Chapter 1416 Demon King's Lair
"You came to see me on purpose?" Su Fu narrowed his eyes half-closed, looking at Su's crooked smile like a flower, his expression unpredictable.

How could this woman come to see him for no reason?Every time I see him, I can't avoid him, but this time there is something wrong with the decision.

"Of course, I definitely didn't drop by to see you." Su Wai Wai made a grimace at Su Fu.

A smile flashed in Su Fu's eyes, and his long arms naturally touched the woman's fragrant shoulders.

Su Waiwai subconsciously wanted to push her away, but thinking of her original intention of coming here, she resisted the urge to kick Su Fu and let Su Fu get close to her.

She found that she still doesn't like getting too close to people, especially these men...

"Waiwai is getting cuter and cuter." Seeing that Su Waiwai didn't push him away, Su Fu smiled from ear to ear.

This sentence is his truth.

Su Waiwai showed a beautiful smile: "That's right, I'm the cutest woman in the world, don't you know this fact?"

"I knew it a long time ago. It's just that when I saw you this time, I thought you were cuter than before. Wai Wai, I will live in my Thousand Flowers Valley from now on, don't leave." Su Fu said on Su Wai Wai Wai's pink face Squeeze it lightly.

Before this woman returned to normal, he had to get closer to this woman.When this woman returns to the difficult way she used to be, it will be difficult for him to even touch the corner of her clothes.

Especially Su's family has four children...

The fourth elementary school of the Su family's eyes were all fixed on Su Fu's unruly hands, if their gaze could kill, the Su family's fourth elementary school had already killed thousands of times by the fourth elementary school of Su's family.

Xiao San didn't like Su Fu taking advantage of his mistress very much, so he rushed between Su Wai Wai and Su Fu, trying to separate them.

"Little San, you are getting uglier and uglier." Su Fu looked at Xiao San displeased.Not only is it getting uglier and uglier, but it is also becoming more and more nosy and unlikable.

"Boss Su is the same, he is getting uglier and less likable." Xiao San sarcastically said, leaning on Su Fu's crooked arm, and throwing a big smile at Su Fu.

Xia Hou is better than Su Fu, they take it for granted that Xia Hou takes advantage of Su, but Su Fu can't.

"Waiwai, look at your mistress, he's not pleasant to talk to, just take care of him." Su Fu didn't bother to pay attention to mistress, and complained directly to Su Wawai.

Su Waiwai was looking at the beauties around her, and she saw all of them with a demonic look, all dressed up in fancy dress.They are probably fairies, so they look particularly gorgeous.

"Way, instead of looking at these women, you should look at me more. Don't you think I'm getting more and more beautiful? I think you and I are a natural match. Why don't you marry me?" Su Fu With a genuine smile, he quickly put on his long and crooked shoulders.

Su Wai Wai paused, smiled lightly and opened her lips: "If this is a marriage proposal, then you were too insincere when you proposed. It's no wonder who would marry you."

The fourth child of the Su family breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, fortunately Su Waiwai was not too outrageous, knowing that a man like Su Fu could not be entrusted to him for life.

"This time it's just a small test. I'm completely relieved to hear what you said. Don't worry, I won't let you down next time. Wai Wai, go this way, go to my ***, you will like it Come on, even love it to death, I won't leave in the future!" Su Fu said again with a smile.

Su Wai Wai smiled: "Knowing that you are a prostitute, how dare I go in and die? It's not because I'm full." Su Fu is a real person, and he dared to say that his place is a prostitute. .

(End of this chapter)

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