Chapter 1484 Liancheng's Heart (20)

Ten days later, Baili Liancheng still had no plans to leave, so Su Waiwai couldn't help asking: "Liancheng, when are you leaving?!"

Baili Liancheng always dangles in front of her, isn't it tempting her to commit a crime?She was most afraid that one day, when she was infatuated with ghosts, she would suddenly disembowel Baili Liancheng and take out his heart to make alchemy.

Su Waiwai couldn't help shivering at the thought of the terrible scene that might appear in the future.

"No rush." ​​Baili Liancheng replied with a faint smile.

"You're not in a hurry, I'm in a hurry. You'd better go quickly, I'm really afraid of you." Su Wai Wai replied with a bitter face.

If possible, she would like to ask this man to stay away from her.But, she can't do such a shameful thing.

"It's fine if I'm not afraid of you." Baili Liancheng smiled lightly and opened his lips, patting Su Wai Wai Wai Wai's cute little head.

Su Waiwai patted Baili Liancheng's hand away, corrected his complexion, and said word by word: "I beg you, you leave my house quickly, I can't practice seriously while you are here!"

This is the truth.Now that she sees Baili Liancheng, she still has some expectations, which is not a good sign.

"Let's talk. Wai Wai, do you feel that it's particularly cold today?" Baili Liancheng asked quietly, changing the subject.

Su shook her head, as long as Baili Liancheng was in front of her, she would not feel anything.

"Feel it carefully, it's really cold." Baili Liancheng stretched out his hand, then frowned: "The air is also cold, a bit gloomy..."

"Yeah, I can feel the wind blowing." Xiaosan suddenly appeared and continued.

Su Waiwai laughed when he heard the words: "What are you talking about, the wind is blowing? As for being so exaggerated. Even if it is a ghost, it is impossible to haunt during the day, right?!"

"That's not necessarily true. If it's the ghost king, it might appear during the day." Xiao San replied noncommittally.

If it's Ye Qing, you can show up whenever you want, right?

"As for Ye Qing, he will definitely never see me in this life, and I made him miserable that time." Mentioning Ye Qing, Su Wei smiled.

That time Ye Qing almost didn't pack her directly back to the human world, indeed because of her, the ghost domain was messed up.

"Master, it's terrible!!" Xiaoqing's voice sounded in the room, listening to his voice, it was like seeing a ghost.

Su Wai Wai frowned when she heard the words, and replied softly: "If the sky falls and you are blocking it, what are you afraid of?!"

"Master, mother, I really saw a ghost!" Xiaoqing ran out of the room as she said, and came to Su Wai Wai in an instant.

Su Wai Wai looked in the direction Xiao Qing pointed, and saw a man in black robe standing at the door of her house, with his back to the door, like a god.

"Ye Qing?" Surprised, Su Waiwai ran up to the man and pulled him around twice. Isn't this the Ghost King Ye Qing?Why did this guy show up all of a sudden?
Ye Qing looked up and down from Su Wai Wai, and said softly: "Have you seen enough?!"

"Why are you here?" Su Wai Wai asked without answering.

The last time Ye Qing came to her to settle accounts, this time looking for her, will he seek her bad luck again? !

"Do you think I'd like to come to the human world? This place is not good at all, not half as good as my ghost domain." Ye Qing replied coldly, pushing away Su's crooked little hand.

He couldn't stand this woman's initiative and enthusiasm even if he was so close to him.

"It's not good, you still come? I don't like your Huangquan, there is no normal person!" Su Waiwai retorted disdainfully.

(End of this chapter)

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