Chapter 1417 The Palace Becomes a Zoo

In the end, Su Wawai was brought to his "***" by Su Fu.

Built of gold and jade, this palace is extravagant, hundreds of times more magnificent than Xiahou's palace.

"You know how to live. You actually live in such a luxurious place. The gold and jade I have seen in my life are not as much as your palace." Su Waiwai looked at it with envy and hatred, and really hoped that this was his territory. .

"To be happy in life is to be happy, why not be nicer to yourself? According to me, you and Beiyue are in the same sky, you might as well take advantage of your beauty now, and throw yourself into my arms when I don't despise you. Beiyue Yue Luo must have found a new love, if you stick to him, it will be too bad!" Su Fu took the opportunity to poach a corner, hook Su Wai's slender waist, and showed her a charming smile.

There are many women who like him, but he still feels that this woman Su Waiwai is right for him.If she hadn't approached her purposefully that day, this woman would have had a prejudice against him, maybe he would be the winner in the end, and it would not be Bei Yueluo's turn.

Su Waiwai pretended to be contemplative, and after a long time she opened her lips and recovered a bright smile: "Your words make sense, maybe I can try."

As soon as she said this, Su Fu was frightened a lot.

He looked at Su Wai Wai in horror, and mumbled, "Wai Wai, are you alright?!"

"It's not my turn if you die of illness." Su Waiwai squinted and smiled, and ran into the palace.

She walked around, and quickly went to the direction of the dormitory, found the right location, and under Su Fu's attention, ran to the couch and lay down.

With a thought in his mind, Su Fu also wanted to lie down and have a close contact with Su Wai Wai.

Unexpectedly, Su Waiwai suddenly raised his voice: "All the children of Su's family, come and lie down on the big bed of the Demon King. Such a good opportunity will never be repeated!"

As soon as she finished speaking, a bunch of spirit beasts ran onto the couch and lay down one by one.

Su Fu suddenly felt that his favorite couch on weekdays had suddenly become a zoo, and it was still occupied by animals surnamed Su.

Xiaosan rolled on it a few times, and said loudly, "It's not uncomfortable to lie down at all."

Xiaoqing felt the same: "It's not as comfortable as my floor bed, the master said, is it?"

Su Xiaoer laughed: "Even if this is the truth, don't say it in front of Brother Su. Brother Su will be sad. Let's not do such immoral things."

"Master's words are so true, applaud!" Xiao Qing took the lead in clapping, and the rest of the Su family followed suit, applauding vigorously.

Su Wai Wai got off the couch, and stood side by side with the ugly Su Fu, smiling like a flower: "Seeing that there are so many oil bottles in my house, are you still interested in me?"

Su Fu's expression was a bit stiff: "There is still a little interest. Wai Wai, can you disband them like this? I really can't stand them always around you!"

"If you want to get rid of my mistress, unless the world is destroyed! Master, Boss Su is a heartless person, not as good as Boss Xia, why don't we go to Boss Xia. Even if Master wants to remarry, he can't consider a bad man like Boss Su!" Xiaosan Hearing it clearly, his first reaction was to yell at Su Fu.

Hearing this, Su Fu frowned, wiped his face, and said in a hoarse voice: "Wai Wai, you are good at everything, but the fourth child of Su's family is too much to bear. In fact, I am much better than Xia Hou, I just..."

No matter what, as soon as he sees these four guys who can only make trouble, he feels that the future is dark, and there is no bright future for Su Wai Wai.

(End of this chapter)

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