Chapter 1452 Enrage the Demon King: Trapped in Thousand Flowers Valley (3)

"The hunger strike is very bitter, I'd better pretend to be sick." Su Waiwai said and walked towards the dormitory.

The fourth child of Su's family spread the news of Su Waiwai's illness in Qianhua Valley the next day, and it didn't take long for Su Fu to hear about it.

"A woman surnamed Su will get sick? I don't believe it!" Su Fu replied with a sneer when he heard about it.

The servant girl replied respectfully after hearing the words: "My servant heard that Miss Su was bored and sighed all day long. The first one was fine, but the other one couldn't get out of the bed yesterday. She must be seriously ill. Do you want to take care of me?" Go and see what's going on?!"

"She's dead. I'm happy to be at ease. What are you doing to see her?" Su Fu opened his mouth coldly.

For a heartless woman like Su Waiwai, if she dies, there will be one less disaster, and he will not have to worry about this woman from now on, why not do it?
"Master likes Miss Su so much, how willing?" The servant girl raised her eyebrows and snickered.

Everyone in Qianhua Valley knows that Su Fu likes Su Wai Wai from the bottom of his heart, and no woman has ever been pampered by Su Fu.Ever since Su Waiwai came to Thousand Flowers Valley, Su Fu has been smiling every day, and he is in a very good mood every day.

Since Su Fu stopped smiling, it was also because Su Waiwai was leaving the Valley of Thousand Flowers.

All the demon king's joys, anger, sorrows and joys are tied to Su Waiwai, if he says he doesn't care, who will believe it?

"The king likes a lot of women, but I don't like the one named Su. Don't mention the woman named Su in front of the king in the future, it's annoying!" Su Fu said and left the other garden, breaking up to relax.

Maybe we should find more beauties to pass the day, otherwise, if we are bored in the room, bored like a woman surnamed Su, wouldn't it be worth the candle?

Thinking of Su Wai Wai, Su Fu paused.It took him a while to regain his composure, shake off his thoughts, and plan to wander around.

When he regained his composure, he found that he was near the other garden where Su's family lived.

He turned around and was about to leave, but when he turned around, he was startled by the person standing behind him.

"Xiao Ba, do you want to die?!" Su Fu roared at Xiao Ba.

"Since Boss Su is here, let's take a look at the master. The master hasn't eaten two meals, and he is sickly and unconscious. I have never seen the master in such a miserable state." Xiaoba said, his eyebrows and eyes darkened.

He is really not good at acting, but you can't count on Xiaosan and Xiaoqing.In desperation, I had to do it myself, hoping that my acting skills were not bad.

"She committed too many crimes, and she got her retribution! She deserves her death, and there will be one less disaster in the world!" Even though Su Fu said that, he glanced in the direction of Bieyuan, a little worried that Su Waiwai was really going to play tricks.

"It's true, I'm afraid that the master will disappear, and everyone who hates her and loves her can be relieved..." Xiao Ba said, sighed, and went to the other garden.

Seeing Xiao Ba's decadent back, Su Fu's heart shuddered.Could it be that Su Wai Wai is really sick?As for Xiaoba, what does it look like if a relative has died at home? !

Startled for a while, Su Fu unknowingly followed Xiao Ba into the other garden.

Seeing this, Xiaoqing and Xiaosan, who were peeping not far away, said Xiaoba was sinister.He also said that his acting skills are not good, and he managed to deal with such an awkward man as Su Fu in one shot. Such acting skills are not even as good as Huadan.

Su Fu went to Su Wai Wai's bedroom unknowingly, and saw the woman lying sickly on the couch, with pale lips and blue face, she looked like a scary female ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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