Chapter 1486 Liancheng's Heart (22)

"Waiwai, if you want my heart, just take it, I don't mind what you do with it at all." Baili Liancheng replied with a straight face.

This is what he said from the bottom of his heart, if he could do something for this woman, he would be very happy.

"Why are you talking nonsense all of a sudden?" Su Waiwai said, intentionally or unintentionally avoiding Baili Liancheng's eyes.

Damn it, Baili Liancheng really came here for her, he even knew that one day she would use his heart?
But no matter how cruel and heartless she is, she can't use this man's heart, right? !
"Early before you went to find Su Fu, I knew that one day you would use my heart, just because I had read the alchemy collection, knew what you wanted, and knew that this day would come sooner or later. , I'm not joking." Bai Lilian said every single word.

Su Wai Wai frowned slightly, and replied in a cold voice: "Do you think I will kill you for a mere rank eight pill? Liancheng, do I look like such a vicious person?!"

"That's not what I mean. I mean, I want to help you. Besides, I'm a Demon Lord, so I can't be gone easily. If..." Baili Liancheng's voice paused.

If Su Waiwai one day eats the Rank Eight Pill forged with his heart, can he leave a place in this woman's heart?Even a little bit can make him feel relieved?
"Nothing. This matter is over, don't mention it again, I don't like to hear it." Su Waiwai turned her head and left after speaking.

Baili Liancheng watched Su Waiwai walk away and wanted to catch up, but he was afraid that Su Waiwai would get angry, so in the end he did nothing and watched Su Waiwai leave.

"Baili Liancheng, forget it, she can't possibly like you." Ye Qing's voice suddenly sounded behind Baili Liancheng.

Baili Liancheng turned his head, looked at Ye Qing and asked, "How did you end up in the human world?"

Ye Qing doesn't want to go to the Three Treasure Hall for nothing, so there must be nothing good for him to come.

"I was so bored in Huangquan, I went up and walked around to see how this woman Suwaiwai was doing. In the end, it was useless to watch, and I didn't make any progress." Ye Qing replied calmly.

"I don't think so. Who are you, Ghost King, and you want to do something big. If you come to the human world, there must be some reason why you can't see the light. Could it be that you came here for the wrong?" Baili Liancheng asked the question again without any trace. Orientation focus.

Ye Qing laughed: "You think too much."

He said walking away.

It was night, Su Waiwai went into the house after dinner early in the morning, when she saw Ye Qing lying in her room, she immediately returned to the Realm of Last Dream.

Immediately after the Space of Last Dream became cloudy, Su Waiwai didn't need to turn his head to know that it was Ye Qing who followed in.

"What exactly do you want? Do you know that once you come, the realm of Last Dream will become an ice cellar?!" Su Waiwai looked back at Ye Qing angrily and asked.

Ye Qing smiled: "I haven't seen you for a long time, won't you be gentler to me? How can you treat guests like you?!"

Fortunately, he made a special trip to the human world, thinking that after not seeing him for many years, Su Wai Wai would at least be more enthusiastic, but he didn't expect any surprises.

"Did you come to see me for something?" Su Waiwai asked leisurely, looking at Ye Qing suspiciously, always feeling that this person would not come out for no reason.

Ye Qing was uncomfortable seeing Su's crooked and clear beautiful eyes, turned his eyes back and said: "Didn't I come to see you just because I missed you? What could be the matter?"

"You're lying. You're clearly avoiding me, a troublemaker, so how could you automatically deliver it to your door?" Su Wai Wai sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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