Chapter 1451 Enrage the Demon King: Trapped in Thousand Flowers Valley (2)

Xiaoqing nodded in agreement, thinking that Xiaosan's words made sense.

As if no one around the two beasts talked about Su Wai Wai's sins, Su Wai Wai became angrier the more he heard it, and shouted at the two spirit beasts: "Are you finished?!"

Only then did Xiao Qing and Xiao San stop talking, and followed Su Wai Wai back to the other garden.

From this day on, the Su family was trapped in the Valley of Thousand Flowers, unable to go anywhere.

Su Fu didn't show up either.After waiting for ten days, Su Waiwai couldn't sit still anymore, and planned to have a good talk with Su Fu.

Unexpectedly, she searched the whole Valley of Thousand Flowers and found no trace of Su Fu, that is to say, Su Fu deliberately wanted to avoid her.

"It seems that Boss Su wants to trap the master in the Valley of Thousand Flowers for the rest of his life, and the master has committed crimes again." Xiaosan sighed while gnawing on the elixir.

Su Waiwai glanced back at Xiaosan, feeling that this thing talks too much to be tiresome.

"It's useless for the master to stare at me. The master's beauty trick is overused. Boss Su made such a bad plan because he can't live without the master. Actually, I don't see what is good about the master. I really don't know what those men are attracted to the master." Xiaosan said again with a smile.

If it were him, he wouldn't like a rude woman like Su Wawai.

"Little San, I don't think any woman will look at you in this life. With your virtue, you are unmatched ugly, lazy, and full of problems. A woman will take a detour if she sees you!" Su Waiwai sneered back, the more you The more I look at this thing, the more I feel that he is not pleasing to the eye.

"Master is stingy, this is a personal attack." Xiao San retorted unhappily.

What's so ugly about him, isn't it just that his face is rounder and his body is rounder?

"Master, mother, these are all the truth, not a personal attack. Xiao San, it will be very difficult for you to find a woman in the future. With your body shape and this face..." Before Xiaoqing finished speaking, Xiao San twisted her hips, indignant run away.

"I'm getting more and more like a woman, and I'm still twisting my hips. Maybe in the future, I will transform into a woman!" Xiao Qing joked as she watched Xiao San leave.

Su Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai sat for a while before saying: "What should we do now? Should we practice in seclusion here?!"

"Mother, I don't think it's right. This is Brother Su's territory. If Brother Su holds a grudge and sabotages our practice, wouldn't we be in vain?" Su Xiaoer shook his head and replied.

"It makes sense. It seems that we still have to leave Thousand Flowers Valley. How about we go to Su Fu together and negotiate with him. If he wants to avoid me for the rest of his life, wouldn't I have to be stuck here and unable to get out?" As Su Wai Wai said, she pulled herself together and led a group of people out of the other garden, looking for Su Fu's trace separately.

Piansheng searched for it all day, but he didn't see Sufu at all.

After two days, the same result.

Su Waiwai has no choice but to frown all day long, if this continues, she will suffocate to death in the Valley of Thousand Flowers.

"Xiao Ba, you are the smartest, think of a way." Su Wai Wai looked at the most beautiful man in the Su family.

Xiao Ba pondered for a while, Fang Qi said: "I still have to use the master's beauty trick. Boss Su is powerful, and the master is looking for it. Even if Boss Su stands in front of the master, the master can't find it. The only way is to Let Boss Su show himself."

"For example, it sounds nice." Xiao San looked at Xiao Ba's face jealously, if only this face was his own, he would not be discriminated against.

"Master, why not go on a hunger strike or pretend to be sick!" Xiao Ba bit the bullet and said a way.

(End of this chapter)

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