, if he doesn't take the opportunity to ask for a little advantage, how sorry is he?

"How about this, you kiss me first." Xia Hou pointed at his handsome face and said.

Su Waiwai immediately jumped a long way: "I won't do it!!"

Just kidding, she came here to get dragon's blood, not to sell her looks, Xia Hou dared to get her idea.

"It's okay if you don't do it. At worst, I won't give you dragon blood." Xia Hou replied with a smile, suddenly occupying the top, this feeling is very good.

Su Wai Wai was startled when he heard the words, kicked Xia Hou hard and said, "Okay, close your eyes. I can't chew on you looking at me like this."

"I'll close my eyes, so you can let my mistress kiss me, right? Su Wai Wai, your bullshit method works once, but it won't work the second time!!" Xia Hou saw through Su Wai Wai's nasty idea at a glance , replied coldly.

Su Wai Wai cursed in a low voice, thought for a while and said, "Okay, I'll kiss myself, you still have to close your eyes, or I won't kiss! At worst, I don't want dragon blood, you can figure it out."

Su Waiwai turned around and wanted to leave.

Seeing that the fat on her mouth was about to fly off, Xia Hou hurriedly pulled her and said, "This time, if you dare to play tricks again, I'll do it for you!"

Su Waiwai looked at Xia Hou coldly, and only approached his face when Xia Hou closed his eyes.

Xia Hou opened his eyes worriedly, seeing that it was Su Waiwai, he was relieved.

This time Su Waiwai backed away again: "Unlucky, the emotions that were finally brewed are gone by you. I'll brew it again, and you close your eyes."

Xia Hou had to close his eyes again, Su Waiwai hurriedly picked up Su Xiaoer, Su Xiaoer kissed Xia Hou's face forcefully, and then flashed back to the Space of Last Dream.

Only then did Xia Hou open his eyes contentedly: "It's not too bad." At least, the one who kissed him just now was definitely not Xiao San.

(End of this chapter)

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