Chapter 1485 Liancheng's Heart (21)

"Damn woman, will you die if you don't say a word?!" Ye Qing directly rewarded Su with a slap.

Not to be outdone, Su Waiwai kicked Ye Qing twice.

Ye Qing glared at Su Wai Wai angrily, Su Wai Wai stared at her beautiful eyes, and stared back, the two stared and stared at each other, directly fighting each other with their eyes.

"The eyes can also quarrel, I admire it." Xiaosan concluded from the side, looking back and forth curiously at the men and women standing at the door with big eyes and small eyes.

"Don't say a few words, or you will suffer." Xiaoqing reminded Xiaosan.

Su Wai Wai and Ye Qing heard it, and then felt that their behavior was a bit childish.They looked at each other and looked away at the same time.

"Do you know that when you come, my whole room is full of your strong Yin Qi? Ye Qing, don't come next time, and leave with me immediately when you come back." Su Waiwai spoke again, still speaking Not pleasant.

What's the use of being good-looking in a man, like Ye Qing, who is more beautiful than a woman, at least she is a little inferior in front of Ye Qing.

Ye Qing sneered when he heard that, he had never seen a more boring woman than Su Wai Wai.

He just came, and this woman actually wanted to drive him away. How can there be such a reason?

"You let me go, but I won't go." Ye Qing rudely pushed Su Wai Wai away, ran into Su Wai Wai's bedroom, fell on her couch, and hugged Su Wai Wai at the same time. The square pillow she used to sleep on looked like a gentleman.

Su Waiwai was dumbfounded, and said angrily: "It's a sinister aura after you've slept through it. Ye, get up for me and get out of my house!!"

It's impossible to be nice to Ye Qing, this is all forced by Ye Qing.

"Don't get lost, this bedroom will be mine from now on. Wai Wai, you are my ghost king's little maid, treat me better as my master, I will spare you!" Ye Qing rolled comfortably on the bed two laps.

It smelled so bad, but it wasn't bad, he could barely smell it.

"I'm so pissed off. Little San Xiaoqing, you guys pull this thing off my couch and watch the noise!" Su Waiwai waved his hand, making room for Xiao Xiaoqing and Xiao San to fight Ye Qing together.

The room quickly became very hot, Su Waiwai yelled at the side, and then went out to bask in the sun.

Baili Liancheng followed closely behind, and sat down beside Su Waiwai, looking at Su Waiwai's little face with a half-smile.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Su Waiwai murmured after Baili Liancheng looked at her with hair hair.

"You have made love in your life, that's why you provoke so many men. Wai Wai, this is your fate. It's okay if you don't get married, at least I can stay by your side justifiably." Baili Liancheng smiled lightly. lip.

He no longer has too much extravagant hope, he only hopes to stay by Su Wai Wai's side for a longer time.

Even if he didn't do anything, just looking at this woman like this, he felt very happy.

"It's strange to say that even my alchemy has something to do with you. I really wonder if God is deliberately punishing me." Su Wai Wai murmured softly.

If her cultivation had not really improved greatly after taking those pills, she would seriously suspect that there was something tricky in it.

But the fact is that the six-turn pills and seven-turn pills she refined have very good effects, and they are by no means in vain.

"Maybe your alchemy set has already broken your destiny, so it's not surprising that it has something to do with us." Baili Liancheng replied with a light smile.

Su Waiwai was startled when he heard the words: "What do you mean?" Could it be that, as Xiao San said, Baili Liancheng really knew that Ba Zhuan Dan had something to do with his heart?
(End of this chapter)

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