Chapter 1402 Shocking Change: The Su Family Becomes Yellow People

"Master, what should we do now?" Xiaosan looked back at the other yellow self, a little confused.

Why yellow and not some other nicer color?

Why did they choose Chiba Mountain as the first stop instead of other places?There is such a strange thing in such a beautiful place, and I can't figure it out no matter how I think about it.

"I suggest that mistress go and kill the other mistress, Su Xiaoer, what do you think?" Su Waiwai replied with a half-smile.

Su Xiaoer nodded in agreement, holding back a smile: "Mother's way is better, let's do it like this."

"Master and little master are so poisonous!" Xiaosan shook her head and sighed.

This Su mother and son are really inhumane, they actually pushed him into the pit of fire.

"Little San, go ahead and try to see what the consequences are, then we can come up with better countermeasures." Su said with a straight face.

"If I stab it to death, I'm done playing with it, so what should I do?" Xiaosan muttered.

"I think it's good that there is one less disaster in the world. You have done a lot of good deeds by eradicating harm for the people." Xiaoqing answered the words from the side, grinning widely.

Xiaosan gave Xiaoqing a kick directly, and shouted at him: "Then go stab yourself, anyway, I won't do such stupid things."

He's not stupid, why would he do such a stupid thing?
"The sun seems to be going down, let's not rush on the road, and make plans after finding a way to solve the current problem." Su Waiwai looked at Su's fourth alleyway.

The fourth elementary school of Su's family had no objection, so everyone rested on the spot, and only waited for one night to make plans, and maybe they could come up with a solution then.

Now they sat together in a circle, looking back at the five members of the yellow Su family from time to time.

Not long after, the sun went down, and Su Waiwai was sleeping on Xiaosan's bulging belly, but Su Xiaoer shook her hard to wake her up and said, "Mom, look!"

Su Waiwai opened her misty eyes and looked in the direction Su Xiaoer pointed.

After seeing the scene in front of her clearly, her only drowsiness dissipated without a trace.

I saw that as the sunset faded, the five members of the yellow Su family gradually became blurred. When the sunset completely disappeared, they were only left with a faint light and shadow, but their figures could be vaguely seen, just like transparent people.

"It's so scary." Su Wai Wai hugged Su Xiaoer's neck tightly, exclaiming in a low voice.

What are these things?Why is it so strange? !

"I think it might be an illusion. It might disappear when the sky is completely dark." Xiao Ba said thoughtfully.

Chiba Mountain is indeed a bit weird, it looks very strange.

"Then let's wait." Su Waiwai immediately asked everyone to sit down and wait until it was dark before making plans.

Half an hour later, Xiao Ba's idea was confirmed, and the last bit of transparent influence disappeared without a trace after night fell.

The Su's family looked at each other in blank dismay, it turned out that this would drive away those things and cause them a false alarm.

At that moment, the Su family hurried on their way, intending to leave the ghostly place of Qianye Mountain.

It was not until the early hours of the morning that they slowed down.

At this time, it was dawn again.

"Little San, why does your complexion look so yellow?" Xiaoqing asked in puzzlement when she saw Xiao San.

Xiaosan replied angrily: "Aren't you just as nasty?!"

After the two beasts finished speaking, they suddenly felt something was wrong, and looked at their bodies at the same time, only to find that their skin was still turning yellow.

"It's over, it's over, we're possessed by those things!" Xiaosan turned pale with fright, and looked at the Su family who were all turning yellow.

(End of this chapter)

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