Chapter 1403 Lovelorn woman......

Su Waiwai looked at Huang Chengcheng's Su Xiaoer, then at Huang Chengcheng himself, and sighed silently: "If Master sees me like this, he will definitely turn around and run away. It's over, did our family commit too many crimes to become Is it like this now?!"

"Mother, hurry up and ask Susu, Susu is a know-it-all, maybe she has a solution." Su Xiaoer said calmly.

It's useless to worry now, it's better to ask Susu first, if they can get rid of this yellow body.

How ugly would it be if it became a golden man?he does not like.

"That's right, I forgot about Susu." Suwaiwai hurriedly walked aside, and asked loudly to her stomach: "Susu, come out, I have something to ask you."

Su Su responded shortly, and Su Waiwai continued to ask: "We went to a place called Qianye Mountain, and then met a group of five members of the Su family who looked the same as us, but they were yellow..."

Su Wai Wai said all kinds of strange things like this, and finally waited for Su Su's answer.

Su Su pondered for a moment before replying: "Mount Qianye should have a kind of magical power. If the master wants to return to normal, he should go back to Mount Qianye and find out the truth."

"It's nothing to say. By the way, Susu, let me ask you, are you sure that I am your master? I mean, how can you be sure that I am the reincarnation of Peach Blossom Fairy?" Su Waiwai's last question, He deliberately lowered his voice.

It's a pity that the four children of Su's family all pricked up their ears to eavesdrop, taking Su Wai Wai's question into their hearts.

They looked at each other, and they knew that the mistress of the Su family still cared about her problem.

"Master has a special immortal energy, unique, I can't admit it wrong." Susu replied with certainty.

"So that's the case, but have you ever thought that maybe there are two people in this world who are so similar, and I happen to have the fairy spirit of Peach Blossom Fairy in me?" Su Waiwai was disappointed when she heard this answer.

Su Su was startled when she heard the words, never thought of this possibility.

"That's right, you can't answer, I suddenly feel that I am not a Peach Blossom Fairy at all, all of you have misunderstood someone." Su Wai Wai looked at her yellow self.

Maybe becoming like this can be the best excuse for being abandoned by Bei Yueluo.At the very least, Bei Yueluo didn't abandon her because she wasn't a Peach Blossom Fairy.

Su Wai Wai was stunned in place, as if petrified.

Xiaosan watched anxiously from the side, leaned forward and reminded in a low voice: "Master, shouldn't it be time for us to leave?!"

"Let's do it like this from now on." Su Wai Wai replied calmly.

The fourth primary school of the Su family was dumbfounded when they heard this, and asked in unison: "What?!"

Did they get it wrong?They will be like this in the future, how can they live without being laughed to death?
"If this is God's will, it's hard to violate God's will, isn't it?" Su Wai Wai replied calmly.

The fourth child of the Su family suddenly slumped his shoulders.

This lovelorn woman's thoughts are different, she can have such thoughts.

In the end, everyone looked at Su Xiaoer unanimously and asked him to persuade him.Su Xiaoer coughed lightly, then squeezed to Su Waiwai's side and said, "Mother, don't be so pessimistic. Mother has finally become a great beauty, how can she give up her beauty for the sake of a man? Mother always said that a woman pleases herself Zhe Rong, I now feel that this is too true.”

"That's reasonable. But I will be abandoned at that time, and if people say it's because of Peach Blossom Fairy, then I will lose face?" Su Waiwai sighed as she spoke, and could imagine her pessimistic future.

(End of this chapter)

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